单选题In a diesel engine, exhaust valves open before the intake ports are uncovered to () Ⅰ.reduce pumping losses Ⅱ.reduce back pressureAⅠonlyBⅡonlyCbothⅠand ⅡDneitherⅠnor Ⅱ

In a diesel engine, exhaust valves open before the intake ports are uncovered to () Ⅰ.reduce pumping losses Ⅱ.reduce back pressure





bothⅠand Ⅱ


neitherⅠnor Ⅱ


解析: 暂无解析


The closing of the exhaust valves used on a modern, large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine may be directly provided by_______.A.large conical springsB.compressed air pressureC.hydraulic pressureD.exhaust gas pressure

Fuel is admitted to a diesel engine cylinder through the ______.A.injector nozzlesB.carburetorC.exhaust portsD.intake valves

单选题For an ordinary four-stroke diesel engine the exhaust valves close ().Aafter TDCBbefore TDCCafter BDCDbefore BDC

单选题Exhaust gases are generally removed from the cylinders of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine by()Anatural aspirationBmasked intake valvesCair cellsDscavenging air

单选题The function of the after-cooler installed between the turbocharger and intake manifold on some diesel engine, is to ()Aincrease the density of the intake airBdecrease turbocharger power usageCreduce exhaust gas temperatureDcompensate for turbocharger PRM fluctuations

单选题A diesel engine cylinder head can crack as a result of ()Aa leaking seal ringBheat transfer from exhaust valvesCrestricted cooling passagesDoverheated intake valves

单选题For an ordinary four-stroke engine the exhaust valves open ().Aafter TDCBbefore TDCCafter BDCDbefore BDC

单选题Air scavenging of a diesel engine cylinder()Ablows out the exhaust gasesBsupplies oxygen for combustionCcools the valves and cylinder wallsDall of the above

单选题In a four-stroke cycle diesel engine the intake valves open ()Abefore TDC and close after BDCBafter TDC and close after BDCCbefore TDC and close before BDCDafter TDC and close before BDC

单选题In a diesel engine, exhaust valves open before the intake ports are uncovered to () Ⅰ.reduce pumping losses Ⅱ.reduce back pressureAⅠonlyBⅡonlyCbothⅠand ⅡDneitherⅠnor Ⅱ

单选题Poor combustion in a diesel engine can be caused by ().Ahigh compression pressureBlow intake air temperatureClow exhaust pressureDhigh scavenge air temperature

单选题A diesel engine emits blue exhaust smoke as a result of()Acold intake airBexcessive compression pressureCexcessive cylinder lubricationDa light load

单选题The satisfactory operation of diesel engine exhaust valves usually depends on()Athe proper back pressureBthe cooling water temperatureCcorrect timing and proper seatingDaccurate metering and the exhaust temperature

单选题A dark exhaust from a running diesel engine can be caused by ()Alate ignitionBwater in the fuelChigh compression temperatureDstarting valve stuck open

单选题What is the purpose of the intake/exhaust valves in a diesel engine? ()AThey regulate the combustion cycleBThey supply cooling waterCThey synchronize the ignition sparkDThey supply and regulate the lubricant flow

单选题The intake valves in a diesel engine are reseated by ().Acam followersBpush rodsCcombustion gasesDvalve springs

单选题If the valve tappets in a diesel engine are set at greater clearances than those specified by the engine manufacturer, those valves will ()Aopen late and close earlyBopen late and close lateCfail to open when the engine is coldDfail to open at normal operating temperature

单选题Scavenging in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine occurs during the ().Alast part of the exhaust stroke, and the first part of the intake strokeBlast part of the intake stroke onlyCearly part of the injection stroke onlyDearly part of the power stroke

单选题A large two-stroke/cycle direct reversing diesel engine is to be reversedPrior to the admission of starting air you must ()Aline up the engine fore restarting with light diesel oilBreposition the fuel injection camCchange the intake and exhaust valve cam positionsDplace the starting cam in the intermediate position

单选题Diesel engine valve springs function to ()Ahold the valves openBkeep the valves off their seats until the exhaust stroke is completedCclose the valvesDopen inlet valves when the air injection cycle begins

单选题A naturally aspirated diesel engine at full throttle will have an intake manifold pressure ()Aslightly less than atmospheric pressureBapproximately equal to exhaust manifold pressure at all timesCthat is widely fluctuating constantlyDdecreasing as engine load increases

单选题A two-stroke/cycle diesel engine requires less starting air than a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, of equal displacement, because the two-stroke/cycle diesel engine()Ahas little or no internal frictionBhas a lower effective compression ratioCoperates with scavenge air under a positive pressureDoperates without energy absorbing intake and exhaust strokes

单选题Which of the following conditions can cause above normal air temperature to develop in the intake manifold of a four-stroke/cycle turbo-charged diesel engine?()AClogged air intake faltersBPiston blow-byCA defective after-coolerDFaulty exhaust valves

单选题The process of scavenging a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine serves to()Aimprove fuel flow volumeBcool the exhaust valvesCreduce the intake air charge densityDincrease the temperature of exhaust gases

单选题In comparison to exhaust valves, intake valves of diesel engines may be fabricated from low alloy steels because ().Athe beveled edges of the intake valves provide for serf-centering during seatingBintake valves utilize stellite-coated valve seat inserts which reduce wearCthe volume of air passing through intake valves is less than the volume of air passing through exhaust valvesDintake valves are less affected to the corrosive action of exhaust gases

单选题An indication of a diesel engine air intake being partially clogged, is ().Alow firing pressure and low exhaust temperaturesBlow firing pressure and normal exhaust temperaturesChigh firing pressure and low exhaust temperaturesDhigh firing pressure and high exhaust temperatures

单选题A turbocharged, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine has a larger valve overlap than a naturally aspirated four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, in order to in crease the ().Atemperature of the exhaust gasesBenergy supplied to the turbochargerCair pressure to the intake manifoldDpurge of exhausted gases from the cylinders

单选题In a turbocharged four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the exhaust valve remains open until after top dead center and the intake valve opens before top dead center to().Aproduce a scavenging effect in the combustion spaceBequalize cylinder and exhaust manifold pressuresCalleviate the difference in valve size between the intake and exhaustDflush out condensate that collects after each compression stroke