单选题Today Mrs. Smith _____ herself in white like a nurse at the garden party.AworeBputCsentDdressed

Today Mrs. Smith _____ herself in white like a nurse at the garden party.









句意:今天,史密斯夫人穿着白色的衣服,像花园聚会中的护士一样。只有dress可以跟反身代词,wear和put on只能用人作主语,衣服作宾语,in white 表示穿着白色的衣服。


It was Mrs. White’s day off, and Paul was () duty in her place. A、inB、toC、onD、off

Mrs. Smith went on a diet and in three months ___________ her weight to 100 pounds. A.brought backB.brought upC.brought downD.brought about

Mrs. Smith is afraid that she and her husband don’t see ________ on New Year Resolutions. A.eye to eyeB.heart to heartC.face to faceD.back to back

—Bring me(), please? —Would you like it black or white? —I’ll have it white. A、the coffeeB、a coffeeC、coffeeD、coffees

Mrs. White is different from her friends who were ______.A.easily satisfiedB.not always hopefulC.sure to succeedD.not interested in free food

Mrs. White's husband tried to ______.A.cheer her upB.stop her from going to the supermarketC.stop her from buying unnecessary thingsD.make her less happy

When the manager told her that she was the lucky customer, Mrs. White would be ______.A.very tiredB.happier than ever beforeC.rather sadD.enthusiastic

-- Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Johnny Depp.-- _____A. Hi.B. How do you do?C. Hello.D. Are you ok?

(A Lesson in Living) Marguerite wanted to behave like a nice little lady in front of Mrs. Flowers.()

Mrs. Flowers had already learned that Marguerite was a quiet girl who read a lot but did not like to talk.()

Mrs. Flowers was from an aristocratic family and enjoyed respect of both the white and black folks in the town.()

In Marguerite’s mind, Mrs. Flowers was a god-like figure.()

A:____would you like your coffee, black or white? B:White, please. A.WhatB. WhichC. HowD. How much

Tired of the cold weather, Mr. and Mrs. Smith are consideringto the south.()A. to moveB. movingC. moveD. to be moving

Because of the strong sun, Mrs. White’s new dinning-room curtains ______ from dark blue to gray within a year.A、disappearedB、fadedC、paledD、grew

Almost everyone knows the meaning of "Mr.", "Mrs.", and "Miss&q Almost everyone knows the meaning of "Mr.", "Mrs.", and "Miss". "Mr." is used before the names of gentlemen. "Mrs." is for married women and "Miss" is for single women. But what is "Ms."?For some time, businessmen in the US have used "Ms." before a woman's name when they do not know whether or not the woman is marrieD.Today, however, many women prefer to use "Ms." rather than "Mrs." or "Miss". The word "Mr." does not tell us whether a man is married or not. Many women think this is an advantage for men. They want to be equal to men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether or not they are marrieD.There are some problems with "Ms.", however. Not all women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find it difficult to pronounce. ("Ms." sounds like [miz].) Generally, young women like it better than older women do. It is difficult to know whether "Ms." will be used by more American women in the future or not. What do you think of this change?1. Many young women prefer to use "Ms." because ________.:A.they think themselves as good as menB.it doesn't tell whether they're married or notC.the word sounds more pleasant than "Mrs." doesD.the word has been used for a long time

When a lady customer intends to buy a coat with white stripes, what is she supposed to_______place an emphasis on if she says to the shop assistant?A.I'd like a red coat with white stripes.B.I'd like a red coat with white stripes.C.I'd like a red coat with white stripes.D.I'd like a red coat with white stripes.

__________is the main rhyming pattern in"Mrs. White/Had a flight/In the middle of thenight".A.AssonanceB.End rhymeC.AlliterationD.Reverse end rhyme

Many people like white color as it is a( )of purity.A.signB.symbolC.signalD.symptom

单选题__________is the main rhyming pattern in"Mrs. White/Had a flight/In the middle of the night".AAssonanceBEnd rhymeCAlliterationDReverse end rhyme

单选题Today Mrs Smith ______ herself in white like a nurse at the garden party.AworeBputCsentDdressed

单选题_____AMr. Smith.BMiss White.CMiss Smith.DMr. Brown.

单选题Today Mrs. Smith _____ herself in white like a nurse at the garden party.AworeBputCsentDdressed

单选题As no one in the small village knew nothing about medicine, Mrs. Smith, a former nurse, had to work as a doctor.AknewBnothingChad toDas

单选题The Smith family used to live in that house, but Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are the _____ now.ApartisansBoccupantsCpredecessorsDpatriots

单选题Outstanding salespeople like Mrs. Love () helped make our company a leader in this field.AhasBhaveCisDare

单选题_____AAt Leech’s school.BIn the police station.COn the phone.DAt Mrs. Smith’s home.

单选题Mr. Smith can’t believe that his child would read of her own accord.Aby herself Bsurprisingly Cvoluntarily Dreluctantly