问答题Passage 1The Research on Self-esteem  A Self-esteem is generally considered the evaluative component of the self-concept, a broader representation of the self that includes cognitive and behavioral aspects as well as evaluative or affective ones. While the construct is most often used to refer to a global sense of self-worth, narrower concepts such as self-confidence or body-esteem are used to imply a sense of self-esteem in more specific domains. It is also widely assumed that self-esteem functions as a trait, that is, it is stable across time within individuals.  B Self-esteem is an extremely popular construct within psychology, and has been related to virtually every other psychological concept or domain, including personality (e.g., shyness), behavioral (e.g., task performance), cognitive (e.g., attributional bias), and clinical concepts (e.g., anxiety and depression). While some researchers have been particularly concerned with understanding the nuances of the self-esteem construct, others have focused on the adaptive and self-protective functions of self-esteem. Self-esteem has been related both to socioeconomic status and to various aspects of health and health-related behaviors, as has a related construct, self-efficacy. Self-efficacy, a term associated with the work of Bandera, refers to an individual’s sense of competence or ability in general or in particular domains.  C Low self-esteem is the universal common denominator literally among all people suffering from addictions to any and all mind altering substances such as alcohol—not genes. In the book Alcoholism: A False Stigma: Low Self-Esteem the True Disease (1996), Candito reports, “Those who have identified themselves as ‘recovered alcoholics’ indicate that low self-esteem is the most significant problem in their lives. Low self-esteem is the true problem and the true disease. Alcohol is but a symptom of an alcoholic’s disease.” Studies have found that 18-year olds who used drugs frequently were using them as early as age seven, already more psychologically troubled than their peers. They were already anxious and unhappy, alienated from their family and peers, and overly impulsive. Low self-esteem, lack of conformity, poor academic achievement and poor parental-child relationships are also indicators of young children likely to end up using drugs.  D Candito comes to the conclusion that low self-esteem is the underlying origin f all problematic behaviors, and the true disease that plagues the world, resulting in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and all other obsessive behaviors including criminal behavior. This conclusion is also shared by Andrew Keegan (1987) who maintains that low self-esteem either causes or contributes to neurosis, anxiety, defensiveness, and ultimately alcohol and drug abuse. The reason why some become alcoholic while others do not is dependent upon their ability to contend with low self-esteem.  E However, many of the positive outcomes attributed to high self-esteem are not substantiated by research, according to Brown psychologist Krueger. Krueger, associate professor of psychology and faculty member from three other universities, formed that conclusion after reviewing more than two decades of objective research studies on self-esteem at the invitation of the American Psychological Society. Their report appears in this month’s issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a supplement to Psychological Science. “Across most measures-school and job performance, violence and crime, and health-there were few consistent links between the level of self-esteem and the quality of outcomes,” said Krueger. High self-esteem does not prevent children from smoking, drinking, taking drugs or engaging in early sex, the task force reported. If anything, high self-esteem fosters experimentation, which may increase early sexual activity or drinking. The exception was a connection between high self-esteem and reduced chances of the eating disorder bulimia in females. In adults, according to the task force, occupational success may boost self-esteem rather than the reverse. And neither high nor low self-esteem is a direct cause of violence.  F In fact, pleasant feelings and enhanced initiative were the two benefits of high self-esteem found by the task force. High self-esteem has a strong relationship to happiness and low self-esteem is more likely than high to lead to depression under some circumstances. Those with high self-esteem were also found to exhibit more persistence at tasks. Yet the task force also noted that there are basically two types of high self-esteem—that which is realistic, and that which is out of touch with reality. People who fall into the former category accept their good qualities. Those in the latter are characterised as narcissistic, defensive or conceited individuals. In some studies, narcissism led to some negative qualities such as increased aggression in retaliation for wounded pride.  G The self-esteem movement began in California during the 1980s with the idea that many of society’s problems were related to low self-esteem. The California legislature financed a task force to increase self-esteem in an effort to reduce welfare dependency, unwanted pregnancy, school failure, crime, drug addiction and other problems, with the goal of saving taxpayer dollars, according to the task force. Since then, there has been a nationwide proliferation of techniques to raise self-esteem—particularly in schools—and a proliferation of books marketed to people helping themselves. Yet, “after a quarter of a century of research, the high hopes of the self-esteem movement have not been realized, and customers of the self-help industry should not look to heightened self-esteem as a panacea,” said Krueger.  Which paragraph contains the following information?  Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.  NB You may use any letter more than once.  1. Researchers focused their studies on varied aspects of self-esteem.  2. Some researchers related problematic drink behaviors to self-esteem.  3. The reason of violence seems not related to the quality of self-esteem.  4. Andrew Keegan agreed that low self-esteem is the underlying origin of all problematic behaviors.  5. Many inventions of methods are stimulated to increase the self-esteem.

Passage 1The Research on Self-esteem  A  Self-esteem is generally considered the evaluative component of the self-concept, a broader representation of the self that includes cognitive and behavioral aspects as well as evaluative or affective ones. While the construct is most often used to refer to a global sense of self-worth, narrower concepts such as self-confidence or body-esteem are used to imply a sense of self-esteem in more specific domains. It is also widely assumed that self-esteem functions as a trait, that is, it is stable across time within individuals.  B  Self-esteem is an extremely popular construct within psychology, and has been related to virtually every other psychological concept or domain, including personality (e.g., shyness), behavioral (e.g., task performance), cognitive (e.g., attributional bias), and clinical concepts (e.g., anxiety and depression). While some researchers have been particularly concerned with understanding the nuances of the self-esteem construct, others have focused on the adaptive and self-protective functions of self-esteem. Self-esteem has been related both to socioeconomic status and to various aspects of health and health-related behaviors, as has a related construct, self-efficacy. Self-efficacy, a term associated with the work of Bandera, refers to an individual’s sense of competence or ability in general or in particular domains.  C  Low self-esteem is the universal common denominator literally among all people suffering from addictions to any and all mind altering substances such as alcohol—not genes. In the book Alcoholism: A False Stigma: Low Self-Esteem the True Disease (1996), Candito reports, “Those who have identified themselves as ‘recovered alcoholics’ indicate that low self-esteem is the most significant problem in their lives. Low self-esteem is the true problem and the true disease. Alcohol is but a symptom of an alcoholic’s disease.” Studies have found that 18-year olds who used drugs frequently were using them as early as age seven, already more psychologically troubled than their peers. They were already anxious and unhappy, alienated from their family and peers, and overly impulsive. Low self-esteem, lack of conformity, poor academic achievement and poor parental-child relationships are also indicators of young children likely to end up using drugs.  D  Candito comes to the conclusion that low self-esteem is the underlying origin f all problematic behaviors, and the true disease that plagues the world, resulting in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and all other obsessive behaviors including criminal behavior. This conclusion is also shared by Andrew Keegan (1987) who maintains that low self-esteem either causes or contributes to neurosis, anxiety, defensiveness, and ultimately alcohol and drug abuse. The reason why some become alcoholic while others do not is dependent upon their ability to contend with low self-esteem.  E  However, many of the positive outcomes attributed to high self-esteem are not substantiated by research, according to Brown psychologist Krueger. Krueger, associate professor of psychology and faculty member from three other universities, formed that conclusion after reviewing more than two decades of objective research studies on self-esteem at the invitation of the American Psychological Society. Their report appears in this month’s issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a supplement to Psychological Science. “Across most measures-school and job performance, violence and crime, and health-there were few consistent links between the level of self-esteem and the quality of outcomes,” said Krueger. High self-esteem does not prevent children from smoking, drinking, taking drugs or engaging in early sex, the task force reported. If anything, high self-esteem fosters experimentation, which may increase early sexual activity or drinking. The exception was a connection between high self-esteem and reduced chances of the eating disorder bulimia in females. In adults, according to the task force, occupational success may boost self-esteem rather than the reverse. And neither high nor low self-esteem is a direct cause of violence.  F  In fact, pleasant feelings and enhanced initiative were the two benefits of high self-esteem found by the task force. High self-esteem has a strong relationship to happiness and low self-esteem is more likely than high to lead to depression under some circumstances. Those with high self-esteem were also found to exhibit more persistence at tasks. Yet the task force also noted that there are basically two types of high self-esteem—that which is realistic, and that which is out of touch with reality. People who fall into the former category accept their good qualities. Those in the latter are characterised as narcissistic, defensive or conceited individuals. In some studies, narcissism led to some negative qualities such as increased aggression in retaliation for wounded pride.  G  The self-esteem movement began in California during the 1980s with the idea that many of society’s problems were related to low self-esteem. The California legislature financed a task force to increase self-esteem in an effort to reduce welfare dependency, unwanted pregnancy, school failure, crime, drug addiction and other problems, with the goal of saving taxpayer dollars, according to the task force. Since then, there has been a nationwide proliferation of techniques to raise self-esteem—particularly in schools—and a proliferation of books marketed to people helping themselves. Yet, “after a quarter of a century of research, the high hopes of the self-esteem movement have not been realized, and customers of the self-help industry should not look to heightened self-esteem as a panacea,” said Krueger.  Which paragraph contains the following information?  Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.  NB You may use any letter more than once.  1. Researchers focused their studies on varied aspects of self-esteem.  2. Some researchers related problematic drink behaviors to self-esteem.  3. The reason of violence seems not related to the quality of self-esteem.  4. Andrew Keegan agreed that low self-esteem is the underlying origin of all problematic behaviors.  5. Many inventions of methods are stimulated to increase the self-esteem.


解析: 暂无解析


单选题The case of the poisonous mushrooms (paragraph 2) suggests that American doctors ______.Ashould pay more attention to radio reports.Bonly read medical articles published in English.Cis sometimes unwilling to try foreign treatments.Ddoes not always communicate effectively with their patients.

问答题Can you tell me something about your studying?

问答题Passage 3Tidal Power on the Cheap?  A The startup, located on the Orkney Islands, way north of Scotland, has raised £6.2 million to build a working prototype of a floating tidal turbine that it says will be cheaper to install and maintain than others being tested now. The 8-meter-long prototype, ideally, will go into the water at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Tidal Test Site that sits just down the road from ScotRenewables in 2010. Commercial versions of the turbine will measure up to 40 meters long and weigh 250 tons, but generate 1.2 megawatts of power.  B “That’s quite impressive when you compare it to others,” said CEO Barry Johnston. “We want to be competitive with offshore wind.” Rather than anchor a permanent turbine on the ocean floor, ScotRenewables will build a floating turbine that is slack moored with chains to an anchor on the sea floor. The body of the turbine-a long 40-meter tube of metal with a point at the end-will face directly into the tide. Below, two turbines attached to fins will convert the power of the tides into electricity. Johnston explained “A 1-meter prototype ScotRenewables is experimenting with in the wave tank is built. It looks like a model rocket with two fins with propellers attached to the ends of the fins.”  C Tidal is the potentially most predictable, reliable form of renewable energy. With a tide table and computer, ScotRenewables can calculate the power output of a turbine decades in advance. You can’t do that with intermittent, variable sources like wind, solar or wave. Unfortunately, harnessing tidal power is quite difficult. Some of the prototypes that have been tested in the decades are quickly destroyed by rushing tides. Pulling those turbines up from the sea bed and taking them into the shop consumes time and money. Taking the ScotRenewables turbine in for repairs should be easy: maintenance workers would just have to take a boat out, unhook it, and put another in its place while the first is being entangled.  D Tidal power is also 50 percent stronger at the surface than at the seabed so these turbines should be capable of generating more power. Other companies have tried to create surface tidal turbines before. The difficulty has been keeping the turbine pointed in the direction of the tide. Some get washed away. Other times, the creators build large superstructures around the turbine, which costs money. ScotRenewables says it will come up with control mechanisms and advanced hydrodynamics (i.e., aerodynamics in water) to keep the turbines pointed in the right direction.  E Scotland is betting heavily on wind and wave power. The notoriously harsh waves and currents of the Pentland Firth, a channel which separates the main body of the U.K. with the Orkneys that is often referred to as the Saudi Arabia of Marine Energy by locals. By 2020, Scotland wants to get half of its power from renewable sources, including large hydroelectric dams. Hydroelectric constitutes about 11 percent of the country’s power now and 9 percent comes from wind and other renewables. A large portion of the new renewable sources of power will come from wind, tidal and wave. Marine energy could provide up to 35 terawatt hours of power to the U.K. by 2020 and 84 terawatt hours of power by 2050, according to Edwina Cook, business development officer at EMEC. The U.K. in 2004 consumed 340 terawatt hours of power. The EMEC has created tidal and wave testing centers for companies to build and validate prototypes. (The Pelamis-that sea snake looking wave power device-was tested at EMEC before commercial rollouts in Portugal.) The government has also passed exceptionally large credits for power providers that put tidal and wave power on the grid. (Prototypes participating in the EMEC test beds are actually connected to the grid and selling small amounts of power.) The hope is that the programme will create jobs, exports and green energy. Offshore, the Dublin based open Hydro Power is already testing a large tidal device that looks like a big rotating fan.  F Talking about the prototype and commercial power production, however, is easier said than done. ScotRenewables did not like the software simulation tools it found when it first set out. Some software focused on tidal changes; others focused on waves. To build an effective surface tidal turbine, Johnston realized that both tidal and wave power should be taken into account. Thus, it had to build its own tools, which cost several thousands. It also built its own wave tank. It was easier than trying to book time at an EMEC wave tank. The company now hopes to lease time on the tank to other wave companies to generate revenue. And, because ships to deploy tidal and wave devices are in short supply, it is contemplating buying or building its own multi-purpose vessel.  Which paragraph contains the following information?  Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.  1. New plan has been made to involve a new factor besides tidal.  2. Damages have happened to the models in the past years.  3. A detailed structure of a model is demonstrated.  4. The immature model is expected to apply at the beginning of the twenty first century after further development.

问答题【参考范例九】A MuseumPart 2Describe a museum you’ve visited. You should say:what museum it is when it was built what exhibitions are displayed hereand explain why you choose this museum to talk about.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

问答题Do you think that colour has different meanings to different people?

问答题题目要求:The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.【参考范例一】Ages When do people usually get married in your country?

问答题Passage 2The History of Women’s Suffrage  A In the early nineteenth century, women were considered second-class citizens whose existence was limited to the interior life of the home and care of the children. Women were considered subsets of their husbands, and after marriage they did not have the right to own property, maintain their wages, or sign a contract, much less vote. It was expected that women be obedient wives, never to hold a thought or opinion independent of their husbands. It was considered improper for women to travel alone or to speak in public. With the belief that intense physical or intellectual activity would be injurious to the delicate female biology and reproductive system, women were taught to refrain from pursuing any serious education. Silently perched in their birdcages, women were considered merely objects of beauty, and were looked upon as intellectually and physically inferior to men. This belief in women’s inferiority to men was further reinforced by organized religion which preached strict and well-defined sex roles.  B The Seneca Falls Convention  The women’s suffrage movement was formally set into motion in 1848 with the first Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York.  The catalyst for this gathering was the World Anti-Slavery Convention held in 1840 in London and attended by an American delegation which included a number of women. In attendance were Lucretia Mort and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who were forced to sit in the galleries as observers because they were women. This poor treatment did not rest well with these women of progressive thoughts, and it was decided that they would hold their own convention to “discuss the social, civil and religious rights of women”.  Using The Declaration of Independence as a guideline, Stanton presented her Declaration of Principles in her hometown chapel and brought to light women’s subordinate status and made recommendations for change.  Resolution 9 requesting the right to vote was perhaps the most important in that it expressed the demand for sexual equality. Subsequent to the Seneca Falls Convention, the demand for the vote became the centerpiece of the women’s rights movement.  C Suffrage During the Civil War  During the Civil War, women’s suffrage was eclipsed by the war effort and movement for the abolition of slavery. While annual conventions were held on a regular basis, there was much discussion but little action. Activists such as slave-born Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony lectured and petitioned the government for the emancipation of slaves with the belief that, once the war was over, women and slaves alike would be granted the same rights as the white men. At the end of the war, however, the government saw the suffrage of women and that of the negro as two separate issues and it was decided that the negro vote could produce the immediate political gain, particularly in the South, that the women’s vote could not.  Abraham Lincoln declared, “This hour belongs to the negro.”  D Women Unite  With the side-stepping of women’s rights, women activists became enraged, and the American Equal Rights Association was established by Stanton and her colleagues in 1866 in effort to organize in the fight for women’s rights. In 1868, the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment proved an affront to the women’s movement, as it defined “citizenship” and “voters” as “male”, and raised the question as to whether women were considered citizens of the United States at all. The exclusion of women was further reinforced with the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870, which enfranchised black men. In a disagreement over these Amendments, the women’s movement split into two factions. In New York, Stanton and Anthony established the radical National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA). Lucy Stone, Julia Ward Howe, and Henry Blackwell organized the more conservative American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) in Boston. These two groups later merged in 1890 to form the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) under the leadership of Elizabeth Cady Stanton.  E Winning the Vote  Susan B. Anthony was arrested for attempting to vote for Ulysses S. Grant in the 1872 presidential election. Six years later, in 1878, a Women’s Suffrage Amendment was introduced to U.S. Congress. With the formation of numerous groups, such as the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), the National Association of Colored Women (NACW) and, the Women’s Trade Union League, the women’s movement gained a full head of steam during the 1890’s and early 1900’s. The U.S. involvement in World War I in 1918 slowed down the suffrage campaign as women pitched in for the war effort. However, in 1919, after years of petitioning, picketing, and protest parades, the Nineteenth Amendment was passed by both houses of Congress and in 1920 it became ratified under the presidency of Woodrow Wilson.  F Amendment xix  1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.  2. Congress shall have power to enforce this Article by appropriate legislation. (Ratified August 26, 1920)  G Equal Rights Amendment  Upon this victory of the vote, the NAWSA disbanded as an organization, giving birth to the League of Women Voters. The vote was not enough to secure women’s equal rights according to Alice Paul, founder of the National Woman’s Party (NWP), who moved to take women’s rights one step further by proposing the Equal Rights Amendment (E.R.A.) to Congress in 1923. This demand to eliminate discrimination on the basis of gender failed to pass.  The push for the E.R.A. continued on a state-by-state basis, until the newly formed National Organization for Women (NOW) launched a national campaign during the 1960’s. Despite many heated debates and protests, the E.R.A., while passed by Congress in 1972, has never been ratified.  Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?  In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet, write  TRUE       if the statement agrees with the information  FALSE       if the statement contradicts the information  NOT GIVEN     if there is no information on this  1. In the early nineteenth century it was generally believed that men and women performed different roles in society.  2. The World Anti-Slavery Convention preceded the first Women’s Right Convention.  3. During the American Civil War, the Women’s suffrage movement flourished.  4. Men were not allowed to join the National Woman Suffrage Association.  5. The National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) was less radical than the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA).  6. Abraham Lincoln was not sympathetic to the women’s movement.

问答题【参考范例八】A TV HostPart 2Describe a TV host you like. You should say:who the host is how you got to know him/her what is special about him/her and explain whether he/she is popular among your friends.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

问答题Why do kids today have to attend ‘interest classes?

问答题Practice 5You and your family are on holiday abroad. You are staying in a hotel, but you are not satisfied with some aspects of the accommodation. Write a letter to the hotel manager. In your letter, you should· introduce yourself· explain what is wrong with the hotel room, and· say what action you would like the hotel manager to take.Write at least 150 words.You do NOT need to write any addresses.Begin your letter as follows:Dear Sir or Madam,…