单选题Under MARPOL Code the ship to which it applies has to carry ()Aan International Ship Security CertificateBan International Oil Pollution CertificateCa Safety Management CertificateDan International Ballast Water Management Certificate

Under MARPOL Code the ship to which it applies has to carry ()

an International Ship Security Certificate


an International Oil Pollution Certificate


a Safety Management Certificate


an International Ballast Water Management Certificate


解析: 暂无解析


Given:Under which three circumstances will the code on line 37 be executed?() A.The instance gets garbage collected.B.The code on line 33 throws an exception.C.The code on line 35 throws an exception.D.The code on line 31 throws an exception.E.The code on line 33 executes successfully.

Which information is not given in the text?A.Ship recycling contributes to sustainable developmentB.The IMO believes that making an international instrument to regulate the ship recycling process is urgently in needC.An international convention on ship recycling has been adoptedD.The IMO has taken action to develop an effective solution to the problem of ship recycling

In order to limit the introduction of alien species by ship, ____was adopted on 13 Feb, 2004 at the IMO.A.Revised MARPOL annex IB.Revised MARPOL annex IIC.International convention for the control and management of ships' ballast water and sedimentsD.ISPS Code

Which code causes only a Level 2 adjacency to be formed under the SONET interface so-2/2/2 withFrame Relay encapsulation?Which code causes only a Level 2 adjacency to be formed under the SONET interface so-2/2/2 with Frame Relay encapsulation?()A.B.C.D.

A mortgagee only ______ entitled to all the freight which the ship is in the course of earning,when his possession of the ship comes into being.A.sustainsB.maintainsC.becomesD.has

In ______ convention,a vessel which carries more than 12 passengers shall be deemed as a passenger ship.A.COSCOB.STCWC.SOLASD.MARPOL

The Charterers shall have the privilege to ship dangerous cargo in accordance with __________ Code or any competent authorities' regulations,as applicableA.IMDGB.HagueC.SOLASD.MARPOL

A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is located in a MARPOL designated special area,14 nautical miles from nearest land.What type of garbage is permitted to be discharged?A.Paper productsB.Glass ground to less than 1C.Metal ground to less than 1D.Food waste

Any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures from ships to which this Annex of MARPOL 73/78 applies shall be ______ except when special conditions are satisfied.A.requiredB.requestedC.promotedD.prohibited

The requirement to carry an Oil Record Book does not apply to a ship that ______.A.is not equipped to discharge overboard any oil or oily mixtureB.is on an international voyage to a country that is a party to MARPOLC.has an International Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateD.has an oily water separator of sufficient capacity for the oil wastes generated

A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is 24 nautical miles from the nearest land.Which type of garbage is prohibited from being discharged?A.GlassB.CrockeryC.MetalD.Dunnage

Oil Record Book shall be carried on board by ______ which is engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties to MARPOL 73/78.A.Oil tankerB.Bulk carrier of 400 gross tonnage and aboveC.Container vesselD.Passenger ship

材料:In a bill of lading there might be a clause known as general liberty to carry on deck clause which reads“Carrier has liberty to carry GOODs on deck”.This clause frequently gives the carrier the option of stowing the cargo either on or under deck,while also exempting the carrier from all liability for loss of or damage to cargo stowed on deck.A clause of this type is an option,not a statement.The problem arises when the bill of lading contains this clause,but the face of the bill of lading does not state that the cargo was loaded on deck.Under such circumstances,it would appear that deck carriage is unjustifiable for at least two reasons:a)The general liberty to carry on deck clause is merely an option to carry on deck,a choice which the carrier ordinarily does not make.If the bill of lading does not bear a statement on its face giving notice that the cargo is actually stowed on deck,then by default the option has been exercised in favour of under deck carriage.b)The typewritten or handwritten wording on the face of a bill of lading has precedence over the bills printed clauses.And a clean bill of lading,because it implies under-deck stowage,is functionally equivalent to a typewritten or handwritten notation on the face of the document calling for carriage below deck.A clean bill of lading therefore overrides the printed liberty to carry on deck clause.A general deck carriage clause without a statement on the face of the bill of lading that cargo is carried on deck is merely an option not exercised and the deck carriage is therefore a fundamental breach of the contract and the Rules.问题:A clause which reads“Carrier has liberty to carry GOODs on deck”contained in B/L is ________.A.a statementB.a problemC.an optionD.a typewritten or handwritten wording on its faceIf there is no deck stowage statement on the face of B/L,it is implied that ________.A.all cargoes are stowed under deckB.all cargoes are stowed on deckC.cargoes are stowed either on or under deckD.it can not be decided whether cargoes are stowed on or under deckIf a handwritten wording on the face of B/L is in conflict with one of its printed clause,________.A.the handwritten wording shall prevailB.the printed clause shall prevailC.both the handwritten wording and the printed clause shall be ignoredD.the B/L shall become null and voidThe deck carriage is justifiable only when ________.A.there is a general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L and a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deckB.there is either a general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L or a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deckC.there is neither general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L nor a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deckD.only when the carrier is exempted from all liability for loss of or damage to cargo stowed on deck请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

Under regulation 6(2) of MARPOL Annex VI, ships constructed before 19 May 2005 shall be issued with the IAPP Certificate no later than the first scheduled dry docking after 19 May 2005, but in no case later than 19 May 2008. Ships flying the flag of a State which is not a Party to MARPOL Annex VI and which do not carry an IAPP Certificate after the above dates should be treated in accordance with chapter 3 of these Guidelines. Which deficiency listed below may not cause the detention of the vessel by PSC inspection?()A、Absence of valid IAPP Certificate, EIAPP Certificates or Technical FilesB、A diesel engine, with a power output of more than 130 kW, which is installed on board a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2000, or a diesel engine having undergone a major conversion on or after 1 January 2000, which does not comply with the NOx Technical CodeC、the sulphur content of any fuel oil being used on board exceeds 4.5% m/mD、An incinerator installed on board the ship before 1 January 2000 does not comply with requirements contained in appendix IV to the Annex, or the standard specifications for shipboard incinerators developed by the Organization (resolutions MEPC.76(40) and MEPC.93(45))

单选题In order to limit the introduction of alien species by ship,()was adopted on 13 Feb, 2004 at the IMO.ARevised MARPOL Annex ⅠBRevised MARPOL Annex ⅡCInternational convention for the control and management of ships ballast water and sedimentsDISPS Code

单选题A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is 24 nautical miles from the nearest land. Which type of garbage is prohibited from being discharged? ()AGlassBCrockeryCMetalDDunnage

单选题A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is located in a MARPOL designated special area,14 nautical miles from nearest land. What type of garbage is permitted to be discharged? ()APaper productsBGlass ground to less than 1CMetal ground to less than 1DFood waste

单选题The prohibition against displaying lights which may be confused with required navigation lights applies().Afrom sunset to sunrise and during restricted visibilityBonly when other vessels are in the areaConly when operating in a traffic separation schemeDonly when under tow

多选题The provisions of MARPOL Annex IV shall apply to the following ships engaged ininternational voyages:()ANew Ships of 400 gross tonnage and aboveBNew Ships of less than 400 gross tonnageCNew Ships of less than 400 gross tonnage which are certified to carry more than 15personsDNew Ships of less than 400 gross tonnage which are certified to carry less than 15persons

单选题Which of the following best indicates how many tons of cargo a ship can carry?().ABale cubicBDeadweightCGross tonnageDNet tonnage

单选题The angle of loll is a stability term which applies to a floating ship with().Aoff-center loadingBstiff characteristicsCexcessive pitch or rollDnegative initial stability

单选题Under regulation 6(2) of MARPOL Annex VI, ships constructed before 19 May 2005 shall be issued with the IAPP Certificate no later than the first scheduled dry docking after 19 May 2005, but in no case later than 19 May 2008. Ships flying the flag of a State which is not a Party to MARPOL Annex VI and which do not carry an IAPP Certificate after the above dates should be treated in accordance with chapter 3 of these Guidelines. Which deficiency listed below may not cause the detention of the vessel by PSC inspection?()AAbsence of valid IAPP Certificate, EIAPP Certificates or Technical FilesBA diesel engine, with a power output of more than 130 kW, which is installed on board a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2000, or a diesel engine having undergone a major conversion on or after 1 January 2000, which does not comply with the NOx Technical CodeCthe sulphur content of any fuel oil being used on board exceeds 4.5% m/mDAn incinerator installed on board the ship before 1 January 2000 does not comply with requirements contained in appendix IV to the Annex, or the standard specifications for shipboard incinerators developed by the Organization (resolutions MEPC.76(40) and MEPC.93(45))

单选题Under ISM Code the ship to which it applies has to carry ()Aan International Ship Security CertificateBan International Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateCa Safety Management CertificateDan International Ballast Water Management Certificate

单选题An oiler was badly burned and you are communicating with a passenger ship that has a doctor and hospital on board. You want to rendezvous in a certain position so the oiler can be evacuated for medical treatment. Which code should your message contain?()AMAFBMABCMAADMAE

单选题Which mooring line is likely to undergo the most strain when docking a ship under normal conditions?()ABow lineBBreast lineCSpring lineDStern line

单选题Under MARPOL Code the ship to which it applies has to carry ()Aan International Ship Security CertificateBan International Oil Pollution CertificateCa Safety Management CertificateDan International Ballast Water Management Certificate

单选题Under ISPS Code the ship to which it applies has to carry()Aan International Ship Security CertificateBan International Oil Pollution CertificateCa Safety Management CertificateDan International Ballast Water Management Certificate

单选题The term “the Company” in the ISM Code is defined as ().Athe ship ownerBany person who has assumed responsibility for operating the shipCeither A or BDneither A nor B