单选题In the author’s opinion, what is the relationship between Andry Rajoelina and the military?AAll of the military are supporting Andry Rajoelina.BAndry Rajoelina is head of the military.CPart of the military is said to oppose Andry Rajoelina.DThe military support Andry Rajoelina but require more power.

In the author’s opinion, what is the relationship between Andry Rajoelina and the military?

All of the military are supporting Andry Rajoelina.


Andry Rajoelina is head of the military.


Part of the military is said to oppose Andry Rajoelina.


The military support Andry Rajoelina but require more power.


题目问的是:作者认为,安德里拉乔利纳和军队的关系是怎样的?文章第15段提到“Many believe that not all of the military backs the new president.”,即“很多人认为,并不是所有的军队都力挺新总统”,由此可见有部分军队反对他。故C正确。


What is the text mainly about?A. The research into war history.B. The finding of a forgotten hero.C. The pilots of the two world wars.D.The importance of military studies.

Washington’s decision to free slaves originated from his[A] moral considerations.[B] military experience.[C] financial conditions.[D] political stand.

The author of the text seems to oppose the idea of______.[A] free market[B] military control[C] strict regulations[D] unrestrained labors

Why is the Iranian President fearless regarding any military aggression against Iran?

[A] ethical[B] military[C] political[D] human

What was the main cause of the Second World War?()AThe main cause was big power struggle for control of the world.BIt was the worldwide economic crisis.CIt was the military expansion of Japan,and Germany.

Satellites were launched () low orbit for weather and military applications.A、onB、aroundC、inD、with

英译中:Military logistics

单选题In _____, President Harry S. Truman ordered to end military segregation.A1940B1941C1945D1948

单选题What did Rice discuss with the Russian leaders? AHuman fights issues.BNorth Korean issues.CAmerican and Russian military issues.

名词解释题英译中:Military logistics

单选题CATEGORY A EPIRB’s transmit on frequencies that are monitored by().Aorbiting satellites in spaceBcommercial radio stationsCprivate,commercial,and military aircraftDordinary radio stations

单选题Andry Rajoelina’s No.1 concern lies in ______.Ainternational recognitionBcohesion in the armyChaving the administrative staff backDeconomy program

单选题According to the passage, a major difference between the colonization policy of the United States and that of Mexico in Texas in the 1800’s was the _____.Adegree to which policies were based on traditionBform of economic interdependency between different cultural groupsCtreatment of the native inhabitantsDrelationship between the military and the settlers

单选题He()for military service against the wishes of his parents.AvolunteeredBfanciedCenteredDimagined

单选题According to the author, we can trace the root of war in _____.Athe power struggleBthe military competitionCthe conflict of ideasDthe racial contradiction

单选题The author mentions the example of “backpacks” (Line 5, Para.2) to show the importance of _____.Apleasing the young as well as the oldBincreasing usage among studentsCexploring new market sectionsDserving both military and civil needs

单选题Satellites were launched () low orbit for weather and military applications.AonBaroundCinDwith

单选题What is the reaction of the international society towards Andry Rajoelina’s coming into power?AThe US has cut all its aid.BInternational donor funds stop completely.CNorway reduces its donation to only $14m.DThe US still gives its humanitarian aid to Madagascar.

单选题The difference between a class A and a class B EPIRB is that the class A EPIRB().Aoperates on both military and civilian aircraft distress frequenciesBtransmits both an alerting signal and a homing signalCmust be the float free type and automatically activatedDoperates with a greater output of signal power

单选题According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about Andry Rajoelina?AHe represents Antananarivo’s poor urban residents.BHe is not accepted by most countries.CHe was mayor of Antananarivo.DHe has been a famous orator throughout Madagascar.

单选题This is the military()Nobody is allowed to get in without permission.AbondBzoneCbutterDzoo

单选题Smith is to study medicine as soon as he ______ military service.Awill finishBhas finishedCfinishDwould finish

单选题Sales are higher in the military division.ARight.BWrong.CDoesn’t say.

单选题In______, President Harry S. Truman ordered to end military segregation.A1940B1941C1945D1948

单选题What was the main cause of the Second World War?()AThe main cause was big power struggle for control of the world.BIt was the worldwide economic crisis.CIt was the military expansion of Japan,and Germany.

单选题The demonstrations ______.Awhich once supported Andry Rajoelina have been replaced by the ones against himBare spreading nationwideCare being cracked down by the militaryDshow most people in Madagascar don’t accept the new president