单选题Your wish to go for a walk does not justify()the baby alone in the house.AleavingBhaving leftCto leaveDto have left

Your wish to go for a walk does not justify()the baby alone in the house.



having left


to leave


to have left


解析: 暂无解析


He didn’t go to the party, but he does wish he ______ there. (A) had been(B) has been(C) would have been(D) would be

Crime Prevention Initiatives The chances that you will be a victim of violent crime are low. But you can avoid risk in the following ways. AT HOME - You should make sure your house or flat is secure. Always lock the door from the inside at night, but you must keep the key nearby, so that you can use it to get out quickly if there is a fire. - You must never give keys to workmen as they can easily make copies. - If you wake up and hear a burglar, stay quietly in bed. Pretend you are asleep. If you feel more confident, switch on the light and make a lot of noiseeven if you are on your own you should call out loudly to an imaginary companion, so that the burglar thinks you are not alone and runs away. You should have a phone or a mobile in your bedroom to alert the police immediately. - If you come home and think you see signs of a break-in, you shouldn't go in, the burglar may be inside. You should go to a neighbour and call the police. ON THE STREET At night: - Always walk facing the traffic, so that a car cannot pull up behind you. - You mustn't go through parks or woods. - If you think someone is following you, cross the road one or two times. If he or she continues to follow you, go to a pub or other public place. - Always carry your bag close to you, but carry your house keys in your pocket so that you can open the door quickly. If someone attacks you - remember your safety is more important than your property.1). This passage mainly focuses on ().2). If you want to guarantee your safety at home, you should ().3). Based on the passage, if you notice someone following you, it's better for you to ().4). Why should you have a telephone in the bedroom?5). From the passage, we can infer that we might be victims if ().(1).A、how to avoid crimes both at home and in the streetB、 where to stay if you want to be safeC、 what you should do at home if there is a burglaryD、 how to avoid crime at night in the street(2).A、always lock the door and put the key in a secret place far away from the doorB、 never leave the keys with workmen since they can easily make copiesC、 keep silent all the time even if you are on your own when a burglar steals into your houseD、 go in immediately when you suspect someone is breaking into your house(3).A、shout loudlyB、 run quicklyC、 stop, turn around and look at himD、 go to public places(4).A、Because we might use it to alert the burglar.B、 Because it's convenient for us to talk to our friends while lying in bed.C、 Because it's convenient for us to report to the police in case there is a burglary.D、 Because we might use it to make a phone call at midnight.(5).A、we cannot part with the money when being attackedB、 we always walk facing the trafficC、 we don't walk in the empty streetD、 we carry too much cash

Go for a daily walk. Natural light helps you to put your body clock into correct habit, ____ do exercise outdoors if you can. A、neitherB、butC、soD、however

Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for__ after supper.A.walkB.the walkC.wallksD.a walk

2.I _________to visit Guilin and I_________ you to go with me.A. wish ; hopeB. hope; wishC. hope; wish forD. wish; hope that

What time does your father go to bed?

It was_____ cold to go for a walk.A. veryB. tooC. enough

Jenny dare () (not walk) (请调整为合适的形式)alone at night.

Li Ming () (not dare) (请调整为合适的形式)to walk alone at night.

I wish you success in your career.().A. Go ahead.B. It doesn't matter.C. The same to you.

()It will be held on the 3rd floor of Shakiraton Hotel.A. When will you give a speech?B. Does your speech still go on?C. What is the address of your speech?

They usually go for a walk in _____ with each other after supper.A: companyB: comparisonC: relationD: connection

No ____________ woman would go alone to a bar like that one.A、respectfulB、respectingC、respectableD、respective

He didn’t go for a walk but stayed at home.(改为同义句)He stayed at home__________ __________going for a walk.

When does language acquisition begin according to the research?A.It begins with the birth of a baby.B.It begins before the birth of a baby.C.It begins when a baby starts imitating adults’ speech.D.It begins with a baby's cry melodies typical of its mother tongue.

Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for?after supper.A.walkB.the walkC.walksD.a walk

It would be_______a risk to leave the baby alone.A.runningB.passingC.carryingD.obeying

Go ()this ladder and walk aft.A、downB、toC、upD、in

单选题What does the paragraph following the passage most probably discuss?AHow to recover your luggageBWhere to go to continue your tripCWhen to return to the aircraftDHow to proceed once you are away from the aircraft

单选题Which of the following is NOT used by the author to stop the child’s crying at night?ALeaving the baby crying alone in a room unattended.BLetting the baby listen to the radio for the nursery.CFeeding the baby with some warm milk and beverage.DAllowing the child to sleep in an absence of noise.

单选题The next morning the first thing my brother and me did was to go out for a walk in the forest.AThe next morningBmy brother and meCdidDfor a walk

单选题— Does your father go to work by ______ car every day?— No, he sometimes takes ______ bus.Aa; theBthe; aC不填; aDa; 不填

单选题Go ()this ladder and walk aft.AdownBtoCupDin

单选题—______ does your cousin usually go to work on foot?—He says it’s good for his health.AWhereBWhenCWhyDHow

单选题If your baby is losing weight, you should()your doctor promptly.AadvocateBconsultCenquireDinvestigate

单选题Such _____ the case, there are no grounds to justify your complaints.AisBwasCis beingDbeing

单选题—How long does it take us to go to your hometown from here?—It takes us ______ hour or more to go to my hometown by ______ train.Aan; aBa; anCan; /Da; /