问答题see you again是什么电影的主题曲?

see you again是什么电影的主题曲?


解析: 暂无解析


—How about your friend, Li Yan? Does she work in the same department with you? —() A.She is fine, thank you, and you?B.She is fine, thank you, and she’ll be happy to see you again.C.She is an assistant auditor and works in the Auditing Department.

Smith: Mary, I hate to say goodbye, but I have to.Mary: _________, Smith. I hope to see you again.A. Be carefulB. Nice to meet youC. As you likeD. Take care

—Hi, Wang Li, is that you? Long time no see.—() A. How do you do?B. Yes, it’s been ages. It’s nice to see you here.C. Thank you, nice to see you again.

- Mr. Taylor, nice to see you again. Welcome to our company. -() A、Thank you, Ms. Lin. I’ve come to see your packing for our woolen gloves.B、Hello, my name is John Taylor, but just call me John.C、This is John Taylor.

When a student said "Yesterday I goed to see a friend of mine", which of the followingways for correcting errors is Not encouraged?A.Oh, yes. I see you went to see a friend of yours.B.You goed to see your friend C.No, not goed. You should say went.D.Say it again, please.

Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?()AI miss you.BFine. Thank you. And you?CAre you OK?DThis way, please.

“Nice to see you again.”的意思是( )。A、你好吗B、希望下次见到您C、欢迎下次再来D、很高兴再次见到您



see you again是什么电影的主题曲?

Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?()A、I miss you.B、Fine. Thank you. And you?C、Are you OK?D、This way, please.


Hope to see you again soon.中文含义是()。A、再见B、以后见C、希望不久再见到您D、祝你愉快

歌曲《I See You》是下列哪部电影的主题曲?()A、《泰坦尼克号》B、《阿凡达》C、《十面埋伏》D、《侠客行》


单选题歌曲《I See You》是下列哪部电影的主题曲?()A《泰坦尼克号》B《阿凡达》C《十面埋伏》D《侠客行》


单选题When a student said Resterday I goed to see a fiend of mine', which of the following ways for correcting errors is NOT encouraged?AOh, yes.I see you went to see a friend of yours.BYou goed to see your friend?CNo, not goed. You should say went.DSay it again, please.



单选题What does “You begin to worry that fights of fancy might become one way” mean?AYou begin to worry that you’ll never be a useful member of the society again.BYou begin to worry that you’ll never be able to find a job again.CYou begin to worry that you’ll never be able to face the reality.DYou begin to worry that you’ll never be able to see your relatives again.

问答题Pretend that you are a tourist from time to time, and get to know your city all over again including the indispensable(不可错过的)sights that people travel miles to see.

填空题It’s really (wonder) ____ to see you here again in Beijing.

单选题Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?()AI miss you.BFine. Thank you. And you?CAre you OK?DThis way, please.

问答题see you again是什么电影的主题曲?


单选题Hope to see you again soon.中文含义是()。A再见B以后见C希望不久再见到您D祝你愉快
