











单选题These observations indicates the extreme difficulty in cultivating this precious thing called democracy.Aelaborate Btreasonable Cvaluable Ddeliberate

单选题The combined evidence of history and ecology seems to support one general deduction : the less violent the man made changes, the greater the probability of successful readjustment in the biotic pyramid.Ainference Binduction Chypothesis Dspeculation


问答题Is More Growth Really Better?  A number of writers have raised questions about the desirability of faster economic growth as an end in itself, at least in the wealthier industrialized countries. Yet faster growth does mean more wealth, and to most people the desirability of wealth is beyond question. “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor—and I can tell you, rich is better,” a noted stage personality is said to have told an interviewer, and most people seem to have the same attitude about the economy as a whole. To those who hold this belief, a healthy economy is one that is capable of turning out vast quantities of shoes, food, cars, and TV sets. An economy whose capacity to provide all these things is not expanding is said to have succumbed to the disease of stagnation.  Economists from Adam Smith to Karl Marx saw great virtue in economic growth. Marx argued that capitalism, at least in its earlier historical stages, was a vital form of economic organization by which society got out of the rut in which the medieval stage of history had trapped it. Marx believed that “the development of the productive powers of society... alone can form the real basis of a higher form of productive powers of society”. Marx went on to tell us that only where such great productive powers have been unleashed can one have “a society in which the full and free development of every individual forms the ruling principle.” In other words, only a wealthy economy can afford to give all individuals the opportunity for full personal satisfaction through the use of their special abilities in their jobs and through increased leisure activities.  Yet the desirability of further economic growth for a society that is already wealthy has been questioned on grounds that undoubtedly have a good deal of validity. It is pointed out that the sheer increase in quantity of products has imposed an enormous cost on society in the form of pollution, crowding, proliferation of wastes that need disposal, and debilitating psychological and social effects. It is said that industry has transformed the satisfying and creative tasks of the artisan into the mechanical and dehumanizing routine of the assembly line. It has dotted our roadsides with junkyards, filled our air with smoke, and poisoned our food with dangerous chemicals. The question is whether the outpouring of frozen foods, talking dolls, radios, and headache remedies is worth its high cost to society. As one well-known economist put it:  The continued pursuit of economic growth by Western Societies is more likely on balance to reduce rather than increase social welfare... Technological innovations may offer to add to men’s material opportunities. But by increasing the risks of their obsolescence it adds also to their anxiety. Swifter means of communications have the paradoxical effect of isolating people; increased mobility has led to more hours commuting; increased automobilization to increased separation; more television to less communication. In consequence, people know less of their neighbors than ever before.  Virtually every economist agrees that these concerns are valid, though many question whether economic growth is their major cause. Nevertheless, they all emphasize that pollution of air and water, noise and congestion, and the mechanization of the work process are very real and very serious problems. There is every reason for society to undertake programs that grapple with these problems. 11

单选题Such essentially different stimulants as cold, drugs, and grief can provoke identical chemical reactions in the body.Aillness Bweather Csorrow Dtravel

问答题幸福婚姻的秘密  长久而幸福婚姻的秘密在于不要期望太多。  美国的研究人员说,除非具备处理关系的高超技巧,否则你对美满婚姻的憧憬很可能会破灭。他们还说,最好降低期望保证自己不会失望。  来自美国俄亥俄州和佛罗里达州各大学的研究人员对82对夫妻进行了研究。4年多来,他们询问了所有夫妇。他们拨现那些相信自己的伴侣会永远对自己好,永远爱着自己,同意自己每一句话的人会保持积极态度,因为他们能够宽恕并仁慈地解释伴侣的消极行为。然而,那些对婚姻期望太高却又不具备关系处理技巧的人,一旦心中的白马王子或自雪公主从神圣的光环中跌落,他们可能很快就被迫回到现实中。相反,研究人员说,用平常心来看待自己的爱人就意味着你不太会失望,所以也就会对婚姻更加满意。  研究还发现,人们倾向于选择志趣相投的伴侣,他们相信这样能够维持一份稳定的婚姻。美国的研究人员说,寻找长期婚姻关系的人们应该选择与自己性格相近的伴侣而不是寻求最优秀的伴侣。

问答题人工智能  现代世界已经日益充斥着智能的装置,虽然几乎不被人察觉,但它们的普遍存在却节省了许多人类劳力。我们的工厂里轰鸣着机器人生产线的节奏;我们的金融服务完成于自动柜员机旁,它们还会机械地、有礼貌地感谢我们;我们的地铁车辆由不知疲倦的机器人驾驶着。有一些机器人系统已能够进行精确到毫米的脑部和骨髓手术,其精确性远远超过技术娴熟的医生用双手所能达到的水平。  人们希望人工智能能够模仿人脑的活动。但是最近研究人员已经开始将这个预测延后数十年,甚至数百年。  在试图建造思维模型的过程中,研究人员发现,人脑中的近l000亿个神经细胞要比以前想象的更聪明,人类的感知也比以前想象的更复杂。他们建造的机器人在严格控制的工厂环境里,能够识别仪表盘上毫米之间的误差。但是人的大脑能够扫描一个快速变化的场景,迅速排除98%的不相干的物体,立即聚焦于人群中的一张可疑的脸。地球上最先进的计算机系统也不能达到这种能力。

问答题中国的饮食文化  俗话说“民以食为天”。饮食文化,即围绕着人们日常工作中的食物、饮料及其食用方法所形成的文化现象,亦称饮食习俗。  从新石器时代的半坡村文化遗址中发现,早在五六千年前,中国北方的黄河流域已普遍种植粟这种农作物。同样,在距今7,000年前的河姆渡文化遗址中,也发现了南方人种植水稻的痕迹。这两个发现证明:6,000年前,南方人食大米,北方人吃小米的饮食习俗已经形成。南北方的食品风格不同。以大米为主食的南方食品较为简单,而以面粉为主食的北方食品则较为复杂。明代,又从南美传入了甜薯、土豆和玉米等农作物。  筷子是人们日常生活中最常用的一种进餐工具,已有数千年的历史。一位西方人曾说过:中国的筷子充分利用了杠杆原理,必须通过全身130多块骨头和肌肉的协调动作,才能使用筷子。筷子的发明充分显示了中国人的灵巧和智慧。

单选题The word “constitute” underlined in Paragraph 1 means______.AformBtalkCplanDlook