单选题______AOil BExhaust CSmoke DGas












单选题The border was actually two towns, though no one was big enough to amount to anything.Anot oneBneither oneCnoneDnor

问答题此外,我们要确保更有效地利用外资。譬如,我们要进一步扩大对外开放的领域和地域,逐步推行商业、外贸、金融、保险、证券、电信、旅游和中介服务等领城的对外开放。我们还将放宽外商投资在技术转让、内销比例和一些行业持股比例的限制,积极鼓励外商投资农业、基础设施、环保产业和高新技术产业。  当然,我们还要积极吸引跨国公司来华投资,特别是鼓励他们投资研究开发和参与国有企业的改组、改造。发展是硬道理,是解决我们面临问题的关键。只有坚定不移地坚持改革开放方针,我们才能确保持续不断的经济增长。只有在提高效益的前提下保持快速的经济增长,我们才能缓解企业生产经营困难,减轻就业压力,促进经济结构调整,增加财政收入,防范金融风险,保持社会稳定。

单选题From the last paragraph, we can see that __________.Aa teacher’s influence on children is always positiveBchildren should be encouraged to reach their own decisions by ignoring objective factsCif improperly handled, a teacher’s influence can be very harmful to the childrenDchildren may develop prejudices if the teacher’s attitude is wrong

单选题I urged all the students to take the initiative in their own hands to determine their goals for further pursuit rather than to depend on their teachers and their parents.AdetermineBdeterminingCin determiningDfor determining

单选题Human civilization is now the dominant cause of change in the global environment.Asupreme Bsuspicious Cparamount Dautonomous

单选题The Clarks haven't decided yet which hotel for staying.Ato stayBis to stayCto stay atDis for staying

单选题Mary happened to meet her best friend in the middle school while she was in Paris on business.Aran over Bran after Cran into Dran down

单选题______Adirection Bway Cmethod Depoch



单选题What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?ACritical.BPrejudiced.CIndifferent.DPositive.

单选题Lack government support, they had to approach sponsors, organizers, and musicians on their own — at first, she claims, in her country.ALacksBLackedCLackingDA lack of

问答题Globalization  What exactly does globalization mean? Concepts related to globalization include “internationalization”, “multidomestic marketing”, and “multinational or transnational marketing”, suggesting that the basic criterion is transactions across national boundaries. In the marketing and strategic management literature, globalization is conceptualized as a means to gain competitive advantage by locating different stages of production in different geographic regions according to the particular region’s comparative advantage. This conceptualization focuses only on the economic aspects of globalization; social, cultural and political factors are only considered in the context of achieving economic advantage. Thus, being “culturally sensitive” in global markets is being able to sell one’s product with enough ingenuity to avoid possible pitfalls arising from the seller’s ignorance of local customs. International marketing textbooks discuss such cultural pitfalls in great detail; however, the cultural contest of globalization is always framed by the economy.  Broader conceptualization of globalization can be found in other disciplines such as sociology and anthropology. Waters defined globalization as “a social process in which the constraints of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which people become increasingly aware that they are receding.” This conceptualization with its much broader scope, allows for the examination of a number of consequences of globalization, not jut economic but social, cultural and political ones.  While there are a few different conceptualizations of globalization, researchers seem to be in agreement that there are at least three dimensions of globalization: economic, political and cultural. The economic aspects of globalization stem from the spread of the capitalist world economy and the resulting expansion of goods and services. The need for cheap raw materials, cheap labor and new markets saw the expansion of the capitalist world economy from one that was primarily Eurocentric to one that encompassed the entire world. This process was achieved by various means and often involved overcoming political resistances in the new markets. The political aspects of globalization involved establishing control over markets and raw materials through either the use of direct military power or the establishment of international institutions that control such markets. The rise of the nation-state is an example of the political aspect of globalization, although it is argued that advances in telecommunications and information systems and the resulting constructions of institutions that transience territorial boundaries are making the nation-state obsolete.  If the economic and political aspects of globalization involve material and power exchanges, the cultural of globalization involves the expression of symbols that represents facts, meanings, beliefs, preferences, tastes and values. In fact, these symbolic exchanges are increasingly displacing economic and political exchanges in the spread of global mass culture. Traditional barriers of language pose no problems to modem means of cultural production such as satellite television and film. However, the new “global culture”, despite its manifestations through consumption of global products and symbols in different part of the globe, is essentially the culture of dominant groups centered in the West.



单选题______Anothing else Bsomething elseCanything else Dnone

单选题Which of the following is NOT true?AThe mental tedium will not exist in the end.BHand-loom weaver is the thing of the past.CAutomation is an out-of-date topic today.DPhysical burden in the factory has already been replaced.


单选题______Ato Bon Cof Dfor

单选题Clark Gable gave a comic performance in the movie It Happened One Nightand he was widely welcomed.Asophisticated Bpessimistic Cdiscreet Dfunny

问答题中国对香港、澳门和台湾的政策  我们要继续贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,严格按照特别行政区基本法办事,全力支持香港、澳门两个特别行政区行政长官和政府依法施政。  我们坚持“和平统一、一国两制”的基本方针和现阶段发展两岸关系、推动祖国和平统一进程的八项主张,坚持一个中国原则决不动摇、争取和平统一的努力决不放弃、贯彻寄希望于台湾人民的方针决不改变、反对“台独”分裂活动决不妥协。我们将努力争取在一个中国原则基础上恢复两岸对话与谈判;推动全面、直接、双向“三通”进程;支持海峡西岸和其他台商投资相对集中地区的经济发展;依法保障台湾同胞正当权益,竭诚为台湾同胞服务。两岸关系朝羞和平稳定、互利共赢方向发展是人心所向,任何人妄图破坏这种大趋势是注定要失败的。

问答题Elysee Palace  The Elysee Palace in France enjoys equal popularity in the world with the Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, the Kremlin in Russia as well as the White House in the U. S. A. It is the residence of the president of the French Republic and the symbol of the supreme authority in France.  The Elysee Palace, with an area of 11, 000 square meters, is at3 the eastern end of the Champs Elysee in3 the bustling city of Paris proper and backed by a large and tranquil garden of more than twenty thousand square meters. Its main building, quite handsome and graceful, is a two-story classical stone architecture of European style, flanked by two side buildings facing each other and with an extensive rectangular courtyard in the middle. There are altogether 369 halls and rooms of different sizes.  The Elysee Palace, built in 1718, has a long history of close to 300 years to date. This house was at first a orivate residence of a count named d’Evreau, hence it was called Hotel d’Evreau. It had later gone through many vicissitudes and its owners had been changed for many times, but all the dwellers in it were distinguished personages and high officials. The house was renamed Bonaparte Mansion when6 it was owned by Louis XV and Louis XVI successively when they acted as emperors. Napoleon I signed his act of abdication here when he suffered crushing defeat in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Napoleon III moved in the Mansion in 1848 when he was elected president, and the house became a Royal Palace when he proclaimed himself as emperor. The Third French Republic issued a decree in 1873, designating officially the Elysee Palace as the residence of president of the French Republic. Over the hundred odd years since then, almost all the presidents of the French Republic worked and lived there. Starting from 1989, the Elysee Palace is open to the public every year in September on the French Castles Day.


单选题They know that strong winds, mild and humid air, and cold air near to each other might trigger a really explosive weather situation.Acause Bimply Cforecast Dreduce



单选题The word “constitute” underlined in Paragraph 1 means______.AformBtalkCplanDlook
