单选题Low cylinder compression pressure and a high exhaust temperature may indicate ()Aearly fuel injection timingBleaking valvesCa continuously open scavenge air portDlow cooling water temperature

Low cylinder compression pressure and a high exhaust temperature may indicate ()

early fuel injection timing


leaking valves


a continuously open scavenge air port


low cooling water temperature


解析: 暂无解析


High cylinder firing pressure, accompanied by low exhaust temperature, can result from ___.A.improper fuel rack positingB.lengthy exhaust valve durationC.extend operation at light loadD.excessively early injection timing

High firing pressures and low exhaust temperature in a diesel engine may resultfrom( ).A.decreased piston to cylinder head clearanceB.increased exhaust system back pressureC.early fuel injection timingD.low scavenge air temperature

If fuel injection to a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine begins earlier than designed, ignition may be delayed because theA.cylinder compression pressure may not be high enoughB.cylinder compression temperature may be too highC.fuel oil injection pressure may not be high enoughD.scavenge and purge process is incomplete

Low compression in a diesel engine could be caused byA.worn or broken cylinder liner sealing ringsB.high cooling water temperatureC.worn or broken piston ringsD.low fuel oil pressure

单选题Which of the conditions listed would cause simultaneous high cylinder firing pressure and low exhaust temperature?()AImproper fuel rack positioningBLengthy opening of the exhaust valveCExcessively early injection timingDExtended light load operation

单选题Which of the listed problems can be a cause of low compression pressure in a diesel engine?()Aclogged air filterBcompression strokeCburned exhaust valvesDall of the above

单选题Late fuel injection timing is indicated by ()Alower than normal cylinder pressure and low exhaust temperatureBlower than normal cylinder pressure and high exhaust temperatureChigher than normal cylinder pressure and low exhaust temperatureDhigher than normal cylinder pressure and high exhaust temperature

单选题Early injection timing is indicated by ().Ahigh exhaust temperature and low firing pressureBhigh exhaust temperature and high firing pressureClow exhaust temperature and low firing pressureDlow exhaust temperature and high firing pressure

单选题In a compression refrigeration plant the refrigerant is under low pressure in the () and under high pressure in the ().Acompressor;condenserBcondenser;evaporatorCthrottle valve;evaporatorDevaporator;condenser

单选题A practical way of checking for excessive fuel injection in one cylinder of an operating diesel engine is to ()Afeel the high pressure fuel lineBcheck the cylinder exhausts for white smoke frequentlyCcheck the cylinder exhaust temperatureDisolate each cylinder and inspect the injector

单选题The loss of the diesel engine cylinder air charge through leaky valves, piston rings, worn or scored liners, would be indicated by which of the following sets of conditions?()ALow compression pressure and high exhaust temperatureBLow firing pressure and high exhaust temperatureCLow compression pressure and low exhaust temperatureDLow firing pressure and low exhaust temperature

单选题When the normal compression ratio of a diesel engine is not very high, misfiring at light loads may be caused by ()Aoverloading the engineBlow exhaust valve liftCexcessive cylinder coolingDinsufficient mechanical clearance

单选题High exhaust temperature and black smoke exhausting from an auxiliary diesel engine can be caused by ().Aengine overloadBlow combustion temperatureCplugged fuel nozzle holesDexcessive compression pressure

单选题Low cylinder compression pressure and a high exhaust temperature may indicate ()Aearly fuel injection timingBleaking valvesCa continuously open scavenge air portDlow cooling water temperature

单选题Low compression pressure in a diesel engine is caused by()Alow water in the expansion tankBimproperly seated valvesClow fuel oil pressureDworn or broken cylinder liner sealing rings

单选题Leaky exhaust valve will result in which of the following?() (1) high exhaust temperature; (2) low compression pressure; (3) low firing pressure.A(1) and (2)B(1) onlyC(2) onlyD(1),(2) and (3)

单选题Low compression in a diesel engine could be caused by()Aworn or broken cylinder liner sealing ringsBhigh cooling water temperatureCworn or broken piston ringsDlow fuel oil pressure

单选题High firing pressures and a low exhaust temperature in a diesel engine may result from ().Adecreased piston to cylinder head clearanceBincreased exhaust system back pressureCearly fuel injection timingDlow scavenge air temperature

单选题Either a low injection pressure or a leakage of piston rings is able to lead ().Aa high exhaust temperatureBa high smoky exhaustCa high outputDa high compression

单选题Which of the listed set of conditions indicates early fuel injection timing?()ALoss of engine power and high exhaust temperaturesBHigher than normal firing pressure and low exhaust temperaturesCHigh fuel consumption and high exhaust temperaturesDLower than normal compression pressure and high exhaust temperature

单选题The arrangement and shape of the cams on a diesel engine camshaft directly control which of the listed groups of operating conditions?()Aspeed, torque, and horsepower productionBfiring order, valve timing, and valve liftCfuel consumption, efficiency, and cylinder pressureDscavenge pressure, compression ratio, and exhaust pressure

单选题Late fuel injection in a diesel engine is indicated by low firing pressure with()Ahigh exhaust temperatureBlow exhaust temperatureCfuel knock in each cylinderDmechanical knock in each cylinder

单选题Low compression pressure in a diesel engine may be the result of ()Ainsufficient fuel supply due to fuel pump valves sticking or leakingBexcessive mechanical clearance between the piston crown and cylinder headCexcessively worn fuel pump plungerDexcessive exhaust back pressure

单选题One remedy for a high firing pressure, in addition to a high exhaust temperature in one cylinder of a diesel engine, is to ()Aincrease scavenge air pressureBreduce fuel booster pump pressureCadjust the fuel rackDretard fuel injector timing

单选题High cylinder firing pressure, accompanied by low exhaust temperature, can result from ()Aimproper fuel rack positingBlengthy exhaust valve durationCextend operation at light loadDexcessively early injection timing

单选题An indication of a diesel engine air intake being partially clogged, is ().Alow firing pressure and low exhaust temperaturesBlow firing pressure and normal exhaust temperaturesChigh firing pressure and low exhaust temperaturesDhigh firing pressure and high exhaust temperatures

单选题When one cylinder has a lower compression pressure and higher exhaust gas temperature than any of the other engine cylinders, which of the conditions listed will indicated?()AAdvanced ignitionBClogged air intakeCLeaky exhaust valveDHigh exhaust pressure

单选题If a diesel engines exhaust temperature is abnormally high, the cause could be()Atoo light of a loadBinjection timing is too earlyCoverloading of the engineDtoo low of a compression ratio