After reading the report, the police chief ordered that parking () on Main Street during the rush hour. A、be prohibitingB、be prohibitedC、is prohibitedD、was prohibited

After reading the report, the police chief ordered that parking () on Main Street during the rush hour.

A、be prohibiting

B、be prohibited

C、is prohibited

D、was prohibited


James is reporting the car accident to the police on the spot.POLICE: Can you tell me what___1__ hereJAMES: Yes. I had a bad traffic accident. Look, my car looks like a squashed Coke can.POLICE: Did you see the car before it hit youJAMES: No, I didn't. That car was too __2___.POLICE: Which lane were you inJAMES: I don't remember.POLICE: How fast were you__3___ thenJAMES: Less than 30 miles per hour.POLICE: Which direction were you__4___ from And which direction were you headingJAMES: I was heading from east to west.POLICE: OK, please move your car off to the side of the road. We will check on it. Do you feel like you need an ambulance, sirJAMES: No, I didn't get __5___. Thanks for your concern.POLICE: No problem, sir.

He was fined $100 for ___ illegal ___. A、an / parkingB、—/parkingC、—/parking-lotD、an/park


YouneedtocreateatriggertolocatetheProductreportintheRpt_Server,runthereport,andtestthestatusofthereport.Whichthreebuilt-inswouldyouusetoaccomplishthistask?() A.RUN_PRODUCTB.SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTYC.RUN_REPORT_OBJECTD.FIND_REPORT_OBJECTE.REPORT_OBJECT_STATUSF.COPY_REPORT_OBJECT_OUTPUT

He was fined $ for ____ illegal____. A. an/ parkingB. -/ parkingC. -/ parking -lotD. an/ park

Whichreportwillprovideinformationonthemostrecentlycompletedplan?() A.Report08-JobHistogramB.Report07-JobHistoryListingC.Report10B-ActualProductionDetailD.Report11-PlannedProductionSchedule

Which expenditure went over the company limit?A. Food and drinkB. TransportationC. AccommodationsD. Parking

The manager allocated duties to the clerks.A:assigned B:persuaded C:asked D:ordered

We urged the committee to approve for reform program.A:forced B:pleasedC:appeal to D:ordered

临时停车场 ___________ Parking