


从文章的第一段“your company is looking for someone with excellent communication skills...”可知,公司正在招聘具有出色沟通技巧、组织经验和领导背景的管理人员,故此处应填写communication skills。


单选题Backed by loans from the Asian Development Band, the local government is aiming to teach the farmers how to run a successful business with farming techniques.A为了获取亚洲开发银行的贷款,当地政府教导农民如何通过发展农业技术来办好农业。B偿还了亚洲开发银行的贷款后,当地政府力求教导农民如何依靠农业技术成功地进行生产。C在亚洲开发银行贷款的支持下,当地政府致力于教会农民如何用农业技术成功地经营。


问答题Practice 4Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Business Letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.  说明:根据下面中文信息写一封询问信。  发信人:Mark Zhang  收信人:Mr. Smith  发信日期:2009年12月22日  内容:  1. Mark在最近的广交会上认识了Smith先生;  2. Mark对Smith先生所在公司展出的新款手机很感兴趣;  3. 询问产品的详细信息,包括产品的规格、颜色、价格和功能等;  4. 说明该款手机市场销售前景看好;  5. 希望和对方建立长远的商务关系。  Words for references: 广交会Guangzhou Trade Fair;规格specifications。

填空题Although you may not (success) ____ in the beginning, you should keep on trying.

填空题What is the probable cause if the fan seems to be running slower than usual?The oven has been put in a ____.

单选题What he told me to do was _____ I should get fully prepared before the interview.AwhatBifCwhichDthat

单选题It was not until the accident happened _____.Awhen I became aware of my foolishnessBwhen my foolishness became obviousCthat did I realize my own follyDthat I became aware of my own foolishness

单选题David has _____ much work to do that he is staying late at his office.AsuchBsoCveryDenough

填空题Who should be responsible for the fault?____ should be responsible for the fault.

单选题The passage is mainly about _____.Athe construction of parking spaces in Los AngelesBthe new growth pattern of the city of Los AngelesCthe public transportation system in Los AngelesDthe problem of traffic jams in Los Angeles

单选题My brother brought me a few reference books, but _____ of them was of any use for my report.AneitherBnoneCeitherDall

填空题What’s the purpose of the writer in sending this letter?To be invited for ____.

单选题There is no sign that the world economic crisis will lessen in the next few months, although a certain degree of recovery is in sight.A尽管没有人认为未来几个月内世界经济危机会消失,但是在一定程度上的复苏是肯定的。B尽管世界经济复苏的迹象是肯定的,但是未来几个月内经济危机缓和的现象还不很明显。C尽管已经显现出一定程度的经济复苏,但没有迹象表明世界经济危机在未来几个月会减缓。

单选题The Sales Department was required to _____ a plan in three weeks.Aturn upBget upCcome up withDput up with

填空题This medicine is highly (effect) ____ in treating skin cancer if it is applied early enough.

填空题The children looked (health) ____ with bright smiles on their faces.

单选题_____AVisit Japan.BCook some food.CTravel abroad.DEat outside.

单选题What our company values most in employing people is their basic quality and practical skills.A我们公司的最大价值在于它所雇用的员工具备了基本素质和实用技能。B在培训员工时,我们公司大多会重视人的基本素质和实际技能。C在招聘员工时,我们公司最看重的是人的基本素质和实际技能。

填空题What will happen if passengers stay in MRT over half an hour in addition to travel time?Their tickets will ____.



单选题It is my great honor _____ to give a speech at the opening ceremony.Ato inviteBinvitingChaving invitedDto be invited

填空题What can a nursing home do for aging parents?It provides them with proper ____.

单选题What’s the legal age to join SAL FFP Club according to the passage?A11 and underB12 and underC12 and overD18 and over

单选题The purchaser will not be responsible for any cost or expenses in connection with the packing or delivery of the above goods.A卖主并非没有责任解决上述货物在包装和运输方面出现的问题。B以上货物在包装和运输方面所产生的有关费用买主均不予过问。C买主概不承担与上述货物的包装和运输有关的任何成本或费用。

单选题My impression of the service in the hotel was that it had really _____.AimaginedBimpliedCimportedDimproved

单选题To obtain a visa to enter that country for the first time, you need to apply _____.Ain partBin personCin turnDin place

单选题You can’t drink alcohol _____ you are at least eighteen years old in some states of the US.AifBunlessCthoughDwhen