多选题Which of the following are valid settings for the NLS_COMP parameter?()AASCIIBANSICBINARYDMONOLINGUALEMULTILINGUAL

Which of the following are valid settings for the NLS_COMP parameter?()











解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following are valid settings for the NLS_COMP parameter?() A. ASCIIB. ANSIC. BINARYD. MONOLINGUALE. MULTILINGUAL

Which of the following is not a valid setting for the PROGRAM_TYPE parameter in a program object or the JOB_TYPE parameter in a job object?() A. PLSQL_BLOCKB. JAVA_STORED_PROCEDUREC. STORED_PROCEDURED. EXECUTABLEE. None of the above are invalid settings.

Which of the following is the only place where initial boot settings can be configured?() A.CMOSB.BIOSC.MBRD.HAL

Which of the following are valid program types for a lightweight job?()A、 PLSQL_BLOCKB、 EXECUTABLEC、 JAVA_STORED_PROCEDURED、 STORED_PROCEDUREE、 EXTERNAL

Which of the following is the only place where initial boot settings can be configured?()A、CMOSB、BIOSC、MBRD、HAL

A system administrator is installing a p5 590 server with an HMC. After pulling the websm client down, it is not possible to connect to the HMC. The HMC can be pinged from the client. Which of the following settings should be verified next?()A、The routes on the HMCB、The firewall setting of the LAN adapterC、The name resolution protocol on the p5 590 serverD、The subnet mask settings on the Ethernet adapters

When configuring the messaging system, which of the following are valid parameters for the file transport? ()A、File NameB、Operating SystemC、LocationD、HostE、Mode

Which of the following is not a valid calendaring syntax element?()A、FREQB、BYHOURC、RUNDATED、INTERVALE、BYMINUTE

Which of the following is not a valid setting for the PROGRAM_TYPE parameter in a program object or the JOB_TYPE parameter in a job object?()A、PLSQL_BLOCKB、JAVA_STORED_PROCEDUREC、STORED_PROCEDURED、EXECUTABLEE、None of the above are invalid settings.

Which of the following are valid settings for the NLS_COMP parameter?()A、 ASCIIB、 ANSIC、 BINARYD、 MONOLINGUALE、 MULTILINGUAL

单选题Which of the following is a valid source for Windows operating system updates?()ASNABRISCRASDWSUS

单选题A system administrator is installing a p5 590 server with an HMC. After pulling the websm client down, it is not possible to connect to the HMC. The HMC can be pinged from the client. Which of the following settings should be verified next?()AThe routes on the HMCBThe firewall setting of the LAN adapterCThe name resolution protocol on the p5 590 serverDThe subnet mask settings on the Ethernet adapters

单选题Which of the following is not a valid calendaring syntax element?()AFREQBBYHOURCRUNDATEDINTERVALEBYMINUTE

单选题Core files required for user applications are stored in which of the following locations?()AProgram filesBTemporary filesCWindowsDDocuments and settings

单选题Which of the following is not a valid linguistic sort element?()AAccent expansionBCanonical equivalenceCReverse secondary sortingDIgnorable charactersECharacter rearrangement

单选题In the "host to host" layer of the DOD model, which of the following is a valid connection oriented protocol?()AARPBRARPCTCPDUDPEIPFICMPGBootP

单选题Which of the following is not a valid setting for the PROGRAM_TYPE parameter in a program object or the JOB_TYPE parameter in a job object?()A PLSQL_BLOCKB JAVA_STORED_PROCEDUREC STORED_PROCEDURED EXECUTABLEE None of the above are invalid settings.

单选题Which of the following is not a valid calendaring syntax element?()A FREQB BYHOURC RUNDATED INTERVALE BYMINUTE

多选题Which of the following are valid settings for the NLS_COMP parameter?()AASCIIBANSICBINARYDMONOLINGUALEMULTILINGUAL

多选题Which of the following are valid program types for a lightweight job?()APLSQL_BLOCK PLSQLBEXECUTABLECJAVA_STORED_PROCEDUREDSTORED_PROCEDUREEEXTERNAL

单选题Which of the following is not a valid setting for the PROGRAM_TYPE parameter in a program object or the JOB_TYPE parameter in a job object?()APLSQL_BLOCKBJAVA_STORED_PROCEDURECSTORED_PROCEDUREDEXECUTABLEENone of the above are invalid settings.