单选题One characteristic of a lubricating oil adversely affecting the result of centrifuging is ()Ahigh TBN valueBlow oil floc pointClow oil demulsibilityDlow oil neutralization number

One characteristic of a lubricating oil adversely affecting the result of centrifuging is ()

high TBN value


low oil floc point


low oil demulsibility


low oil neutralization number


解析: 暂无解析


In an auxiliary diesel engine bypass type lubricating oil system, the main lube oil pump forces_______ .A.all of the oil used by the engine through a filterB.some of the oil used by the engine through a filterC.some of the oil used by the engine through a centrifugeD.all of the oil used by the engine through a centrifuge

Stern tube and strut(支柱) bearings lined with hardwood or rubber composition materials are lubricated with______.A.saltwaterB.graphite(石墨)C.light lubricating oilD.heavy lubricating oil

单选题The remaining oil in the lubricating pipes and ducts should be blown out with ().AatmosphereBthe fresh waterCcompressed airDchemical compounds

单选题The primary purpose of oil control rings on a diesel piston is to()Aprovide a reservoir for cylinder lubricationBpump oil into the combustion space for cylinder coolingCprevent excessive lubricating oil consumptionDallow hydraulic oil film formation on the cylinder

单选题Excessive lubricating oil consumption in a running diesel engine can be caused by ()Aclogged lube oil pipingBexcessive valve-guide clearanceChigh lube oil viscosityDlow lube oil temperature

单选题The amount of lubricating oil in the drain tank should be checked by ().AmeasuringBsounding rodCmeteringDweighting

单选题Which of the following will be the function of lubricating oil used in marine engines?()Ato remove heat from oil cooled pistonsBto wash away wear detritusCto neutralize acidic productsDall of the above

单选题When fuel oil has seriously contaminated a diesel engine lubricating oil, you should ().Afilter to remove the fuel oilBuse the settler to remove the fuel oilCremove the fuel oil by centrifugingDdrain and then renew the lube oil supply

单选题Two main lubricating oil pumps are usual and are obligatory in ().Acontainer shipsBbulk carriersCpassenger shipsDbarges

单选题What is one effect of running a diesel engine at too cool a temperature? ()ABuildup of sludge in the lubricating systemBExcessive fuel consumptionCSevere heat stresses on mechanical partsDFoaming of the lubricating oil

单选题The lubricating system for the cylinder walls is different from the bearings in that the oil for former one is supplied in () while that for latter one is ().Asufficient quantity; measuredBmeasured quantity;sufficientCexcessive quantity;sufficientDthe less quantity the better;the more the better

单选题On engines having oil cooled pistons the lubricating oil pre-heater must be put into operation and the rate of heating so () that the temperature of the piston cooling oil returns are 32℃ to 35℃ over a period of at least two hours.AslowBquickCarrangedDhigh

单选题The ()should be kept running for about half an hour after FWE.Acrankcase lubricating oil pumpBfuel oil pumpCair compressorDauxiliary blower

单选题Engine coolant accumulating in the diesel engine lubricating oil can result from a ()Alow oil pressureBhigh coolant pressureCleaking fuel injectorDcracked cylinder head or liner

单选题In a normally operating diesel engine, the main cause of lubricating oil contamination in the crankcase is a result of the ().Ametal particles loosened by wearBair when no air cleaners are usedCcondensation of water vaporsDbreakdown of the lubricating oil by dilution

单选题() providing lubricating films, oil used in marine diesel engines have to remove heat from oil cooled piston.AExcept forBBesideCExceptDIn addition to

单选题If the analysis of used lube oil indicates a high content of iron particles, this could indicate()Acorrosive deterioration of a bearingBinadequate air filtrationCexcessive ring and liner wearDexcessive cooling of lubricating oil

单选题The function of lubricating oil is to ()Amaintain even distribution of bearing wearBmaintain a constant oil temperatureCmaintain a pressurized film between moving surfacesDremove entrained water

单选题Lubricating oil viscosity in an operating diesel engine can be reduced by()Aincreasing cooling water flowBincreasing lube oil flowCdilution by fuel oilDadding SAE 70 oil

单选题The function of lubricating oil is to ().Areduce friction between moving surfacesBprovide even distribution of bearing wearCreduce the accumulation of harmful detergentsDmaintain a constant oil temperature output at each beating

单选题One of function of diesel engine lubricating oil is to ()Ainduce carbon formation on cylinder wallsBimprove fuel penetration in the combustion spaceCform a friction reducing film between mating surfacesDlubricate the fuel injection

单选题Lubricating oil systems for diesel engine journal bearings are usually lubricated by which of the following types of lubricating oil systems?()ASplashBGravityCPressureDBypass

单选题The ()pump is usually used as the lubricating oil pump.AturbineBscrewCvaneejectorDcentrifugal