单选题Tony’s salary as a plumber is much higher than ______.Aa teacher Ba teacher hasCthat of a teacher doesDthat of a teacher
Tony’s salary as a plumber is much higher than ______.
a teacher
a teacher has
that of a teacher does
that of a teacher
作为水管工人,Tony的工资远比教师的工资要高。that指代the salary,与前面Tony’s salary相对应。比较级比较的是二者的工资,而不是“Tony的工资”和“教师”,故排除选项A。
作为水管工人,Tony的工资远比教师的工资要高。that指代the salary,与前面Tony’s salary相对应。比较级比较的是二者的工资,而不是“Tony的工资”和“教师”,故排除选项A。
)22. What can we learn about the teacher from the passage?The teacher is a kind -teacher.②The teacher never scolds his students.③The teacher works very hard.④The teacher likes to help his students.A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②③④
25. Which is NOT true according to this passage?A. The writer loves his teacher very much.B. A good teacher should not scold his students. 'C. The teacher may be rich if he becomes a businessman.
It was an unpleasant task for the teacher to point out or hint at a student’s confusion in thought.(The Teacher as Dragon) () 此题为判断题(对,错)。
在Windows下,下列文件名中正确的一个是()。 A、teacher and studentB、teacher:studentC、teacher/studentD、teacher?student
My old classmate, Comrade Sun, works at ______. Aa teacher collegeBa teacher’s collegeCa teachers’s collegeDa college of a teacher’s
A teacher asked the students to repeat a word many times to memorize the pronunciation,meanings and usages.Which conclusion is NOT correct?A.The teacher is teaching pronunciation.B.The teacher focuses on accuracy.C.The teacher is using mechanical practice.D.The teacher is teaching vocabulary.
I've tried very" hard to improve my English. But by no means__________with my progress.A.the teacher is not satisfiedB.is the teacher not satisfiedC.the teacher is satisfiedD.is the teacher satisfied
I didn′ t understand ____________. so I raised my hand to ask.A.what my teacher saysB.what does my teacher sayC.what my teacher saidD.what did my teacher say
The salary of an engineer is much higher__.A.than a teacherB.than that of a teacherC.in comparison with a teacher'sD.than of a teacher's
Some experts note that children’s performances are____ more influenced by parents than by teacher.A.quiteB.manyC.almostD.far
类Teacher: class Teacher{ String name; float salary; Teacher(String name){ this.name = name; } Teacher(String name,float salary){ this.name = name; this.salary = salary; } } 执行语句Teacher t = new Teacher(“Tom”,2000.0f);后,字段salary的值是哪一项?() A、 2000.0fB、 0.0fC、 null;D、 2000
根据关系模型Teacher(编号,职称)下列SQL语句正确的是()A、INSERT INTO Teacher(编号,职称)VALUES("070041","助教")B、INSERT INTO Teacher("070041","助教")VALUES(编号,职称)C、INSERT INTO VALUES(编号,职称)Teacher("070041","助教")D、INSERT INTO VALUES("070041","助教")Teacher(编号,职称
删除表Teacher中编号为070041的记录,应为()A、DELETE FROM Teacher WHERE编号="070041"B、DELETE FROM Teacher 编号="070041"C、DELETE编号="070041"FROMTeacherD、DELETE FROM Teacher WHERE编号IS"070041"
单选题Tony’s salary as a plumber is much higher than ______.Aa teacher Ba teacher hasCthat of a teacher doesDthat of a teacher
单选题类Teacher: class Teacher{ String name; float salary; Teacher(String name){ this.name = name; } Teacher(String name,float salary){ this.name = name; this.salary = salary; } } 执行语句Teacher t = new Teacher(“Tom”,2000.0f);后,字段salary的值是哪一项?()A 2000.0fB 0.0fC null;D 2000
单选题Only when________possible to announce the result of the exam.Adoes the teacher come will it beBthe teacher comes will it beChas the teacher come will it beDthe teacher comes it will be
单选题The teacher-student _____ in China’s universities is much lower than that in the U.S.ArateBrankCratioDrange
单选题From the last paragraph, we can see that __________.Aa teacher’s influence on children is always positiveBchildren should be encouraged to reach their own decisions by ignoring objective factsCif improperly handled, a teacher’s influence can be very harmful to the childrenDchildren may develop prejudices if the teacher’s attitude is wrong
单选题根据关系模型Teacher(编号,职称)下列SQL语句正确的是()AINSERT INTO Teacher(编号,职称)VALUES(070041,助教)BINSERT INTO Teacher(070041,助教)VALUES(编号,职称)CINSERT INTO VALUES(编号,职称)Teacher(070041,助教)DINSERT INTO VALUES(070041,助教)Teacher(编号,职称
单选题Tony’s salary as a plumber is much higher than _____.Aa teacherBa teacher hasCthat of a teacher doesDthat of a teacher
单选题_____ was wrong.ANot the teacher but the studentsBBoth the students and the teacherCNeither the teacher not the studentsDNot the students but the teacher
单选题As for a lesson plan,a teacher says,"When do lesson planning,I always prepare some extra and alternative tasks and activities so that I have the options to cope with the unexpected situations." According to the teacher's words, we can know that the teacher follows the principle of______ in lesson planning.AlinkageBvarietyCflexibilityDlearnability
单选题As for a lesson plan ,a teacher says,“When do lesson planning, I always prepare some extra and alternative tasks and activities so that I have the options to cope with the unexpected situations.” According to the teacher’s words, we can know that the teacher follows the principle of ______in lesson planning.AlinkageBvarietyCflexibilityDlearnability
单选题根据关系模型Teacher(编号,姓名),下列语句能完成插入一条新记录的是()AINSERT INTO Teacher VALUES(070044,付强)BINSERT INTO Teacher(学号,姓名)CINSERT(070044,付强)INTO TeacherDINSERT(学号,姓名)INTO Teacher
单选题A teacher lists twentysimple present tensesentences and asks students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What's the teacher's grammar teaching method?AInduction.BConduction.CConstruction.DDeduction.