单选题Though the movie purports to be a satirical examination of capitalism (as was the original 1974 version), its vague discussion of money and power _______ very little.Aadds up to Bcomes up with Cputs up with Dmakes up for

Though the movie purports to be a satirical examination of capitalism (as was the original 1974 version), its vague discussion of money and power _______ very little.

adds up to  


comes up with    


puts up with    


makes up for


尽管这部电影的目的在于对资本主义进行讽刺性的检讨(就如同1974年最初的那个版本一样),但它对于金钱和权力的含糊讨论意味不了什么。add up to总计达;意味着。come up with找到或提出(答案、办法等)。puts up with忍受,容忍。makes up for补偿,赔偿。


________[A] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forward

Every nation should treasure its cultural(), as it demonstrates the growing-up history and stages in evolution.A、legacyB、heritageC、identityD、power

In the movie, Tarzan is raised up by gorilla mother.()

Electronics ____ the movement of free electrons in a vacuum or in semiconductors. A、catches up withB、comes up withC、falls in withD、deals with

Which statement describes the ROWID data type? () A. Binary data up to 4 gigabytes.B. Character data up to 4 gigabytes.C. Raw binary data of variable length up to 2 gigabytes.D. Binary data stored in an external file, up to 4 gigabytes.E. A hexadecimal string representing the unique address of a row in its table.

---- I' m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have __ .----So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.A. broken up B. finished up C. divided up closed up

Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not close examination.[A] put up[B] keep up[C] stand up to[D] look up to

I have been trying to quit smoking.A:give up B:pick up C:build up D:take up

The WTO cannot live up to its name()it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.Aas long asBwhileCifDeven though

The WTO cannot live up to its name()it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.A、as long asB、whileC、ifD、even though

Which statement describes the ROWID data type? ()A、Binary data up to 4 gigabytes.B、Character data up to 4 gigabytes.C、Raw binary data of variable length up to 2 gigabytes.D、Binary data stored in an external file, up to 4 gigabytes.E、A hexadecimal string representing the unique address of a row in its table.


飞控系统在什么状态下进行POWER-UP BIT?() A、任何时候都可以B、只有当飞机接通AC时,系统才开始POWER-UP BITC、系统不必进行POWER-UP BITD、接通地面勤务电源时

单选题Picking up books that vaguely interest you can be dangerous because _____.Ayou may forget about the book you plan to buyByou have to give up the best-selling bookCit makes you break your appointmentDit costs you too much money and time

单选题Very few scientists _______ completely new answers to the world’s problems.Acome up to Bcome down toCcome down withDcome up with

单选题The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could______Astand up to itBmake up forCcome up withDput up with it

单选题Which statement describes the ROWID data type? ()ABinary data up to 4 gigabytes.BCharacter data up to 4 gigabytes.CRaw binary data of variable length up to 2 gigabytes.DBinary data stored in an external file, up to 4 gigabytes.EA hexadecimal string representing the unique address of a row in its table.

单选题China only started its nuclear power industry in recent years, and should ______ no time in catching up.Alose Bdelay Cspare Drelieve

单选题Once a towline is connected between the towing vessel and the disabled vessel,the towing vessel should().Anot exceed bare steerageway during the transitBtake a strain as soon as you can to control the towCcome up to speed very slowly and maintain a safe speedDcome up to speed quickly,then cut back power considerably to ease the strain

单选题These students’ determination to face up to difficulties plays a crucial role in their success.Alive up toBstand up toCgo up toDadd up to

单选题With inflation at 10%, the price could ______ again quite soon.Arise up Bget up Cgo up Dput up

单选题After second thought,she ______ a better solution.Acame up withBadded up toCput up withDmade up for

单选题As the plunger moves up, the ports are closed and the fuel () and delivered to the injector nozzle at very high pressure.Abeing compressedBto be pumped upCis pressurizedDare built up

单选题The WTO cannot live up to its name()it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.Aas long asBwhileCifDeven though

单选题The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could _____.Amake up forBkeep up withCcome up withDput up with

单选题In order to adjust to the loss of salt, the body______.Aloses some bloodBspeeds up its secretion of waterCspeeds up its secretion of saltDis drying up slowly

单选题An administrator is attempting to recover from a power failure in the data center. Which of the following is the BEST way to recover the servers?()A Bring up the WINS server, the DNS server, then the web serverB Bring up the web server, the time clock server, then the DHCP serverC Bring up the backup tape server, the DNS server, then the web serverD Bring up the active directory server, the DNS server, then the web server