单选题As a vessel changes course to starboard,the compass card in a magnetic compass().Aremains aligned with compass northBalso turns to starboardCfirst turns to starboard then counterclockwise to portDturns counterclockwise to port

As a vessel changes course to starboard,the compass card in a magnetic compass().

remains aligned with compass north


also turns to starboard


first turns to starboard then counterclockwise to port


turns counterclockwise to port


解析: 暂无解析


Heeling error is defined as the change of deviation for a heel of ______.A.2° while the vessel is on an intercardinal headingB.1° while the vessel is on a compass heading of 000°C.2° and is constant on all headingsD.1° while the vessel is on a compass heading of 180°

How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system “A”?______.A.keep the buoy on the vessel’s starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s port side when leavingB.keep the buoy on the vessel’s port side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s starboard side when leavingC.keep the buoy on the vessel’s starboard side when approaching and leavingD.keep the buoy on the vessel’s port side when approaching and leaving

If a sailing vessel with the wind on the port side sees a sailing vessel to windward and cannot tell weather the other vessel has the wind on the port or starboard side, she shall ______.A.hold course and speedB.sound the danger signalC.keep out of the way of the other vesselD.turn to port and come into the wind

If the circumstance of the case admits, don’t alter course to port for a vessel on you own___.A.starboard sideB.port sideC.sternD.Head

In a crossing situation, the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side shall _____.A.if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid crossing ahead of the otherB.change course to port to keep out of the wayC.reduce her speedD.All of the above

Leeway is the ______.A.difference between the true course and the compass courseB.momentum of a vessel after her engines have been stoppedC.lateral movement of a vessel downwind of her intended courseD.displacement of a vessel multiplied by her speed

船舶左舷的艉部叫左艉舷。()A、The forward part of a vessel on the starboard side is called starboard quarter.B、The aft part of a vessel on the starboard side is called port quarter.C、The aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.D、The forward part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.

单选题On open waters,a vessel fishing is in a crossing situation with a vessel sailing located on the fishing vessel’s starboard side. Which vessel is the stand-on vessel?().AThe fishing vessel because it is to port of the sailing vesselBThe fishing vessel because it is fishingCThe sailing vessel because it is to starboard of the fishing vesselDThe sailing vessel because it is sailing

单选题In a crossing situation,the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side shall().Aif the circumstances of the case admit, avoid crossing ahead of the otherBchange course to port to keep out of the wayCovertaking anotherDAll of the above

单选题If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation().AYou must keep your course and speedBYou may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clearCThe other vessel must keep her course and speedDBoth vessels must keep their course and speed

单选题A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway shall keep as near to the ()limit of the channel or fairway which lies on her()side as is safe and practicable.Ainner,portBinner,starboardCouter,portDouter,starboard

单选题The compass deviation changes as the vessel changes().Ageographical positionBspeedCheadingDlongitude

单选题A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limitof the channel which lies on her starboard side as it is safe and practicable.Which one of the followings does the statement express?().AA vessel shall proceed near the other vessel on her starboard side on the narrow channel since it is safe and practicableBA vessel shall avoid proceeding near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel as long as it is safe and practicableCA vessel shall avoid proceeding along the channel because it is not safe and practicableDA vessel shall proceed near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel to the degree in which it is safe and practicable

单选题In a following sea,a wave has overtaken your vessel and thrown the stern to starboard. To continue along your original course,you should().Ause more right rudderBuse more left rudderCincrease speedDdecrease speed

单选题On a single-screw vessel,when coming port side to a pier and being set off the pier,you should().Aswing wide and approach the pier so as to land starboard side toBapproach the pier on a parallel course at reduced speedCmake your approach at a greater angle than in calm weatherDpoint the vessel's head well up into the slip and decrease your speed

单选题Deviation is the angle between the().Atrue meridian and the axis of the compass cardBtrue meridian and the magnetic meridianCmagnetic meridian and the axis of the compass cardDaxis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian

单选题As a vessel changes course to starboard,the compass card in a magnetic compass().Aremains aligned with compass northBalso turns to starboardCfirst turns to starboard then counterclockwise to portDturns counterclockwise to port

单选题The lubber’s line of a magnetic compass().Aalways shows true north directionBindicates the vessel's headingCis always parallel to the vessel's transomDis located on the compass card

单选题When a vessel changes course from one cardinal heading to another cardinal heading whilea djusting the compass,which action should be taken?()AThe course change should be made rapidly to prevent transient induced magnetism while passing the intercardinal headingsBAfter the new heading is reached,the vessel should steam on that course for at least two minutes before the adjustmentCDuring the course change,you should gently tap the compass to remove any error caused by friction on the pivot bearingDAfter steadying on the new heading,the compass card should be slewed by a magnet and allowed to oscillate freely to remove any gaussin error

单选题船舶左舷的艉部叫左艉舷。()AThe forward part of a vessel on the starboard side is called starboard quarter.BThe aft part of a vessel on the starboard side is called port quarter.CThe aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.DThe forward part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.

单选题You are underway in reduced visibility.You hear the fog signal of another vessel about 20° on your starboard bow.Risk of collision may exist.You should().Aalter course to starboard to pass around the other vesselBreduce your speed to bare steeragewayCslow your engines and let the other vessel pass ahead of youDalter course to port to pass the other vessel on its portside

单选题How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system“A” ().Akeep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel's port side when leavingBkeep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching a port and on the vessel's starboard side when leavingCkeep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching and leavingDkeep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching and leaving

单选题You are approaching another vessel and will pass starboard to starboard without danger if no course changes are made.You should().Ahold course and sound a two blast whistle signalBhold course and sound no whistle signalCchange course to the right and sound one blastDhold course and sound two prolonged and two short blasts

单选题A vessel sounds one short blast. This signal indicates the vessel().Aintends to alter course to starboardBintends to pass starboard to starboardCis altering course to starboardDintends to pass port to port

单选题Leeway is the().Adifference between the true course and the compass courseBmomentum of a vessel after her engines have been stoppedClateral movement of a vessel downwind of her intended courseDdispla ement of a vessel multiplied by her speed

单选题The type of current which will have the greatest effect on the course made good for your vessel is().Aone flowing in the same direction as your course steeredBone flowing in the opposite direction as your course steeredCone that flows at nearly right angles to your course steeredDa rotary current in which the direction of current flow constantly changes

单选题Downwind for 1 miles,alter to starboard 90 degrees,go down this course for 1 mile;Then alter 90 degrees to starboard and go down this course for 2 miles;Then alter 90 degrees to starboard and go down this course for 2 miles;Keep adding 1 mile ever time you alter to starboard.This operation is()search patternAWilliamson TurnBParallelCSectorDExpanded

单选题Leeway is the().Adifference between the true course and the compass courseBmomentum of a vessel after her engines have been stoppedClateral movement of a vessel downwind of her intended courseDdisplacement of a vessel multiplied by her speed