Which code causes only a Level 2 adjacency to be formed under the SONET interface so-2/2/2 withFrame Relay encapsulation?Which code causes only a Level 2 adjacency to be formed under the SONET interface so-2/2/2 with Frame Relay encapsulation?()A.B.C.D.

Which code causes only a Level 2 adjacency to be formed under the SONET interface so-2/2/2 withFrame Relay encapsulation?Which code causes only a Level 2 adjacency to be formed under the SONET interface so-2/2/2 with Frame Relay encapsulation?()






Whichtypeofbackupmustbeperformedfirstwithanincrementalbackup?() A.Level1B.Level0C.Level2D.Level3

An IS-IS router is adjacent to and passing traffic with a neighbor. You perform a show isis interface detail command and notice that for some interfaces you have a circuit type of 3. Which IS-IS level(s) is enabled on these interfaces?()A. Level 1 onlyB. Level 2 onlyC. Level 1 and Level 2D. Level 3 only

You have a Level 1-only router (Router A) in IS-IS area 49.0001.How does Router A learn how to reach prefixes in other areas?() A. Router A must have a Level 2 adjacency with the Level 1/Level 2 router in area 49.0001.B. The Level 1/Level 2 router in area 49.0001 sets the attached bit in the Level 2 LSP it floods into area 49.0001.C. The Level 1/Level 2 router in area 49.0001 sets the attached bit in the Level 1 link-state PDU (LSP) it floods into area 49.0001.D. The Level 1/Level 2 router in area 49.0001 advertises these prefixes into area 49.0001 using a Level 2 LSP it floods into the area.

Which two statements are true by default of a multilevel IS-IS network?() A. Level 1 only routers see routes contained in their area.B. Level 1 routers route towards Level 2 routers due to the attached bit.C. Level 2 routers route towards Level 1 routers due to the attached bit.D. Level 2 routers can see routes in other Level 2 areas and routes originated in Level 1 areas.

YouhaveaLevel1-onlyrouter(RouterA)inIS-ISarea49.0001.HowdoesRouterAlearnhowtogettoIPprefixedinotherareas?() A.RouterAmusthaveaLevel2adjacencywiththeLevel1/Level2routerinarea49.0001.B.TheLevel1/Level2routerinarea49.0001setstheattachedbitintheLevel2LSPitfloodsintoarea49.0001.C.TheLevel1/Level2routerinarea49.0001setstheattachedbitintheLevel1link-statePDU(LSP)itfloodsintoarea49.0001.D.TheLevel1/Level2routerinarea49.0001advertisestheseprefixedintoarea49.0001usingaLevel2LSPitfloodsintothearea.

AnIS-ISrouterisadjacenttoandpassingtrafficwithaneighbor.Youperformashowis interfacedetailcommandandnoticethatforsomeinterfacesyouhaveacircuittypeof3.WhichIS-ISlevel(s)isenabledontheseinterfaces?() A.Level1onlyB.Level2onlyC.Level1andLevel2D.Level3only

According to JUNOS software route selection algorithm, which IS-IS route type is most preferred?() A. Level 1 internal routesB. Level 1 external routesC. Level 2 internal routesD. Level 2 external routes

How do you enable interface fe-0/0/0 under the [edit protocols isis] level to form both a Level 1 and Level 2 adjacency?() A. set interface fe-0/0/0.0B. set interface fe-0/0/0.0 all levelC. set interface fe-0/0/0.0 level 3 enableD. set interface fe-0/0/0.0 level 1 level 2

Which IS - IS router is equivalent to an ABR in OSPF?() A. Level 2 - 3B. Level 1 - 2C. Level 2D. Level 0E. Level 3F. Level 1

在IS-IS协议中,包含哪几种IS路由器的类型()。 A.Level-1B.Level-2C.Level-3D.Level-1-2