单选题The Charterers to have option of using Owners’ bunker contracts. This sentence indicates that().AThe Charterers should sing new bunker contract with oil chandlersBThe Charterers can use the bunker contracts signed by the Owners with oil chandlersCThe Charterers shall not sign bunker contracts with oil chandlersDThe Charterers shall sign bunker contracts with oil chandlers

The Charterers to have option of using Owners’ bunker contracts. This sentence indicates that().

The Charterers should sing new bunker contract with oil chandlers


The Charterers can use the bunker contracts signed by the Owners with oil chandlers


The Charterers shall not sign bunker contracts with oil chandlers


The Charterers shall sign bunker contracts with oil chandlers


解析: 暂无解析


______ have the option to exercise the option.A.Only option sellersB.Only option buyersC.Both the option sellers and buyersD.Only the exchanges

The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to __________.A.ShippersB.CharterersC.ConsignersD.Consignees

The ______ to have the option of subletting the Vessel,but the original Charterers always to remain responsible to the Owners for due performance of the Charter.A.CharterersB.OwnersC.Neither Charterers nor OwnersD.Either Charterers or Owners

Stevedores and tallymen to be arranged by the Charterers in loading and discharging,who shall be considered as the _______ servants and subject to the orders and directions of the Master.A.Charterers'B.Owners'C.Neither Charterers' nor Owners'D.Either Charterers' or Owners'

All loss of time and expenses(excluding any damage to or loss of the Vessel)_______ in saving or attempting to save life and in unsuccessful attempts at salvage shall be borne equally by Owners and Charterers.A.OccurredB.HappenedC.AppearedD.Incurred

In any event Owners shall not for any reason or for any purpose send the Vessel to call ports of Taiwan _______ the consent of Charterers be first obtained.A.ExceptB.BesidesC.Rather thanD.Unless

The Charterers to have the privilege of putting one/two of their Representatives on board the Vessel,who shall accompany the Vessel and see that the voyages are prosecuted with utmost _______.A.DispatchB.FastnessC.SpeedingD.Swiftness

The Owners let,and the Charterers _______ the Vessel for a Period of six(6)calendar months(exact period at Charterers' option)commencing from the time of delivery of the Vessel.A.borrowB.useC.hireD.rent

Vessel shall be placed at the _______ of the Charterers in such dock or at such berth or place as the Charterers may direct.A.DisposalB.ControlC.OperationD.Option

In accordance with Bareboat Charter,______ and the mortgagee(s)advised of the intended employment,planned dry-docking and major repairs of the Vessel,as reasonably required.A.the Charterers shall keep the OwnersB.the Charterers shall keep the ShippersC.the Owners shall keep the CharterersD.the Owners shall keep the Shippers

In Bareboat Charter,the Owners and Charterers shall ______ appoint surveyors for the purpose of determining and agreeing in writing the condition of the Vessel at the time of delivery and redelivery hereunder.A.eachB.jointlyC.severallyD.both together


All fumigations required because of cargoes carried or ports visited are to be under _______ account.A.Owners'B.Consigners'C.Consignees'D.Charterers'

翻译:In the event the demurrage is not paid in accordance with the above, the Owners shall give the Charterers 96 running hours written notice to rectify the failure. If the demurrage is not paid at the expiration of this time limit and if the vessel is in or at the loading port, the Owners are entitled at any time to terminate the Charter Party and claim damages for any losses caused thereby.

翻译:The Owners shall have the option to place the Vessel in drydock

How  can  a  directory  named  /dirl  be  excluded  during  a  restore  of  files backed  up  by  name  with  the  backup command()A、By using the restore -x option followed by /dirlB、By adding an entry in the /etc/restore.exclude fileC、By using the restore -i option to enter interactive mode and executing the command:delete /dirlD、By using the restore -i option when running restore to specify a text file containing ’/dirl1 as one of the  lines in it

You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. While granting a role,SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, to a user, Certkiller, using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control, you have cleared the DEFAULT check box. What will be the result?()A、The user cannot use the role at all.B、The role would not be granted to the user.C、The user needs to enable the role explicitly.D、The user can start using the role immediately.E、The user would have the admin option for the role.

A customer has installed a new computer on their network. They can print to the printer but the option for duplex printing is not available. All other computers have the option. Which of the following is the cause of the problem?()A、The new computer is printing to the wrong IP address.B、The new computer is using the wrong protocol.C、The driver port is not setup correctly.D、The option has not been selected on the driver.

单选题Where a clause in a charter-party stated Charterers to have full use of the ship’s gear as on board,it was held()this did not imply that the Charterers were to be responsible for stowage.AwhenBwhereCwhichDthat

单选题Whlie the new health insurance regulations may be onerous for large corporations, it can potentially be disastrous for small business owners, who in many cases will have to lay off employees in order to pay for the extended coverage.Ait can potentially be disastrous for small business owners, whoBthey are potential disasters for small business owners, sinceCpotentially they will be disastrous for small business owners, whomDfor small business owners it is a potential disaster,becauseEthey are potentially disastrous for small business owners, who

单选题A customer has installed a new computer on their network. They can print to the printer but the option for duplex printing is not available. All other computers have the option. Which of the following is the cause of the problem?()AThe new computer is printing to the wrong IP address.BThe new computer is using the wrong protocol.CThe driver port is not setup correctly.DThe option has not been selected on the driver.

单选题The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to().AShippersBCharterersCConsignersDConsignees

问答题翻译:The Owners shall have the option to place the Vessel in drydock

单选题The Charterers shall have the privilege to ship dangerous cargo in accordance with()Code or any competent authorities’ regulations,as applicable.AIMDGBHagueCSOLASDMARPOL

单选题()payment of the hire the Owners may withdraw the Vessel from the service of Charterers,without prejudice to any claim Owners may otherwise have on Charterers under this Charter.AIn the event ofBIn default ofCIn spite ofDIn respect of

单选题According to Gencon,if at any time during the currency of this Charter,both Owners and Charterers are unable to arrange bunkers at the main bunkering ports for the voyage in question,the()to have the privilege of canceling this Charter.ACharterersBOwnersCboth Charterers and OwnersDneither Charterers nor Owners

单选题The Charterers to have option of using Owners’ bunker contracts. This sentence indicates that().AThe Charterers should sing new bunker contract with oil chandlersBThe Charterers can use the bunker contracts signed by the Owners with oil chandlersCThe Charterers shall not sign bunker contracts with oil chandlersDThe Charterers shall sign bunker contracts with oil chandlers

问答题翻译:In the event the demurrage is not paid in accordance with the above, the Owners shall give the Charterers 96 running hours written notice to rectify the failure. If the demurrage is not paid at the expiration of this time limit and if the vessel is in or at the loading port, the Owners are entitled at any time to terminate the Charter Party and claim damages for any losses caused thereby.