单选题You must have stayed up late last night, _____?Amustn’t youBdon’t youCdidn’t youDneedn’t you

You must have stayed up late last night, _____?

mustn’t you


don’t you


didn’t you


needn’t you


当陈述部分出现must have done时,若强调对过去情况的推测(一般有过去时间状语),反意疑问部分的谓语动词用didn’t+主语;若前句强调动作的完成,疑问部分谓语动词用haven’t/ hasn’t+主语。本句有明显的时间状语last night,故选C。


“Do I have to hand in the paper today?” “No, you ______ .” A.mustn’tB.needn’tC.don’t needD.won’t

You must have made the mistake, ()? A.mustn’t youB.haven’t youC.didn’t youD.hadn’t you

You have been to Tibet,( )? I was told that the snow-covered mountains were very beautiful. A. have youB. haven’t youC. don’t youD. are you

--Must we finish our homework now? --No, you ______. You _______ finish it after school. A.needn't , mayB.mustn't , mayC.can't , canD.needn't , must

Don't be careless again, ______?A. will youB. are youC. did youD. do you

Must we work on night shift today? No, you ________A.needB.needn’tC.mustn’tD.shouldn’t

I should have told you! You ______ the entire house. Our cleaning lady phoned she's coming tomorrow.A. didn't need to cleanB. needn't have cleanedC. don't need to cleanD. mustn't have cleaned

You seldom have to do the cooking,______?A. have youB. haven't youC. do youD. don't you

You won’t choose this brand name,() A、won’t youB、will youC、don’t you

You ( ) Jenny at the meeting this morning because she left for Hong Kong last night. A、wouldn’t have seenB、shouldn’t have seenC、mustn’t have seenD、can’t have seen

You are planning to export this product to Europe()? A. don't youB. aren't youC. are you

——Mary, you clean the room today, ?——But I cleaned it yesterday. It’s Lily’s turn.A、don’t youB、will youC、do youD、didn’t you

Jessica:I got home very late last night. I hope I didn't disturb you.Landlady:______A、No. I heard a lot of noiseB、Yes, I didn't hear any noiseC、Yes. I didn't hear youD、No. I didn't hear a thing

you had some trouble finding where i live, ______?A、didn’t youB、hadn’t youC、do ID、don’I

Be sure to meet him at the airport on time, ______? A.will youB.aren't youC.can youD.don't you

As you worked late yesterday, you ______ have come this morning.A. needn’tB. mayn’tC. can’tD. mustn’t

--You didn't attend the party last night?--No, I__________, for the party was put off for some reason.A.couldn't have B.needn't haveC.didn't need toD.don't have to

--You didn't attend the party last night?--No, I__________, for the party was put off for some reason.A.couldn't haveB.needn't haveC.didn't need toD.don't have to

Don′t do that again, ___________?A.will youB.do youC.does youD.can you

Open the window,__?A.do youB.don't youC.will youD.won't you

You oughtn't to have been there,__?A.hadn't youB.didn't youC.oughtn't youD.ought you

Don't forget to post the letter for me,__?A.do youB.will youC.are youD.can you

—You didn't attend the party last night —No, ! __________, for the party was put off for some reason.A.couldn't haveB.needn't haveC.didn’t need toD.don’t have to

--You didn′ t attend the party lastnight?--No, I ___________, for the party was putoff for some reason.A.couldn' t have B.needn' t haveC.didn't need to D.don't have to

You never told us why you were late for the party, A.weren’t youB.didn’t youC.had youD.did you

YouareplanningtoexportthisproducttoEurope,()A、don't youB、aren't youC、are you

Have a cup of tea,()? Thanks a lotA、don't youB、haven't youC、shall weD、will you

单选题You must have stayed up late last night, _____?Amustn’t youBdon’t youCdidn’t youDneedn’t you