单选题A-frames are mounted on the bed plate and support () and cylinder block.Athe main bearingBthe cylinder coverCthe entablatureDthe sump

A-frames are mounted on the bed plate and support () and cylinder block.

the main bearing


the cylinder cover


the entablature


the sump


解析: 暂无解析


I’m on night duty.When you go to( ), I go to( ).A.the bed...the workB.bed...the workC.bed...workD.the bed...work

Persistent knocking in one cylinder of an eight cylinder diesel engine would MOST likely be caused by______.A.using fuel oil with low cetane numberB.a badly worn piston pinC.a loose flywheel keyD.a loose bed plate bolt

The type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the edge of the plate to which it is riveted is a ______.A.Grip jointB.Strap jointC.Thread jointD.Lap joint

A deck beam does NOT ______.A.act as a beam to support vertical deck loadsB.lessen the longitudinal stiffness of the vesselC.act as a tie to keep the sides of the ship in placeD.act as a web to prevent plate wrinkling due to twisting action on the vessel



英译中:Number plate

板块构造(plate tectonics)


单选题The type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the edge of the plate to which it is riveted is a().Agrip jointBstrap jointCthread jointDlap joint

单选题A deck beam does NOT().Aact as a beam to support vertical deck loadsBlessen the longitudinal stiffness of the vesselCact as a tie to keep the sides of the ship in placeDact as a web to prevent plate wrinkling due to twisting action on the vessel

单选题The phrase in bed is pronounced as ______in real speech.A/in`bed/B/im`bed/C/`inbəd/D/im`bəd/

单选题A flounder plate,on a topping lift,is().Aa fairlead blockBa swivel pin for the topping lift blockCa triangular steel plate with a hole at each cornerDthe lower block of a multiple part topping lift

单选题The possibility of damage from operating a diesel engine at critical speeds is reduced by the use of().Aan isochronous governorBelastic engine mountsCa vibration damperDa cast iron bed plate with good flexible qualities

名词解释题实地(Solid plate)


单选题Finally,when your ship is alongside,don’t forget().Ahaving rat guards properly mounted on your mooringsBto have rat guards properly mounted on your mooringsCto have rat guards properly mounting at your mooringsDhaving rat guards proper mounted on your moorings

单选题At the top of the A-frames there is a strong cast iron frame called ().Acylinder linerBcylinder coverCthe gear boxDthe scavenging box

单选题How are riveted lap joints made watertight().AThe faying surfaces are coated with white lead(or similar product)before the rivets are setBA sealing weld bead of 1/8 or less pitch is run along the plate edgeCThe plate edge is split close to an adjacent plate and mechanically forced into contact with the adjacent plateDA properly riveted joint will be watertight; any leakage is stopped by setting up on the rivets

单选题() are mounted on and bolted to the bed-plate cross girders.AThe crankshaftBThe crankcaseCThe guide-waysDThe frames

单选题Aother name for the “swash plate” in the variable delivery pump is()Atiltable discBgravity discCdistributing discDcatch plate

单选题To reduce the number of strakes at the bow,two strakes are tapered and joined at their ends by a single plate. This plate is known as a().Acover plateBjoinerClap strakeDstealer plate

单选题The gas loads on the engine structure are constrained by means of hydraulically preloaded () which connect the bed plate, frame sections and cylinder jackets into a single unit.Aconnecting rodsBmain bearingCcolumnDtie rods

单选题The A-frames carry the crosshead guides and support the engine ().AfoundationBseatingCentablatureDbedplate

单选题A-frames are mounted on the bed plate and support () and cylinder block.Athe main bearingBthe cylinder coverCthe entablatureDthe sump

单选题A-frames and cylinder block is held together by () to form a rigid structure.Aconnecting rodsBpiston rodsCtie rodsDjack-bolts

单选题The complete assembly of bedplate, A-frames and cylinder block is held together by () to form a rigid structure.Atap-boltsBjack-boltsCtie rodsDfitted rods

单选题The bed-plate is secured in the longitudinal direction by means of bolts known as ().Aend-chock boltsBside-chock boltsCthrough boltsDtie rods