单选题Useful drugs are made from inorganic substances or are plant and animal by-products.AmaterialsBderivativesCchemicalsDingredients

Useful drugs are made from inorganic substances or are plant and animal by-products.











People and animals are different ______their reactions to drugs and in the way ______their bodies work.A. in…whichB. in…thatC. by…whichD. from…that

We can conclude from this passage that camels ______.A. feel at home in the desertB. like to carry heavy loadsC. look like ships from a distanceD. will always be useful

The little girl _____ by the drug-pusher to carry drugs into the country.A. was made useB. was made usedC. was made use ofD. was made used of

听力原文:The primary objective of financial reporting is to provide information useful for making investment and lending decisions.(6)A.The financial reporting is to provide information for the investors and lenders only.B.The main aim of financial reporting is to offer information useful for decision-making.C.Investment and lending decisions can be made from the financial reporting.D.Investment and lending decisions can not be made from the financial reporting.

You would laugh if anyone ____ ask you whether you can tell an animal from a plant.A: willB: shallC: shouldD: would

Intangible assets differ from property, plant and equipment assets in that they lack physical substance.()

Electric insulation is made of organic substances and so gradually______with ageA.deterioratesB.increasesC.are fouledD.becomes better

When father was young, he()from morning till night.Awas made workBwas made workingCmade to workDwas made to work

Cheese made from()。A、ButterB、MilkC、OilD、Cream

When father was young, he()from morning till night.A、was made workB、was made workingC、made to workD、was made to work

Which of the following is TRUE about the ping  -f command?()A、 It is useful for diagnosing data dependent problems by filling the packet with the byte pattern following the "f" in the command line. B、 It is useful for flooding from slow character based terminals since it only displays a dot "." for each packet sent in fast mode. C、 It is useful for flooding from slow character based terminals since it only displays a dot "."       for each packet sent and a backspace on returned in fast mode. D、 The command can only be run by root.

单选题Excessive scale formation in a distilling plant may result from ().Apoor distillate qualityBreduced evaporator capacityClow brine concentrationDimproper vacuum regulation

单选题Useful drugs are made from inorganic substances or are plant and animal by-products.AmaterialsBderivativesCchemicalsDingredients

单选题The heat removed from the refrigerant in the condenser of a refrigeration plant is the ()Alatent heat of expansionBsensible heat of condensationCheat of compressionDall of the above

单选题In a compression refrigeration plant the refrigerant flows from the expansion valve and through the () where it absorbs heat from the space being cooled and becomes a gas or vapor.AcompressorBcondenserCthrottle valveDevaporator

单选题The function of () in a refrigeration plant using Freon is to move moisture from all refrigeration system.AfilterBfilter drierCheat exchangerDair cooler

单选题Which of the following can be concluded from the author’s statement “Any beneficial substances from the turtles could also be synthesized chemically, so as to prevent the killing of turtles” in Paragraph 3 ?AThe author feels sorry for killing turtles massively.BTurtles can be used to substitute many other medicines.CMany other kinds of herbs can be as useful as turtles.DInternational market feels happy for Chinese businessmen to buy.

单选题To get drugs from the pharmacy, you need a(n)______ .AinscriptionBrecipeCprescriptionDremedy

单选题Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 contains regulations for the prevention of ().Apollution by oilBpollution by noxious liquid substances carried in bulkCpollution by sewage from shipsDpollution by garbage from ships

多选题Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.  Which of the following inferences can be made the information given in the passage?ALeonard Fuchs probably never actually saw a fuchsia plant.BCharles Plumier was a student of Fuchs’s at Tubingen.CPlumier’s book of plants included species from the Caribbean.

单选题Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this _____ produces artificial cold surrounding it.AabsorptionBtransitionCconsumptionDinteraction

单选题The latest annex of MARPOL 73/78 is about()Athe Prevention of Pollution by OilBthe Prevention of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in BulkCPrevention of Pollution by Garbage from ShipsDPrevention of Air Pollution from Ships

单选题When father was young, he()from morning till night.Awas made workBwas made workingCmade to workDwas made to work

单选题A seaman is entitled by law to a release from Foreign Articles when().AintoxicatedBdeductions are made from wagesCinjuredDthe vessel is overloaded

问答题Animal rights are a controversial topic right now. Actually, the debate is focused mainly on animal testing. The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  Animals are used for research in a variety of settings, including tests to determine the safety of drugs, cosmetics and other substances. Whether or not humans should use animals for testing purposes, however, is a controversial subject.  Dr. Bob Miller, a medical researcher from Michigan State University, states that one of the primary advantages of animal testing is that it allows researchers to develop new medications and treatments, advancing the field of medicine and enhancing the health of society. For instance, many drugs used to treat or prevent cancer, HIV, diabetes, infections and other medical maladies have resulted from tests performed on animals.  Moreover, animal testing enables scientists and researchers to test the safety of medications and other substances with which humans have regular contact. Drugs, for instance, may pose significant risks to humans, so testing them on animals fast gives researchers a chance to determine drugs’ safety before human trials are performed. While scientists are cognizant of the differences between humans and animals, the similarities are considered significant enough to produce relevant, useful data that they can then apply to humans. Thus, animal testing reduces harm to humans and saves lives.  However, Prof. Abhay Shina, a leading critic of animal testing, points out that the major disadvantage to animal testing is that a significant number of animals are harmed or die as a result of experiments and testing. Unfortunately, many of the substances used on animal subjects never receive approval for human use or consumption. Humans receive no direct benefits as a result of the deaths of these animals. He also argues that animals are dissimilar enough from humans to make the results of animal tests unreliable. A related criticism is that testing induces stress in the animals, meaning that the subjects do not react to experimental substances in the same way that they might in more natural circumstances, making the results of experiments less valid.  Using animals as research subjects is also expensive, because the animals require food, shelter, care and treatment in addition to the costs of experimental substances. Long-term or multi-phase tests can increase the costs of the practice as well. The actual price paid for the animals is also worth consideration; there are companies that breed and sell animals specifically for testing purposes.

单选题Electric insulation is made of organic substances and so gradually () with age.AdeterioratesBincreasesCare fouledDbecomes better

单选题Which of the substances listed is satisfactorily removed from the fuel by a centrifugal oil purifier?()ACarbon particlesBLube oilCGasolineDDiesel fuel

单选题Which of the substances listed is satisfactorily removed from the fuel by a centrifugal oil purifier?()AImpuritiesBLube oilCGasolineDDiesel fuel