单选题In______, President Harry S. Truman ordered to end military segregation.A1940B1941C1945D1948

In______, President Harry S. Truman ordered to end military segregation.









细节理解题。原文最后一段第二句“In l948, President Harry S. Truman signed an executive order prohibiting segregation in the military.”明确提到:l948年杜鲁门总统签署了一份行政命令禁止军队存在种族隔离现象。选项D正确。


How did he make his way out in the end?A. The vice-president found him.B. Some one opened the elevator.C. The elevator began to work on Tuesday.D. He found a door in the elevator.

Harry is () and he always lacks self-confidence. A、insecureB、independentC、inactiveD、innocent

用SQL语言检索选修课程在5门以上(含5门)的学生的学号、姓名和平均成绩,并按平均成绩降序排序,正确的命令是A)SELECT S.学号,姓名,平均成绩FROM S,SC; WHERE S.学号=SC.学号; GROUP BY S.学号HAVING GOUNT(*)=5 ORDER BY平均成绩DESCB)SELECT学号,姓名,AVG(成绩)FROM S,SC; WHERE S.学号SC.学号AND COUNT(*)>=5; GROUP BY学号ORDER BY 3 DESCC)SELECT S.学号,姓名,AVG(成绩)平均成绩FROM S,SC; WHERE S.学号=SC.学号AND COUNT(*)=5; GROUP BY S.学号ORDER BY平均成绩DESCD)SELECT S.学号,姓名,AVG(成绩)平均成绩FROM S,SC; WHERE S.学号=SC.学号; GROUP BY S.学号HAVING COUNT(*)=5 ORDER BY 3 DESC

假设有如下的记录类型: Type Student number As String name AS String age As Integer End Type 则正确引用该记录类型变量的代码是______。A.Student. name="" s. name="张红"B.Dim s As Student s. Dame="张红"C.Dim s As Type Student s. name="张红"D.Dim s As Type s. name="张红"

Harry: Oh, those Romans...Susan: You are hopeless. So, (59) ?Harry: I'm preparing for a meeting tomorrow.

Why is the Iranian President fearless regarding any military aggression against Iran?

The president()the words of Hegel to end his speech.A、citedB、wroteC、readD、employed

–– James: Hi, Harry. ____–– Harry: Hi, James. I just bought a new camping tent. I can ’t wait to use it.A: What’s up?B: What’s on?C: What’s wrong?D: What’s right?

Harry regretted____to Barbara's birthday party last Saturday

有以下程序include using namespace std;class sample{private:int x;public:sample( 有以下程序#include <iostream>using namespace std;class sample{private: int x;public: sample(int a) { x=a; } friend double square(sample s);};double square(sample s){ return s. x*s. x;}int main(){ sample s1(20),s2(30); cout<<square(s2)<<end1; return 0;}执行结果是( )。A.20B.30C.900D.400

根据下列材料请回答 41~45 题:CHarry was a boy of fourteen years old.He was tall and stron9.And he ran the fastest in his class.So everyone was very proud of him in his class.A new student came to his class a month ago.His name was Mike.He was thin and short.But his classmates found that he ran very fast while they were playing football.They wanted to know if Mike could run faster than Harry.Jack,one ofHarry’S friends,told Harry about it.Of course,Harry didn’t believe it.“Why not have a race with him?”said Jack.“That’s a good idea l',said Harry.“Go to tell the unlucky boy.I'll have a race with him tomorrow morning.”Early the next morning,Harry got ready for the race.He was sure that he could be first.Jack didn’t wake up on time and couldn’t go with him.That evening Jack went to see Harry.They began to talk about the race.Harry’S grandma heard them in the next room.She came in and asked,“What’S the result,Harry?”“I was the second.Grandma.”answered Harry.“Congratulations to you!”the old woman said happily.“And how was Mike?”“He was the last but one.”第 41 题 Harry”classmates were proud of him because______.A.he was tallB.he was the top student in his schoolC.he ran fastest in his classD.he was strong

In fact(事实上)______.A.Harry didn't tell his grandma the truthB.Mike won the raceC.Harry won the raceD.Harry was very proud of himself,too

以下程序的执行结果是【 】。 include class Sample { public: int x: int y; void di 以下程序的执行结果是【 】。include<iostream. h>class Sample{public:int x:int y;void disp(){cout<<"x="<<x<<",y="<<y<<end1;}};void main(){int Sample:: ** pc;Sample s;pc= Sample: :x;s.*pc=10;pc:=Sample: :y;s.*pc=20;s.disp();}

如下程序段定义了学生成绩的记录类型,由学号、姓名和三门课程成绩(百分制)组成。 TYPE STUD NO AS INTEGER NAME AS ATRING SCORE(1 TO 3) AS SINGLE END TYPE 若对某个学生的各个数据项进行赋值,下列程序段中下确的是A.DIM S AS STUD STUD. NO=1001 STUD. NAME="舒宜" STUD. SCORE=78,88,96B.DIM S AS STUD S. NO=1001 S. NAME="舒宜" S. SCORE=78,88,96C.DIM S AS STUD STUD. NO=1001 STUD. NAME="舒宜" STUD. SCORE(1)=78 STUD. SCORE(2)=88 STUD. SCORE(3)=96D.DIM S AS STUD S. NO: 1001 S. NAME="舒宜" S. SCORE(1)=78 S. SCORE(2)=88 S. SCORE(3)=96

以下程序的执行后,x和y的值是 ______ 。 include class Sample { public: int x; 以下程序的执行后,x和y的值是 ______ 。 #include <iostream. h> class Sample { public: int x; int y; void disp() { cout<<"x="<<x<<", y="<<y<<end1; } }; void main() int Sample: :*pc; Sample s; pc=Sample:: x; s. *pc=10; pc=Sample: :y; s. *pc=.20; s. disp ();A.x=10, y=20B.x=20, y=10C.x=10, y=10D.x=20, y=20

如下程序段定义了学生成绩的记录类型,由学号、姓名和三门课程成绩(百分制)组成。 Type Stud no As Integer name As String score(1 to 3) As Single End Type 若对某个学生的各个数据项进行赋值,下列程序段中正确的是______。A.Dim S As Stud Stud. no=1001 Stud. name=“舒宜” Shld. score=78,88,96B.Dim S As Stud S.no=1001 S.name=“舒宜” S. score=78,88,96C.Dim SAs Stud Stud. no=1001 Stud. name=“舒宜” Stud. score(1)=78 Stud. score(2)=88 Stud. score(3)=96D.DimSAsStud S. no=1001 S. name=“舒宜” S. score(1)=78 S. score(2)=88 S. score(3)=96

Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university,suggesting how to improve students’physical condition.You should include the details you think necessary.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Li Ming”instead.

Thanks for your order of December 7. Unfortunately the ordered goods are now ( ) stock and will not be available before the end of the year.A. in B. onC. off D. out of

A.B=软件工程ORR. C=S. CA.ND R. D=S. DB.B=‘软件工程’ORR. C=S. CA.NDR. D=S. DC.B=‘软件工程’ORR. C=S. CORR. D=S. DD.B=‘软件工程’A.ND R. C=S. C A.ND R. D=S. D

--I've taken someone else's green sweater by mistake.--It __________Harry's. He always wears green.A.has to beB.will beC.mustn't beD.could be

TRIZ的主要发明者是()A、Mike Harry B、Jack Welch C、Harry PotterD、Genrich Altshuller

英译中:Military logistics

单选题Unlike the United States, the president of the Philippines are elected to a six-year term in office.AUnited States, the president of the Philippines are electedBUnited States, the president of the Philippines is electedCUnited States, the people of the Philippines elect a presidentDthe president of the United States, the people of the Philippines electEthe president of the United States, the president of the Philippines is elected

单选题In _____, President Harry S. Truman ordered to end military segregation.A1940B1941C1945D1948

单选题学生表:S(学号,姓名,性别)和选课成绩表:SC(学号,课程号,成绩),用SQL语言检索选修课程在5门以上(含5门)的学生的学号、姓名和平均成绩,并按平均成绩降序排序,正确的命令是(  )。ASELECT S.学号,姓名,AVG(成绩)平均成绩 FROM S,SC;WHERE S.学号=SC.学号;GROUP BY S.学号,姓名 HAVING COUNT(*)=5 ORDER BY 3 DESCBSELECT S.学号,姓名,AVG(成绩) FROM S,SC;WHERE S.学号=SC.学号 AND COUNT(*)=5;GROUP BY 学号,姓名 ORDER BY 3 DESCCSELECT S.学号,姓名,AVG(成绩) 平均成绩 FROM S,SC;WHERE S.学号=SC.学号 AND COUNT(*)=5;GROUP BY S.学号,姓名 ORDER BY 平均成绩 DESCDSELECT S.学号,姓名,平均成绩 FROM S,SC;WHERE S.学号=SC.学号;GROUP BY S.学号,姓名 HAVING COUNT(*)=50RDER BY 平均成绩 DESC

单选题In the author’s opinion, what is the relationship between Andry Rajoelina and the military?AAll of the military are supporting Andry Rajoelina.BAndry Rajoelina is head of the military.CPart of the military is said to oppose Andry Rajoelina.DThe military support Andry Rajoelina but require more power.

单选题In______, President Harry S. Truman ordered to end military segregation.A1940B1941C1945D1948

问答题Practice 7  There have been differences among most presidents’ advisers ever since. Thomas Jefferson was accused of relying on an “invisible, inscrutable” group of associates that engaged In backstairs influence.  Franklin Roosevelt managed to be a pretty good resident, though even his idolatrous supporters concede that he took his advice from inside and outside the White House and even took a mischievous delight in playing one staff or cabinet member against another.  Ike followed the military staff system. He did not spend hours listening to the disputes of his principal aides, but gave Sherman Adams and later General Bedell Smith authority and responsibility for settling differences. When his chief of staff could not settle differences, he insisted on a one-page memorandum defining the problem, no matter how complicated, and then made his decision.  Harry Truman did not believe in the single chief of staff. He had six principal advisers with whom he met every morning. At the end of the day, he would have a little bourbon and branch-water with one of them in the Oval Office, then would take a bundle of papers upstairs, put on his green eyeshade and read reports until late in the night.  John F. Kennedy followed much the same system with his brother Robert, Larry O’Brlen, Kenny O’Donnell and Ted Sorensen at his side, though their assignments were not limited as rigidly as those of the Truman advisers. Lyndon Johnson did not invite criticism or differences which his staff or cabinet, but bullied his advisers into compliance, which helps explain his troubles in Vietnam.  Richard Nixon ran his staff by stealth. He did his homework and mastered the details of policy, but he delegated vast powers to Bob Haldeman and John Ehrlichman in an atmosphere of Byzantine secrecy and intrigue.  Jimmy Carter had his troubles between his White House staff and his cabinet, particularly over the conduct of foreign policy. But his White House staff was drawn from a group of Georgia friends who got along with one another comparatively well. He met with the principal members every morning, held a foreign policy meeting often for hours every Friday morning, invited, and listened to disputes, sometimes over the most intricate details of policy.  Mr. Reagan’s way is a reflection of his character and his personality. He is more interested in, presenting policy than forming it. He does not have a controlling chief of staff; he does not limit his principal advisers to a special field of concentration like Mr. Truman, but lets the Big Four—Mr. Baker, Mr. Clark, Michael Deaver and Edwin Meese play the field and run across one another; he does not dominate or intimidate his staff, like Mr. Johnson; and he does not read and work like Mr. Carter.