The person sending a message is NOT influenced by which of the followingA sender's credibilityB receiver's assumptionsC receiver's evaluative and tendencyD receiver's attitude and needsE sender's knowledge
The person sending a message is NOT influenced by which of the following
A sender's credibility
B receiver's assumptions
C receiver's evaluative and tendency
D receiver's attitude and needs
E sender's knowledge
Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues. Imagine receiving an(71)from a friend who asks you to open it. This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email(72). Upon running, such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victim's address book, previous emails, web pages(73)As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well-known(74), virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection. Executable(.exe)files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still nm and successfully infect target users.Frequently, hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie, which, while displaying some cute animation, simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwords and give the(75)access to your network.A.attachmentB.packetC.datagramD.message
()father took part in the charity activity in the neighborhood yesterday?Peter's.A. WhoseB. WhatC. Which
使用VC6打开考生文件夹下的工程test28_3。此工程包含一个test28_3.cpp,其中定义了类Person,但该类的定义并不完整。请按要求完成下列操作,将程序补充完整。(1)定义类Person的私有数据成员forename、surname 和 money,forename 和 surname都是char型的指针数据,money是double型的数据。请在注释“//**1**”之后添加适当的语句。(2)完成类Person的带三个参数的构造函数Person(char *f, char *s,double m),分别为forename和surname申请新的空间来存储参数f和s指针指向的内容,注意空间的大小,最后把参数m的值赋给money,请在注释“//**2**”之后添加适当的语句。(3)完成类Person的析构函数的定义,把forename和surname指向的空间释放,请在注释“//**3**”之后添加适当的语句。(4)完成类Person的成员函数display的定义,使其以格式“forname surname has money”的形式输出内容,请在注释“//**4*。”之后添加适当的语句。注意:除在指定位置添加语句之外,请不要改动程序中的其他内容。输出结果如下:Richard Berk has 1000.56源程序文件test28_3.cpp清单如下:include <iostream.h>include <string.h>class Person{private://** 1 **double money;public:Person(char *f, char *s, double m);~Person();void display();};Person::Person(char *f, char *s, double m){//** 2 **strcpy(forename, f);surname = new char[strlen(s)+1];strcpy(surname, s);money=m;}Person: :-Person (){//** 3 **}void Person:: display ( ){//** 4 **}void main ( ){Person p("Richard", "Berk", 1000.56);p.display ( );}
给出下面不完整的类代码,则横线处的语句应该为( )。 class Person { String name,department; int age; public Person (Strings) {name=s;} public Person (String s,intA.{name=s;age=a;} public Person (String n,String d,intA){ __________ department=d; } }A)Person (n,A);B.this (Person(n,A));C.this(n,A);D.this(name,age);
Melissa and Love Letter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues. Imagine receiving an(66)from a friend who asks you to open it. This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email(67).Upon running, such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victim' s address book ,previous emails, web pages(68).As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well- known (69), virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection. Executable (.exe) files are renamed to . bat and . cnd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users. Frequently, hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie, which, while displaying some cute animation, simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwords and give the(70)access to your network.A.attachmentB.paeketC.datagramD.message
The Declaration of Inspection made before oil transfer operations must be signed by the ______.A.Master of the vesselB.Captain of the PortC.person(s) in chargeD.All of the above