单选题We took usual steps:sounding the depth,reversing and stopping engine,paying out anchor and 60 fathoms of chain cable in the depth of 12 fathoms.The operation above is().AberthingBsearchingCanchoringDpicking up pilot

We took usual steps:sounding the depth,reversing and stopping engine,paying out anchor and 60 fathoms of chain cable in the depth of 12 fathoms.The operation above is().







picking up pilot


解析: 暂无解析


The purpose of the author in writing this passage isA. that, by banning the violent sports, we human beings can improve ourselvesB. that, by banning the dangerous sports, we can improve the lawC. that we must take positive steps to improve social welfare systemD. to show law is the main instrument of social change

We took ______ train to Wuhan, which arrived just as the sun rose. A. overnightB. midnightC. an overnightD. a overnight

It is the first time that we () such an interesting journey since we’ve been in college. A. took part inB. take part inC. would take party inD. have taken part in

We were in Paris for two days, so we took the ____ of visiting the Louver. A.chanceB.opportunityC.activityD.luck

_____that caused him to serve dinner two hours later than usual. A、It was we being late.B、It was our being late.C、It was we were too late.D、It was because we were late.

For larger sums we take legal steps to() the money. A、recoverB、discoverC、cover

For larger sums we take legal steps to()the money.A. coverB. recoverC. discover

We()two railway tickets online this Monday.A. lookedB. bookedC. took

We took our raincoats with us , but we didn't need them _____. A、after allB、at any rateC、all alongD、as a result

A good idea has just ____ to me that we can use the Internet to look for the information we want.A: occurredB: happenedC: took placeD: appeared

We are()receipt()your letter of March 18 offering us the goods()US$ 80 per dozen on the usual terms. A、of⋯of⋯onB、in⋯of⋯atC、in⋯of⋯forD、of⋯of⋯at

The height of tide is the ______.A.depth of water at a specific time due to tidal effectB.difference between the depth of the water and the area's tidal datumC.difference between the depth of the water and the high water tidal levelD.difference between the depth of the water at high tide and the depth of the water at low tide

Charted depth is the ______.A.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tideB.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottomC.average height of water over a specified period of timeD.average height of all low waters at a place

All echo-sounders can measure the ______.A.Actual depth of waterB.Actual depth of water below keelC.Average depth from waterline to hard bottomD.Average depth of water to soft bottom

When we read,we construct a mental _______ of the text in our minds,much as we do when we took at an area of land and create a mental map in our heads.A.representationB.imaginationC.interpretationD.identification

There wouldn’t be enough water for us if we didn’t_________.A.turn to the oceans for more waterB.reuse used water and make use of seawaterC.desalt seawaterD.take steps to reuse all water on earth

As usual,we are going to insure against()for 110% of the invoice value.A、orderB、All Risks and War RiskC、youD、shipment

单选题When anchoring,it is a common rule of thumb to use a length of chain().Afive to seven times the depth of waterBseven to ten times the depth of waterCtwice the depth of waterDtwice the depth of water plus the range of tide

单选题I took my daughter to the amusement park last Sunday. ______! We had together there.AWhat good timeBWhat a good timeCHow good timeDHow a good

单选题While we were on holiday, our neighbor took_____our house.Anotice ofBcare ofCafterDon

单选题We had to submit our project without a bibliography, because listing our sources would have took Jose and I another day to complete.Awould have took Jose and IBwould have taken Jose and ICwould have taken Jose and meDwould have took Jose and meEwould be taking Jose and me

多选题Given her usual need for attention, we were ______ when Carole celebrated her birthday quietly and alone.AperturbedBoptimisticCunconcernedDtaken abackEenlightenedFdumbfounded

单选题Charted depth is the ().Avertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tideBvertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottomCaverage height of water over a specified period of timeDaverage height of all low waters at a place

单选题All echo-sounders can measure the().Aactual depth of waterBactual depth of water below keelCaverage depth from waterline to hard bottomDaverage depth of water to soft bottom

单选题From the passage, we may conclude that the writer is _____.Aone of the organizers of the game for the disabledBa disabled person who once took part in the gamesCagainst holding the games for the disabledDin favor of holding the games for the disabled

单选题When anchoring a vessel under normal conditions,which scope of chain is recommended? ()AFour times the depth of waterBTwo and one-half times the depth of waterCFive to seven times the depth of waterDFifteen times the depth of water

单选题Riding on the swings(秋千)and playing with the ducks in the pond was our children's greatest pleasure when we took them to the park.AplayingBwasCchildren'sDthem