单选题A user is unable to determine the default system texteditor. How can the local administrator assist the user by identifying the default text editor for the system?()ALogin as the user and run 'echo $ENV'.BLogin as root and run the 'env' command.CLogin as root and 'cat /etc/environment'.DLogin as the user and run the 'env' command.

A user is unable to determine the default system texteditor. How can the local administrator assist the user by identifying the default text editor for the system?()

Login as the user and run 'echo $ENV'.


Login as root and run the 'env' command.


Login as root and 'cat /etc/environment'.


Login as the user and run the 'env' command.


解析: 暂无解析


A user is unable to reach the Internet. The technician asks the user to do an IPCONFIG /all. The userreports that their IP address is, subnet mask is, and their default gateway is Which of the following is the cause of the problem?()A. Default gatewayB. Network cableC. Subnet maskD. CNAME record

An administrator needs to determine what the default run level of a system is.  Which command would be used()A、Isitab initB、telinit -dC、cat/etc/.init.stateD、init

What should an administrator do to set up a required role for a user id that will allow it to start/stop WPARs on the server?()A、On the desired WPAR:mkrole authorizations=aix.wpar.system newRole setkst -t role chuser roles=newRole default_roles=newRole user1B、On the global environment:mkrole authorizations=aix.wpar.system newRole setkst -t role chuser roles=newRole default_roles=newRole user1C、On the desired WPAR:Edit the /etc/security/authorizations file adding:‘newRole authorizations=aix.wpar.system’setkst -t role chuser roles=newRole default_roles=newRole user1D、On the global environment:Edit the /etc/security/authorizations file adding:‘newRole authorizations=aix.wpar.system’setkst -t role chuser roles=newRole default_roles=newRole user1

A user is unable to determine the default system text editor. How can the local administrator assist the user by identifying the default text editor for the system?()A、Login as the user and run ’echo $ENV’.B、Login as root and run the ’env’ command.C、Login as root and ’cat /etc/environment’.D、Login as the user and run the ’env’ command.

A user selects their proper domain and is unable to log into their Windows computer.The error states:‘System cannot log you on to the domain because the system’s computer account in its primary domain is missing or the password on that account is incorrect’.Which of the following is the MOST likely cause for this error?()A、The computer’s account was removed from Active Directory.B、The user’s account was removed from Active Directory.C、The computer was disjoined from the domain.D、The user typed in the wrong password.

On a Windows Vista system, the default location for user data is in which of the followinglocations?()A、C:/USERSB、C:/DOCUMENTS/DATAC、C:/DOCUMENTS/USERSD、C:/USERS/APPDATA

A user wants to upgrade to Windows 2000. Which of the following WINNT32 command switches can be run to determine whether the users computer and software is compatible with the new operating system?()A、CMDCOMSB、CHECKUPGRADEONLYC、COPYSOURCED、DUPREPARE

A system administrator is unable to unmount a file system. Which is the appropriate command to determine who or what is accessing the file system?()A、who /filesystemB、lsfs /filesystemC、fuser /filesystemD、umount -f /filesystem

A system administrator would like to modify the system default user characteristics so that each new user will now be assigned (by default) the csh shell rather than the ksh shell. Which of the following actions should be performed?()A、Run the command chlogin -shell "csh"B、Run the command mkuser -default "SHELL=csh"C、Edit /etc/passwd and change all "ksh" entries to "csh"D、Modify the contents of /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default file

You have just issued the command user@router# save current.conf.Assuming the default settings, where in the file system is current.conf saved?()A、/var/tmp/B、/var/config/saved/C、/var/home/user/D、/config/

A user is unable to reach the Internet. The technician asks the user to do an IPCONFIG /all. The userreports that their IP address is, subnet mask is, and their default gateway is Which of the following is the cause of the problem?()A、Default gatewayB、Network cableC、Subnet maskD、CNAME record

单选题Which of the following is the default location for user account files in Windows Vista?()AC:/windows/System32BC:/users/publicCC:/usersDC:/documents and settings

单选题What should an administrator do to set up a required role for a user id that will allow it to start/stop WPARs on the server?()AOn the desired WPAR:mkrole authorizations=aix.wpar.system newRole setkst -t role chuser roles=newRole default_roles=newRole user1BOn the global environment:mkrole authorizations=aix.wpar.system newRole setkst -t role chuser roles=newRole default_roles=newRole user1COn the desired WPAR:Edit the /etc/security/authorizations file adding:‘newRole authorizations=aix.wpar.system’setkst -t role chuser roles=newRole default_roles=newRole user1DOn the global environment:Edit the /etc/security/authorizations file adding:‘newRole authorizations=aix.wpar.system’setkst -t role chuser roles=newRole default_roles=newRole user1

单选题Which of the following is the default location for the User profiles folder in Windows 7?()AC:/UsersBC:/Program Files (x86)CC:/Documents and SettingsDC:/Windows/system32

单选题Which option is best practice for creating a recovery catalog owner in the catalog database?()A Granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on the SYSTEM tablespace to the ownerB Allocating the SYSTEM tablespace as the default tablespace and granting the SYSDBA privilege to the userC Creating a new tablespace,allocating this as the default, and granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on this tablespace to the userD Allocating the SYSAUX tablespace as the default tablespace and granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on this tablespace to the user

单选题Which option is best practice for creating a recovery catalog owner in the catalog database?()AGranting UNLIMITED QUOTA on the SYSTEM tablespace to the ownerBAllocating the SYSTEM tablespace as the default tablespace and granting the SYSDBA privilege to the userCCreating a new tablespace, allocating this as the default, and granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on this tablespace to the userDAllocating the SYSAUX tablespace as the default tablespace and granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on this tablespace to the user

单选题You execute the following set of commands to create a database user and to grant the system privileges in your production environment.  SQL CREATE USER user01  IDENTIFIED BY oracle DEFAULT TABLESPACE tbs1  TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp PROFILE default  /  SQL GRANT create session, create table TO user01; While executing the command to create a table, the user gets the following error message and the CREATE TABLE.. command fails.  ERROR at line 1: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace  What could be the possible reason for this error message?()AThe tablespace TBS1 is full.BThe user is not the owner of the SYSTEM tablespace.CThe user does not have quota on the TBS1 tablespace.DThe user does not have sufficient system privileges to create table in the TBS1 tablespace.EThe user does not have sufficient privileges to create table on the default permanent tablespace.

单选题The DBA is defining role for users. Which of the following is not an acceptable method for defining a default role?()AALTER USER DEFAULT ROLE ALLBALTER USER DEFAULT ROLE ALL EXCEPT ROLE_1CALTER USER DEFAULT ROLE NONEDALTER USER DEFAULT ROLE NONE EXCEPT ROLE_1

单选题You have just issued the command user@router# save current.conf.Assuming the default settings, where in the file system is current.conf saved?()A/var/tmp/B/var/config/saved/C/var/home/user/D/config/

单选题Which one of the following commands can be used to enable AAA authentication to determine if a user canaccess the privilege command level?()Aaaa authentication enable method defaultBaaa authentication enable defaultCaaa authentication enable levelDaaa authentication enable default local

单选题A user selects their proper domain and is unable to log into their Windows computer.The error states:‘System cannot log you on to the domain because the system’s computer account in its primary domain is missing or the password on that account is incorrect’.Which of the following is the MOST likely cause for this error?()AThe computer’s account was removed from Active Directory.BThe user’s account was removed from Active Directory.CThe computer was disjoined from the domain.DThe user typed in the wrong password.

单选题A user is unable to determine the default system texteditor. How can the local administrator assist the user by identifying the default text editor for the system?()ALogin as the user and run 'echo $ENV'.BLogin as root and run the 'env' command.CLogin as root and 'cat /etc/environment'.DLogin as the user and run the 'env' command.

单选题A user’s print jobs default to PRINTER_A.The user wants to change their default printer to PRINTER_B.How can the system administrator change the user’s default printer to PRINTER_B?()AExecute the command ’piobe -q PRINTER_B’BEdit the user’s stanza in the /etc/qconfig fileCExecute the command ’chuser -a QUEUE=PRINTER_B user’DAdd the line ’export PRINTER=PRINTER_B’ to the user’s .profile

单选题A user is unable to reach the Internet. The technician asks the user to do an IPCONFIG /all. The userreports that their IP address is, subnet mask is, and their default gateway is Which of the following is the cause of the problem?()ADefault gatewayBNetwork cableCSubnet maskDCNAME record

单选题You are using Resource Manager to manage system resources. While creating a new database user, you observe that the user is a member of DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP by default. What would be the implications of this?()AThe Resource Manager plan does not affect the user.BThere must be a plan directive in any of the plans of the group to control the resources.CThe members of the group DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP always have resource restrictions.DThe members of DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP are restrained from accessing the system tables.EThe members of this group can change their group without the database administrator’s intervention.