单选题The chief demand of the peasants during the Peasant Uprising of 1381 was().Athe abolition of villeinageBthe punishment of the King's ministersCthe increase of wagesDthe reform of the church

The chief demand of the peasants during the Peasant Uprising of 1381 was().

the abolition of villeinage


the punishment of the King's ministers


the increase of wages


the reform of the church


解析: 暂无解析


After reading the report, the police chief ordered that parking () on Main Street during the rush hour. A、be prohibitingB、be prohibitedC、is prohibitedD、was prohibited

()of the population here are peasants. A、20 percentsB、20 percentC、the 20 percentD、the 20 percents

Text 4In 1960—1961, Chad (乍得) harvested 98,000 tons of cotton for the first time in its history, and put out the flag a little too soon. The efforts of the authorities to get the peasants ' back' to work, as they had slacked off a great deal the previous year during independence celebrations, largely contributed to it. Also, rains were well spaced, and continued through the whole month of October. If the 1961—1962 total is back to the region of 45,000 tons, it is mostly because efforts slackened again and sowing was started too late.The average date of sowing is about July 1st. ff this date is simply moved up fifteen or twenty days, 30,000 to 60,000 tons of cotton are gained, depending on the year. The peasant in Chad sows his millet first, and it is hard to criticize this instinctive priority given to his ' daily bread'.An essential reason for his lateness with sowing cotton is that at the time when he should leave to prepare the fields he has just barely sold the cotton of the previous season. The work required to sow, in great heat, is psychologically far more difficult if one's pockets are full of money. The date of cotton sales should therefore be moved forward as much as possible, and purchases of equipment and draught animals encouraged.Peasants should also be encouraged to save money, to help them through the difficult pealed between harvests. If necessary they should be forced to do so, by having the payments for cotton given to them in installments. The last payment would be made after proof that the peasant has planted before the deadline, the date being advanced to the end of June. Those who have done so would receive extra money whereas the last planters would not receive their last payment until later.Only the first steps are hard, because once work has started the peasants continue willingly on their way. Educational campaigns among the peasants will play an essential role in this basic advance, early sowing, on which all the others depend. It is not a matter of controlling the peasants.Each peasant will remain master of his fields. One could, however, suggest the need for the time being of kind but firm rule, which, as long as it cannot be realized 'by the people' , should at least be 'for the people. '36. In 1960—1961, Chad had a good harvest of cotton because______.A) the government greatly encouraged peasantsB) rains favored the growth of cottonC) Chad gained independence in the previous yearD) both A and B

Which of the following is NOT tree?A) Educational campaigns are very important to early sowing.B) Of all the advances that the writer hopes for, early sowing is the most important.C) Peasants should remain the masters of their fields.D) Government might as well make good and firm rule for peasants.

During the dock repair, when installing the tail shaft and propeller, _____ should be on the spot for supervisingA.chief engineerB.engineerC.captainD.any member of the engine department

During the watch keeping at sea, the engineer in charge should notify______in the event of any serious occurrence or a situation where he is unsure of the action to takeA.the masterB.the chief engineerC.the bridgeD.the company superintendent

UMS are mainly unattended overnight and during this time ____ should have control of the main engineA.the chief engineerB.the engineer on cabin watchC.the bridge officer on watchD.the master

In the event of any quarantinable diseases break out during its currency,this Certificate of Pratique shall become ________ ,and must be surrendered on demand to a quarantine officer.A.void and nullB.null and voidC.uselessD.unusable

Chief foreman,you are requested to instruct all stevedores boarding the ship that no smoking is ______ in the holds during loading.A.allowedB.forbiddenC.approvedD.disliked

During the implementation of the project,the user's environment(business environment,organizational structure,etc.)may change,and the demand for the project may also change.For the changing needs of the project scope,()is the person with real approval power.A.userB.project managerC.CCBD.Project investor

The Peasant Uprising of 1381 did not direct against()Athe rich clergyBthe lawyersCthe landownersDthe town traders

The chief demand of the peasants during the Peasant Uprising of 1381 was().Athe abolition of villeinageBthe punishment of the King's ministersCthe increase of wagesDthe reform of the church

The chief demand of the peasants during the Peasant Uprising of 1381 was().A、the abolition of villeinageB、the punishment of the King's ministersC、the increase of wagesD、the reform of the church

The Peasant Uprising of 1381 did not direct against()A、the rich clergyB、the lawyersC、the landownersD、the town traders

The Peasant Uprising of 1381 and its significance

A Power 720 has AIX 6.1 and Linux partitions.During normal workloads there is more than enough memory available to the LPARs.  During month-end processing one partition becomes memory constrained.      What can help overcome this situation?()A、Active Memory Sharing (AMS)B、Active Memory Expansion (AME)C、Integrated Virtual Memory (IVM)D、Memory Capacity on Demand (CoD)

问答题The Peasant Uprising of 1381 and its significance

单选题During port state control inspection, if one generator is out of commission, ()should investigate whether power is available and conduct tests.Athe third engineerBthe PSCOCthe surveyorDthe chief engineer

单选题Usually() handles the majority of the correspondence and negotiation needed during transactions of stores and spare parts in the engine department.Athe chief engineerBthe second engineerCthe third engineerDthe fourth engineer

单选题UMS are mainly unattended overnight and during this time () should have control of the main engine.Athe chief engineerBthe engineer on cabin watchCthe bridge officer on watchDthe master

单选题During an engine room watch if immediate action is necessary to ensure safety of the ship its machinery and crew ()Athe chief engineer must be informed at firstBthe captain must be informed at firstCit must be taken by the duty engineerDthe generator engine must be stopped

单选题To suppress this uprising completely seemed to be too difficult a mission to these officials.AadvocateBconcealCupholdDcrush

单选题The Peasant Uprising of 1381 did not direct against()Athe rich clergyBthe lawyersCthe landownersDthe town traders

单选题During the watch keeping at sea, routine adjustments should be ()Amade and noted as required by the duty engineerBreported to chief engineer immediately after being made by duty engineerCnever made before getting permission from chief engineerDmade as required but not logged

单选题During the watch keeping at sea, the engineer in charge should notify in the event of any serious occurrence or a situation where he is unsure of the action to take()Athe masterBthe chief engineerCthe bridgeDthe company superintendent

单选题During the watch at sea, where situations occur in the machine apace which may affect the speed maneuverability, power supply or other essentials for the safe operation of the ship()should be informed as soon as possible.Athe chief engineerBthe masterCthe bridgeDthe company superintendent

单选题During tours of inspection in the machinery space, you found a fire on a running generator, what should you do first?()Ainform chief engineer officer immediatelyBstop the generatorClet the duty officer in bridge determine how to doDwait for help