问答题Passage 1The Research on Self-esteem  A Self-esteem is generally considered the evaluative component of the self-concept, a broader representation of the self that includes cognitive and behavioral aspects as well as evaluative or affective ones. While the construct is most often used to refer to a global sense of self-worth, narrower concepts such as self-confidence or body-esteem are used to imply a sense of self-esteem in more specific domains. It is also widely assumed that self-esteem functions as a trait, that is, it is stable across time within individuals.  B Self-esteem is an extremely popular construct within psychology, and has been related to virtually every other psychological concept or domain, including personality (e.g., shyness), behavioral (e.g., task performance), cognitive (e.g., attributional bias), and clinical concepts (e.g., anxiety and depression). While some researchers have been particularly concerned with understanding the nuances of the self-esteem construct, others have focused on the adaptive and self-protective functions of self-esteem. Self-esteem has been related both to socioeconomic status and to various aspects of health and health-related behaviors, as has a related construct, self-efficacy. Self-efficacy, a term associated with the work of Bandera, refers to an individual’s sense of competence or ability in general or in particular domains.  C Low self-esteem is the universal common denominator literally among all people suffering from addictions to any and all mind altering substances such as alcohol—not genes. In the book Alcoholism: A False Stigma: Low Self-Esteem the True Disease (1996), Candito reports, “Those who have identified themselves as ‘recovered alcoholics’ indicate that low self-esteem is the most significant problem in their lives. Low self-esteem is the true problem and the true disease. Alcohol is but a symptom of an alcoholic’s disease.” Studies have found that 18-year olds who used drugs frequently were using them as early as age seven, already more psychologically troubled than their peers. They were already anxious and unhappy, alienated from their family and peers, and overly impulsive. Low self-esteem, lack of conformity, poor academic achievement and poor parental-child relationships are also indicators of young children likely to end up using drugs.  D Candito comes to the conclusion that low self-esteem is the underlying origin f all problematic behaviors, and the true disease that plagues the world, resulting in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and all other obsessive behaviors including criminal behavior. This conclusion is also shared by Andrew Keegan (1987) who maintains that low self-esteem either causes or contributes to neurosis, anxiety, defensiveness, and ultimately alcohol and drug abuse. The reason why some become alcoholic while others do not is dependent upon their ability to contend with low self-esteem.  E However, many of the positive outcomes attributed to high self-esteem are not substantiated by research, according to Brown psychologist Krueger. Krueger, associate professor of psychology and faculty member from three other universities, formed that conclusion after reviewing more than two decades of objective research studies on self-esteem at the invitation of the American Psychological Society. Their report appears in this month’s issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a supplement to Psychological Science. “Across most measures-school and job performance, violence and crime, and health-there were few consistent links between the level of self-esteem and the quality of outcomes,” said Krueger. High self-esteem does not prevent children from smoking, drinking, taking drugs or engaging in early sex, the task force reported. If anything, high self-esteem fosters experimentation, which may increase early sexual activity or drinking. The exception was a connection between high self-esteem and reduced chances of the eating disorder bulimia in females. In adults, according to the task force, occupational success may boost self-esteem rather than the reverse. And neither high nor low self-esteem is a direct cause of violence.  F In fact, pleasant feelings and enhanced initiative were the two benefits of high self-esteem found by the task force. High self-esteem has a strong relationship to happiness and low self-esteem is more likely than high to lead to depression under some circumstances. Those with high self-esteem were also found to exhibit more persistence at tasks. Yet the task force also noted that there are basically two types of high self-esteem—that which is realistic, and that which is out of touch with reality. People who fall into the former category accept their good qualities. Those in the latter are characterised as narcissistic, defensive or conceited individuals. In some studies, narcissism led to some negative qualities such as increased aggression in retaliation for wounded pride.  G The self-esteem movement began in California during the 1980s with the idea that many of society’s problems were related to low self-esteem. The California legislature financed a task force to increase self-esteem in an effort to reduce welfare dependency, unwanted pregnancy, school failure, crime, drug addiction and other problems, with the goal of saving taxpayer dollars, according to the task force. Since then, there has been a nationwide proliferation of techniques to raise self-esteem—particularly in schools—and a proliferation of books marketed to people helping themselves. Yet, “after a quarter of a century of research, the high hopes of the self-esteem movement have not been realized, and customers of the self-help industry should not look to heightened self-esteem as a panacea,” said Krueger.  Which paragraph contains the following information?  Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.  NB You may use any letter more than once.  1. Researchers focused their studies on varied aspects of self-esteem.  2. Some researchers related problematic drink behaviors to self-esteem.  3. The reason of violence seems not related to the quality of self-esteem.  4. Andrew Keegan agreed that low self-esteem is the underlying origin of all problematic behaviors.  5. Many inventions of methods are stimulated to increase the self-esteem.

Passage 1The Research on Self-esteem  A  Self-esteem is generally considered the evaluative component of the self-concept, a broader representation of the self that includes cognitive and behavioral aspects as well as evaluative or affective ones. While the construct is most often used to refer to a global sense of self-worth, narrower concepts such as self-confidence or body-esteem are used to imply a sense of self-esteem in more specific domains. It is also widely assumed that self-esteem functions as a trait, that is, it is stable across time within individuals.  B  Self-esteem is an extremely popular construct within psychology, and has been related to virtually every other psychological concept or domain, including personality (e.g., shyness), behavioral (e.g., task performance), cognitive (e.g., attributional bias), and clinical concepts (e.g., anxiety and depression). While some researchers have been particularly concerned with understanding the nuances of the self-esteem construct, others have focused on the adaptive and self-protective functions of self-esteem. Self-esteem has been related both to socioeconomic status and to various aspects of health and health-related behaviors, as has a related construct, self-efficacy. Self-efficacy, a term associated with the work of Bandera, refers to an individual’s sense of competence or ability in general or in particular domains.  C  Low self-esteem is the universal common denominator literally among all people suffering from addictions to any and all mind altering substances such as alcohol—not genes. In the book Alcoholism: A False Stigma: Low Self-Esteem the True Disease (1996), Candito reports, “Those who have identified themselves as ‘recovered alcoholics’ indicate that low self-esteem is the most significant problem in their lives. Low self-esteem is the true problem and the true disease. Alcohol is but a symptom of an alcoholic’s disease.” Studies have found that 18-year olds who used drugs frequently were using them as early as age seven, already more psychologically troubled than their peers. They were already anxious and unhappy, alienated from their family and peers, and overly impulsive. Low self-esteem, lack of conformity, poor academic achievement and poor parental-child relationships are also indicators of young children likely to end up using drugs.  D  Candito comes to the conclusion that low self-esteem is the underlying origin f all problematic behaviors, and the true disease that plagues the world, resulting in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and all other obsessive behaviors including criminal behavior. This conclusion is also shared by Andrew Keegan (1987) who maintains that low self-esteem either causes or contributes to neurosis, anxiety, defensiveness, and ultimately alcohol and drug abuse. The reason why some become alcoholic while others do not is dependent upon their ability to contend with low self-esteem.  E  However, many of the positive outcomes attributed to high self-esteem are not substantiated by research, according to Brown psychologist Krueger. Krueger, associate professor of psychology and faculty member from three other universities, formed that conclusion after reviewing more than two decades of objective research studies on self-esteem at the invitation of the American Psychological Society. Their report appears in this month’s issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a supplement to Psychological Science. “Across most measures-school and job performance, violence and crime, and health-there were few consistent links between the level of self-esteem and the quality of outcomes,” said Krueger. High self-esteem does not prevent children from smoking, drinking, taking drugs or engaging in early sex, the task force reported. If anything, high self-esteem fosters experimentation, which may increase early sexual activity or drinking. The exception was a connection between high self-esteem and reduced chances of the eating disorder bulimia in females. In adults, according to the task force, occupational success may boost self-esteem rather than the reverse. And neither high nor low self-esteem is a direct cause of violence.  F  In fact, pleasant feelings and enhanced initiative were the two benefits of high self-esteem found by the task force. High self-esteem has a strong relationship to happiness and low self-esteem is more likely than high to lead to depression under some circumstances. Those with high self-esteem were also found to exhibit more persistence at tasks. Yet the task force also noted that there are basically two types of high self-esteem—that which is realistic, and that which is out of touch with reality. People who fall into the former category accept their good qualities. Those in the latter are characterised as narcissistic, defensive or conceited individuals. In some studies, narcissism led to some negative qualities such as increased aggression in retaliation for wounded pride.  G  The self-esteem movement began in California during the 1980s with the idea that many of society’s problems were related to low self-esteem. The California legislature financed a task force to increase self-esteem in an effort to reduce welfare dependency, unwanted pregnancy, school failure, crime, drug addiction and other problems, with the goal of saving taxpayer dollars, according to the task force. Since then, there has been a nationwide proliferation of techniques to raise self-esteem—particularly in schools—and a proliferation of books marketed to people helping themselves. Yet, “after a quarter of a century of research, the high hopes of the self-esteem movement have not been realized, and customers of the self-help industry should not look to heightened self-esteem as a panacea,” said Krueger.  Which paragraph contains the following information?  Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.  NB You may use any letter more than once.  1. Researchers focused their studies on varied aspects of self-esteem.  2. Some researchers related problematic drink behaviors to self-esteem.  3. The reason of violence seems not related to the quality of self-esteem.  4. Andrew Keegan agreed that low self-esteem is the underlying origin of all problematic behaviors.  5. Many inventions of methods are stimulated to increase the self-esteem.


解析: 暂无解析


The person sending a message is NOT influenced by which of the followingA sender's credibilityB receiver's assumptionsC receiver's evaluative and tendencyD receiver's attitude and needsE sender's knowledge

195 The person sending a message is NOT influenced by which of the followingA. sender's credibilityB. receiver's assumptionsC. receiver's evaluative and tendencyD. receiver's attitude and needsE. sender's knowledge

According to the passage, a documentary letter of credit is one which ______.A.includes any draftsB.includes drafts accompanied by invoice, bill of lading and other documentsC.is accompanied by invoices, bill of lading and other documentsD.is accompanied by drafts as well as insurance policy and commercial invoices

The two words" collaborator" and "accomplice" are examples given to illustrate that synonyms may differ._____. A in styleB in their emotive or evaluative meaningC in their collocationD slightly in what they mean

阅读理解Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: what kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must negatively affect people. A person’s conception of himself or herself is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other people’s reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.Shy people, havinglow self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing “the right thing.” Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel it confirms their feelings of inferiority. They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliment with a statement like this one, “You’re just saying that to make me feel good. I know it’s not true.” It is clear that while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.Can shyness be completely eliminated, or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determined and patient efforts in building self-confidence. Since shyness goes hand in hand with a lack of self-esteems, it is important for people to accept their weakness as well as their strengths.Each one of us is a unique, worthwhile individual, interested in our own personal ways. The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential. Let’s not allow shyness to block our chances for a rich and fulfilling life.1、What does the author try to prove by citing “what kind of impression am I making?”A、Shy people benefit from their caring about their appearance.B、People’s shyness made them care too much about their appearance and actions.C、It’s natural that shy people don’t believe other’s compliments.D、Shy people think they are different from others.2、According to the writer, self-awareness is _______.A、a good qualityB、the cause of unhappinessC、harmful to peopleD、a weak point of shy people3、That shy people react to a compliment in such a way is _________.A、goodB、unrealC、very reasonableD、harmful4、Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A、Shyness helps us to develop our potential.B、Shyness enables us to understand ourselves better.C、Shyness can block our chances for a rich life.D、Shyness has nothing to do with lack of self-esteem.5、It can be inferred from the passage that shy people _______.A、should find more of their weaknessB、should understand themselves in the right wayC、had better ignore their weaknessD、can get rid of their shyness while maintaining low self-esteem

自尊(self-esteem)是社会工作实务中一个非常重要的概念,社会工作者经常把它运用于了解他人的内在世界。( )A.正确B.错误

If a teacher asks students to make their own learning plan, he/she is trying to developtheir_________.A.cognitive strategyB.affective strategyC.communicative strategyD.metacognitive strategy

When an EFL teacher asks his student “How do you know that the author liked the place since he did not tell us explicitly?”, he/she is helping students to reach _ comprehension. A. literal B. appreciative C. inferential D. evaluative

Which of the following is an evaluative move used by a teacher in class to comment on students' performance??A.Initiation move.B.Follow-up move.C.Framing move.D.Repair move.

共用题干第二篇Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.Shy people are anxious and self-conscious;that is,they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions.Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds.What kind of impression am I taking? Do they like me?Do I look stupid?Am I wearing attractive clothes?It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely.A person's self-concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves,and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions.In general,the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.Shy people,having low self-esteem,are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing"the right thing".Shy people are very sensitive to criticism;they feel it confirms their inferiority.They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliments because they believe they are unworthy of praise.A shy person may respond to a compliment with a statement like this one,"you are just saying that to make me feel good.I know it's not true."It is clear that,while self-awareness is a healthy quality,overdoing it is harmful.Can shyness be completely eliminated,or at least reduced?Fortunately,people can overcome shyness with determined and patient effort in building self-confidence.Since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self-esteem,it is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their their strengths.For example,most people would like to be"A"student in every subject. It is not fair for them to label themselves inferior because they have difficulty in some areas.People's expectations of themselves must be realistic.Living on the impossible leads to a sense of inadequacy.Each one of us is a unique,worthwhile individual. We are interested in our own personal ways.The better we understand ourselves,the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential.Let's not allow shyness to block our chances for a rich and fullfilling life.what is the shy people's reaction to compliment? .A: They are pleased by itB:They feel it is not true.C:They are very sensitive to it.D:They feel it shows their inferiority.

共用题干第二篇Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.Shy people are anxious and self-conscious;that is,they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions.Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds.What kind of impression am I taking? Do they like me?Do I look stupid?Am I wearing attractive clothes?It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely.A person's self-concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves,and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions.In general,the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.Shy people,having low self-esteem,are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing"the right thing".Shy people are very sensitive to criticism;they feel it confirms their inferiority.They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliments because they believe they are unworthy of praise.A shy person may respond to a compliment with a statement like this one,"you are just saying that to make me feel good.I know it's not true."It is clear that,while self-awareness is a healthy quality,overdoing it is harmful.Can shyness be completely eliminated,or at least reduced?Fortunately,people can overcome shyness with determined and patient effort in building self-confidence.Since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self-esteem,it is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their their strengths.For example,most people would like to be"A"student in every subject. It is not fair for them to label themselves inferior because they have difficulty in some areas.People's expectations of themselves must be realistic.Living on the impossible leads to a sense of inadequacy.Each one of us is a unique,worthwhile individual. We are interested in our own personal ways.The better we understand ourselves,the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential.Let's not allow shyness to block our chances for a rich and fullfilling life.Which of the following does NOT help shy people overcome their shyness?A:Building self-confidence.B:Accepting both weaknesses and strenghs.C:Being realistic.D:Setting goals high.

共用题干第二篇Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.Shy people are anxious and self-conscious;that is,they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions.Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds.What kind of impression am I taking? Do they like me?Do I look stupid?Am I wearing attractive clothes?It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely.A person's self-concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves,and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions.In general,the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.Shy people,having low self-esteem,are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing"the right thing".Shy people are very sensitive to criticism;they feel it confirms their inferiority.They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliments because they believe they are unworthy of praise.A shy person may respond to a compliment with a statement like this one,"you are just saying that to make me feel good.I know it's not true."It is clear that,while self-awareness is a healthy quality,overdoing it is harmful.Can shyness be completely eliminated,or at least reduced?Fortunately,people can overcome shyness with determined and patient effort in building self-confidence.Since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self-esteem,it is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their their strengths.For example,most people would like to be"A"student in every subject. It is not fair for them to label themselves inferior because they have difficulty in some areas.People's expectations of themselves must be realistic.Living on the impossible leads to a sense of inadequacy.Each one of us is a unique,worthwhile individual. We are interested in our own personal ways.The better we understand ourselves,the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential.Let's not allow shyness to block our chances for a rich and fullfilling life.According to the writer,self-awareness is______.A:harmful to peopleB:a weak point of shy peopleC:the cause of unhappinessD:a good quality

Conceptual meaning is not ( ) A.affective B.cognitive C.logic D.denotation

情感成分(affective component )

行为成分(behavioral component)

单选题From the passage, we learn that Horta _____.Ais from BrazilBconducts his research in the U.S.Chas 30 researchers on his teamDis well-known in developing countries

单选题Passage2An article in Scientific America has pointed out that empirical research says that,actually,you think you're more beautiful than you are.We have a deep-seated need to feel good about ourselves and we naturally employ a number of self-enhancing strategies to achieve this.Social psychologists have amassed oceans of research into what they call theabove average effect”or“illusory superiority, and shown that, for example,70% of us rate ourselves as above average in leadership,93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with others-all obviously statistical impossibilities.We rose-tint our memories and put ourselves into self-affirming situations. We become defensive when criticized, and apply negative stereotypes to others to boost our own esteem. We stalk around thinking we' re hot stuf.Psychologist and behavioral scientist Nicholas Epley oversaw a key study into self-enhancement and attractiveness. Rather than have people simply rate their beauty compared with others, he asked them to identify an original photograph of themselves from a lineup including versions that had been altered to appear more and less attractive. Visual recognition, reads the study, isan automatic psychological process, occurring rapidly and intuitively with little or no apparent conscious deliberation.If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flattering image-which most did-they genuinely believed it was really how they looked.Epley found no significant gender difference in responses. Nor was there any evidence that those who self-enhanced the most(that is, the participants who thought the most positively doctored pictures were real) were doing so to make up for profound insecurities. In fact, those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other markers for having higher self-esteem.I don't think the findings that we have are any evidence of personal delusion,says Epley.It's a reflection simply of people generally thinking well of themselves.If you are depressed, you won't be self-enhancing.Knowing the results of Epley's study, it makes sense that many people hate photographs of themselves yiscerally-on one level, they don't even recognize the person in the picture as themselves. Facebook, therefore, is a self-enhancer's paradise, where people can share only the most flattering photos, the cream of their wit, style, beauty, intellect and lifestyles.It's not that people's profiles are dishonest,says Catalina Toma of Wisconsin-Madison University,but they portray an idealized version of themselves.Epley found that people with higher self-esteem tended to_______.Aunderestimate their insecuritiesBcover up their depressionsCbelieve in their attractivenessDoversimplify their illusions

单选题For Question 2, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.  Which of the following can be inferred from the passage regarding research into the memory-altering drug?AIt is currently applicable to many types of traumatic situations.BResearch is ongoing, and the treatment remains controversial.COur sense of self as well as our personal history is essentially static.

单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题 。Passage 2An article in Scientific America haspointed out that empirical research says that, actually, you think you 're morebeautiful than you are. We have a deep-seated need to feel good about ourselvesand we naturally employ a number of self-enhancing strategies to achieve this.Social psychologists have amassed oceans of research into what they callthe above average effect ,or illusory superiority,and shown that, for example, 70% of us rate ourselves as above average inleadership, 93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with others-all obviouslystatistical impossibilities.We rose-tint our memories and put ourselvesinto self-affirming situations. We become defensive when criticized, and applynegative stereotypes to others to boost our own esteem. We stalk aroundthinking we're hot stuff. Psychologistand behavioral scientist Nicholas Epley oversaw a key study into self-enhancementand attractiveness. Rather than have people simply rate their beauty comparedwith others, he asked them to identify an original photograph of themselvesfrom a lineup including versions that had been altered to appear more and lessattractive. Visual recognition, reads the study, is an automatic psychological process,occurring rapidly and intuitively with little or no apparent consciousdeliberation. If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flatteringimage-which most did they genuinely believed it was really how they looked.Epley found no significant genderdifference in responses. Nor was there any evidence that those who self-enhancedthe, most (that is, the participants who thought the most positively doctored pictureswere real) were doing so to make up for profound insecurities. In fact, thosewho thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directlycorresponded with those who showed othermarkers for having higher self-esteem. I don't think the findings that wehave are any evidence of personal delusion, says Epley.It's a reflection simply ofpeople generally thinking well of themselves. If you are depressed, youwon ' t be self-enhancing.Knowingthe results of Epley's study, it makes sense that many people hate photographsof themselves viscerally -on one level, they don't even recognize theperson in the picture as themselves. Facebook, therefore, is a self-enhancer 's paradise, where people can share only the most flattering photos, the cream of their wit, style, beauty, intellect and lifestyles. It's not that people's profiles are dishonest,says Catalina Toma of Wisconsin-Madison University, but they portray an idealized versionof themselves.Epley found that people with higher self-esteem tended to______Aunderestimate their insecuritiesBcover up their depressionsCbelieve in their attractivenessDoversimplify their illusions

单选题From the passage, we learn that Horta______.Ais from BrazilBconducts his research in the U.S.Chas 30 researchers on his teamDis well-known in developing countries

单选题The passage states that the operas of the Florentine Camerata are ______.Aunjustifiably ignored by musicologistsBnot generally considered to be of high aesthetic valueCamong those great works in which popular historical themes were portrayedDoften inappropriately cited as examples of great musical works

单选题Which of the following is an evaluative move used by a teacher in class to comment on students' performance?AInitiation move.BFollow-up move.CFraming move.DRepair move.

问答题What is the significance to understanding the sunspot component according to the passage?

名词解释题行为成分(behavioral component)

问答题Passage 1The Research on Self-esteem  A Self-esteem is generally considered the evaluative component of the self-concept, a broader representation of the self that includes cognitive and behavioral aspects as well as evaluative or affective ones. While the construct is most often used to refer to a global sense of self-worth, narrower concepts such as self-confidence or body-esteem are used to imply a sense of self-esteem in more specific domains. It is also widely assumed that self-esteem functions as a trait, that is, it is stable across time within individuals.  B Self-esteem is an extremely popular construct within psychology, and has been related to virtually every other psychological concept or domain, including personality (e.g., shyness), behavioral (e.g., task performance), cognitive (e.g., attributional bias), and clinical concepts (e.g., anxiety and depression). While some researchers have been particularly concerned with understanding the nuances of the self-esteem construct, others have focused on the adaptive and self-protective functions of self-esteem. Self-esteem has been related both to socioeconomic status and to various aspects of health and health-related behaviors, as has a related construct, self-efficacy. Self-efficacy, a term associated with the work of Bandera, refers to an individual’s sense of competence or ability in general or in particular domains.  C Low self-esteem is the universal common denominator literally among all people suffering from addictions to any and all mind altering substances such as alcohol—not genes. In the book Alcoholism: A False Stigma: Low Self-Esteem the True Disease (1996), Candito reports, “Those who have identified themselves as ‘recovered alcoholics’ indicate that low self-esteem is the most significant problem in their lives. Low self-esteem is the true problem and the true disease. Alcohol is but a symptom of an alcoholic’s disease.” Studies have found that 18-year olds who used drugs frequently were using them as early as age seven, already more psychologically troubled than their peers. They were already anxious and unhappy, alienated from their family and peers, and overly impulsive. Low self-esteem, lack of conformity, poor academic achievement and poor parental-child relationships are also indicators of young children likely to end up using drugs.  D Candito comes to the conclusion that low self-esteem is the underlying origin f all problematic behaviors, and the true disease that plagues the world, resulting in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and all other obsessive behaviors including criminal behavior. This conclusion is also shared by Andrew Keegan (1987) who maintains that low self-esteem either causes or contributes to neurosis, anxiety, defensiveness, and ultimately alcohol and drug abuse. The reason why some become alcoholic while others do not is dependent upon their ability to contend with low self-esteem.  E However, many of the positive outcomes attributed to high self-esteem are not substantiated by research, according to Brown psychologist Krueger. Krueger, associate professor of psychology and faculty member from three other universities, formed that conclusion after reviewing more than two decades of objective research studies on self-esteem at the invitation of the American Psychological Society. Their report appears in this month’s issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a supplement to Psychological Science. “Across most measures-school and job performance, violence and crime, and health-there were few consistent links between the level of self-esteem and the quality of outcomes,” said Krueger. High self-esteem does not prevent children from smoking, drinking, taking drugs or engaging in early sex, the task force reported. If anything, high self-esteem fosters experimentation, which may increase early sexual activity or drinking. The exception was a connection between high self-esteem and reduced chances of the eating disorder bulimia in females. In adults, according to the task force, occupational success may boost self-esteem rather than the reverse. And neither high nor low self-esteem is a direct cause of violence.  F In fact, pleasant feelings and enhanced initiative were the two benefits of high self-esteem found by the task force. High self-esteem has a strong relationship to happiness and low self-esteem is more likely than high to lead to depression under some circumstances. Those with high self-esteem were also found to exhibit more persistence at tasks. Yet the task force also noted that there are basically two types of high self-esteem—that which is realistic, and that which is out of touch with reality. People who fall into the former category accept their good qualities. Those in the latter are characterised as narcissistic, defensive or conceited individuals. In some studies, narcissism led to some negative qualities such as increased aggression in retaliation for wounded pride.  G The self-esteem movement began in California during the 1980s with the idea that many of society’s problems were related to low self-esteem. The California legislature financed a task force to increase self-esteem in an effort to reduce welfare dependency, unwanted pregnancy, school failure, crime, drug addiction and other problems, with the goal of saving taxpayer dollars, according to the task force. Since then, there has been a nationwide proliferation of techniques to raise self-esteem—particularly in schools—and a proliferation of books marketed to people helping themselves. Yet, “after a quarter of a century of research, the high hopes of the self-esteem movement have not been realized, and customers of the self-help industry should not look to heightened self-esteem as a panacea,” said Krueger.  Which paragraph contains the following information?  Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.  NB You may use any letter more than once.  1. Researchers focused their studies on varied aspects of self-esteem.  2. Some researchers related problematic drink behaviors to self-esteem.  3. The reason of violence seems not related to the quality of self-esteem.  4. Andrew Keegan agreed that low self-esteem is the underlying origin of all problematic behaviors.  5. Many inventions of methods are stimulated to increase the self-esteem.

单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题 。Passage 2An article in Scientific America haspointed out that empirical research says that, actually, you think you 're morebeautiful than you are. We have a deep-seated need to feel good about ourselvesand we naturally employ a number of self-enhancing strategies to achieve this.Social psychologists have amassed oceans of research into what they callthe above average effect ,or illusory superiority,and shown that, for example, 70% of us rate ourselves as above average inleadership, 93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with others-all obviouslystatistical impossibilities.We rose-tint our memories and put ourselvesinto self-affirming situations. We become defensive when criticized, and applynegative stereotypes to others to boost our own esteem. We stalk aroundthinking we're hot stuff. Psychologistand behavioral scientist Nicholas Epley oversaw a key study into self-enhancementand attractiveness. Rather than have people simply rate their beauty comparedwith others, he asked them to identify an original photograph of themselvesfrom a lineup including versions that had been altered to appear more and lessattractive. Visual recognition, reads the study, is an automatic psychological process,occurring rapidly and intuitively with little or no apparent consciousdeliberation. If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flatteringimage-which most did they genuinely believed it was really how they looked.Epley found no significant genderdifference in responses. Nor was there any evidence that those who self-enhancedthe, most (that is, the participants who thought the most positively doctored pictureswere real) were doing so to make up for profound insecurities. In fact, thosewho thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directlycorresponded with those who showed othermarkers for having higher self-esteem. I don't think the findings that wehave are any evidence of personal delusion, says Epley.It's a reflection simply ofpeople generally thinking well of themselves. If you are depressed, youwon ' t be self-enhancing.Knowingthe results of Epley's study, it makes sense that many people hate photographsof themselves viscerally -on one level, they don't even recognize theperson in the picture as themselves. Facebook, therefore, is a self-enhancer 's paradise, where people can share only the most flattering photos, the cream of their wit, style, beauty, intellect and lifestyles. It's not that people's profiles are dishonest,says Catalina Toma of Wisconsin-Madison University, but they portray an idealized versionof themselves.Visual recognition is believed to be people ' s_______Arapid matchingBintuitive responseCautomatic self-defenceDconscious choice

单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题 。Passage 2An article in Scientific America haspointed out that empirical research says that, actually, you think you 're morebeautiful than you are. We have a deep-seated need to feel good about ourselvesand we naturally employ a number of self-enhancing strategies to achieve this.Social psychologists have amassed oceans of research into what they callthe above average effect ,or illusory superiority,and shown that, for example, 70% of us rate ourselves as above average inleadership, 93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with others-all obviouslystatistical impossibilities.We rose-tint our memories and put ourselvesinto self-affirming situations. We become defensive when criticized, and applynegative stereotypes to others to boost our own esteem. We stalk aroundthinking we're hot stuff. Psychologistand behavioral scientist Nicholas Epley oversaw a key study into self-enhancementand attractiveness. Rather than have people simply rate their beauty comparedwith others, he asked them to identify an original photograph of themselvesfrom a lineup including versions that had been altered to appear more and lessattractive. Visual recognition, reads the study, is an automatic psychological process,occurring rapidly and intuitively with little or no apparent consciousdeliberation. If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flatteringimage-which most did they genuinely believed it was really how they looked.Epley found no significant genderdifference in responses. Nor was there any evidence that those who self-enhancedthe, most (that is, the participants who thought the most positively doctored pictureswere real) were doing so to make up for profound insecurities. In fact, thosewho thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directlycorresponded with those who showed othermarkers for having higher self-esteem. I don't think the findings that wehave are any evidence of personal delusion, says Epley.It's a reflection simply ofpeople generally thinking well of themselves. If you are depressed, youwon ' t be self-enhancing.Knowingthe results of Epley's study, it makes sense that many people hate photographsof themselves viscerally -on one level, they don't even recognize theperson in the picture as themselves. Facebook, therefore, is a self-enhancer 's paradise, where people can share only the most flattering photos, the cream of their wit, style, beauty, intellect and lifestyles. It's not that people's profiles are dishonest,says Catalina Toma of Wisconsin-Madison University, but they portray an idealized versionof themselves.The word viscerally(Para. 5) is closest in meaning to_______AoccasionallyBinstinctivelyCparticularlyDaggressively

名词解释题情感成分(affective component )