单选题Control of fire on a ship should be addressed().Aimmediately after restoring vital servicesBimmediatelyCfollowing control of floodingDfollowing establishment of fire boundaries

Control of fire on a ship should be addressed().

immediately after restoring vital services




following control of flooding


following establishment of fire boundaries


解析: 暂无解析


Repair of vital machinery and services on a ship should be accomplished ______.A.after control of fire, flooding, and structural repairsB.immediatelyC.after control of fire, but before control of floodingD.after stability is restored

Halogenated hydrocarbon, Halon in short form,is used on board ship as ________ .A.fire-extinguishing mediumB.a standard fire testC.a non-combustible materialD.a fire main

水手应该知道船上吊杆的安全工作负荷。()A、Sailors should know the SWL of cranes on board their ship.B、Sailors should know the SWL of derricks on board their ship.C、Officers should know the SWL of derricks on board their ship.D、Officers should know the SWL of cranes on board their ship.

Where do you post your ()(火势控制图)?A、fire control planB、fire controlC、fire planD、fire-fighting plan

I’m having ()around the ship.A、fire watchB、fire patrolC、fire protectionD、fire alarm

其他组密切注意火势。()A、Other parties keep a close watch on the fire.B、Other parties watch on the fire.C、Other parties get ready for leaving the boat and boarding the ship.D、Other parties got ready for leaving the boat and boarding the ship.

单选题On a ship,watertight doors should be operated().Aduring abandon drillBduring fire drillCweeklyDwhen the rig is being moved

单选题Control of fire should be addressed().Aimmediately after restoring vital servicesBimmediatelyCfollowing control of floodingDfollowing establishment of fire boundaries

单选题Control of flooding should be addressed().AfirstBfollowing control of fireCfollowing restoration of vital servicesDonly if a threat exists

单选题At night while the ship is tied up to the dock,a fire breaks out in a cargo hatch. After sounding the alarm,what should the person on watch do?()ABegin fighting the fire immediatelyBAwait further orders from the MasterCLet go the lines to let the vessel drift to an anchorageDSend a person to summon the shore authorities

单选题Since the fire is increasing on board the vessel,the Captain orders that the ship be().AsubtleBdentalCbrittleDscuttled

单选题The remote control for a fixed fire extinguishing system should be().Apainted red and labeledBconcealed from the crewCprotected by plexiglassDpadlocked

单选题A high-velocity fog stream can be used in fire fighting situations to drive heat and smoke ahead of the fire fighters in a passageway. This technique should only be used when().Ausing a 2-1/2 inch hoseBthere is an outlet for the smoke and heatCthe fire is totally contained by the ship's structureDat least two fog streams can be used

单选题Which of the actions listed should be taken FIRST to control an oil fire in a fuel oil tank?()ACommence draining that tank as quickly as possibleBSeal off all vents to that tankCActivate the CO2 system to that tankDShut off the steam heating coils

单选题The SOLAS convention about “passenger ship and dried food ship damage control” prescribes that the engine room emergency bilge water suction should connect with ()Athe main S-W pumpBballast pumpCair-conditioning water pumpDthe main S-W pump or ballast pumps that have the biggest output

单选题When the general alarm is sounded continuously, the engine room personnel should ().Aproceed to their man overboard stationsBstart the fire pumpCput on lifejackets and go to their abandon ship stationsDsecure the propulsion diesel engines and evacuate the engine room

单选题Repair of vital machinery and services on a ship should be accomplished().Aafter control of fire,flooding,and structural repairsBimmediatelyCafter control of fire,but before control of floodingDafter stability is restored

单选题A fire is considered "under control" when ().Aall hands are at their fire stationsBall fire-fighting equipment is at the sceneCthe fixed systems are activatedDthe fire is contained and no longer spreading

单选题Ship fire-fighting organization includes ().Ageneral alarm and fire control plansBmuster stations and duties of individualCpatrol systemDAll of the above

单选题Control of fire on a ship should be addressed().Aimmediately after restoring vital servicesBimmediatelyCfollowing control of floodingDfollowing establishment of fire boundaries

单选题The ship emergency plan item should not include () Ⅰ.ifesaving,fire fighting, leakage blocking, abandon ship Ⅱ.irst aid Ⅲ.ntegration emergencyAⅡBⅢCⅠ+ⅢDⅠ

单选题During a fire drill on a ship,what action is required?()AStart each fire pumpBLaunch and run a lifeboatCInventory rescue and fire equipmentDInspect fire hoses

单选题The order of importance in addressing damage control is().Acontrol flooding,control fire,repair structural damageBrestore vital services,control fire,control floodingCcontrol fire,restore vital services,control floodingDcontrol fire,control flooding,repair structural damage

单选题The order of importance in addressing damage control on a ship is().Acontrol flooding,control fire,repair structural damageBrestore vital services,control fire,control floodingCcontrol fire,restore vital services,control floodingDcontrol fire,control flooding,repair structural damage

单选题Each fire pump on a ship must have a pressure gauge located at().Athe pump dischargeBthe manifold connectionCeach fire station dischargeDthe pump station

单选题After an explosion,repair of emergency machinery and services should be accomplished().Aafter control of fire,flooding,and structural repairsBimmediately,before the emergency is under controlCafter control of fire,but before control of floodingDafter stability is restored

单选题If you see someone fall overboard from a ship,you should().Aimmediately jump in the water to help the individualBcall for help and keep the individual in sightCrun to the radio room to send an emergency messageDgo to the control room for the distress flares

单选题While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarmWhich of the following actions should you take FIRST?()ASecure the burners then proceed to your assigned boat stationBStart the fire pump and establish flow to the fire mainCOpen the guardian valve and standby to maneuverDOpen the master control valves on the fixed CO2 system