单选题______Alink Bbuild Cmaintain Dturn












单选题Advances in biological knowledge have __________.Akept pace with those in physicsBbeen responsible for the invention of new machinesCsurpassed those in physicsDlagged behind those in physics

单选题Fierce storms have been hampering rescue efforts and there is now little chance of finding more survivors.Adisconcerting Bdelaying Cconfusing Dimpeding

单选题His friends no longer had an incentive to continue his education.Afinances Bmotivation Can inclination Da tendency

单选题______Afood Bwater Cmedical Denvironmental

单选题Useful drugs are made from inorganic substances or are plant and animal by-products.AmaterialsBderivativesCchemicalsDingredients

单选题These observations indicates the extreme difficulty in cultivating this precious thing called democracy.Aelaborate Btreasonable Cvaluable Ddeliberate

问答题中国与白俄罗斯经贸合作委员会第八次会议  1月18日,商务部副部长于广洲和白俄罗斯(Belarus)国家监察委员会主席洛马奇共同主持了中白经贸合作委员会第八次会议。双方就扩大贸易和经济技术合作,加强地方合作,推动信息化交流,增进企业了解等问题深入交换了意见。  于广洲指出,中自双边经贸关系平稳增长,成果显著。他建议双方进一步挖掘经贸合作潜力,着力发展长期稳定、互利互惠的双边贸易,继续深化在汽车制造、能源、机械、电信、医药、纺织等领域的经济技术合作,加强企业交流,发展地方合作,开展在中国西部开发和振兴东北地区合作等。  洛马奇表示,白方视中国为其对外政策的重要方向和亚太地区的重要伙伴,对发展中自经贸关系给予厚望。中白经济稳步发展为扩大经贸合作提供了良好空间,目前,中白贸易快速发展,投资项目不断涌现,双方应在此基础上进一步推动企业间交流,开展地区及贸易促进组织间的合作,全力推动经济技术合作项目进展。

单选题If a businessperson wants to be promoted, the most important thing that is required of him or her is __________.Aoverseas experienceBhigh-tech communications equipmentCa foreign languageDEnglish

单选题The word “cornered” underlined in the last paragraph means _______.AacquiredBdriven awayCaccumulatedDcontacted

单选题This article was written to __________.Awarn us of impending starvationBpresent facts about life in the near futureCoppose biological advancesDwarn of the danger of automation

单选题We seem oblivious of the fragility of the earth’s natural system.Afrailty Bsolitude Cprevalence Dfission

单选题The Navajo people of Arizona and New Mexico build their hogans, cone-shaped dwellings made of logs and earth, during the summer.Astadiums Bresidences Cstacks Dstalls

单选题Scientific evidence from different fields of study demonstrates that in most humans the left hemisphere of the brain controls language.Aspectaculars Bdisciplines Cspectrums Dinstructions

单选题The most significant finding of the original research was __________.Alighting had no consistent effect on productionBproduction sometimes increased when lighting was reduced to the level of ordinary moonlightCthat lighting was no more important than the other factors of temperature and humidityDthe results were unexpected and confusing

单选题______AcircumstancesBcontext Csituation Dsurroundings

单选题Innovative approaches to manufacturing, coupled with the tremendous size of the domestic market, led to the emergence of the United States as an industrial giant.Afollowed byBderiving fromCcombined withDmixed with

单选题Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe models of the online fashion stores were not suitable.BSome online fashion stores still make profits.CThere are online stores in Italy that make money.DSweden’s online stores are doing well by discount.


单选题Since the Second World War, most urban growth in the United States has occurred on the outskirts of existing metropolitan areas.Acounties Bedges Cstreets Dintersections

单选题The author believes before long, machines will __________.Aactually replace unskilled workersBhave learned to think for usCbe shaped like robotsDno longer be needed

单选题When he fails his final examination, he is sure of a university place.AIfBIn caseCEven whenDEven if

单选题Amateur cooks have joined the craze with the help of more than 20 cookbooks which devote exclusively with hot and spicy Mexican, Thai and Cajun foods.Athat devote exclusively toBdevoting exclusively ofCthat devotes exclusively withDthat devoting exclusively to

单选题Luther Whitney, the perfectionist cat burglar played by Clint Eastwood in Absolute Power, is as meticulous in his craftsmanship as Vermeer, as adept at disguise as Alec, as elusive as Houdini.Aabsurd Bproficient Cobvious Dhilarious

单选题In the statement of “a General Medical Council disciplinary hearing”, the synonym to the word “hearing” is______.Aofficial inquiryBlistening caseCauditDaudience

单选题Apparently the long drought has retarded the trees' growth in this area.Aslowed down Bretained Cpropelled Dfed


单选题His hard-working spirit attracted and activated others. As a result, the work was completed ahead of schedule.Astrove for Bstirred up Cstripped awayDstretched out

单选题Stop dwelling on your problems and do something about them!Aabiding Blingering Cexpatiating Dexpressing