单选题______AcircumstancesBcontext Csituation Dsurroundings












Schumacher () effortlessly to his new surroundings. A、adoptedB、adaptedC、acceptedD、obtained

请教教师资格考试关于问题情境,说法错误的是( 关于问题情境,说法错误的是A.问题情境要有开放性B.问题情境的创意要力求新颖C.“情境”(CONTEXT)与“情景”(SITUATION)是一个含义D.创设问题情境要考虑学生的先前经验

Linguistic context is also known as ______ context. A、 socialB、 verbalC、 lexicalD、 physical

It does in the()of transfer of intangible assets or immovable property.A、 circumstancesB、 operationC、 case

在配置tomcat虚拟目录时,需要在哪两个元素之间插入配置信息?() A、Context与HostB、Context与ListenerC、Context与ServerD、以上都不是

Extra-linguistic context refers to the physical situation or cultural background.( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Under the _____ confronting them it was impossible to continue the strike any longer.[A] surroundings[B] settings[C] circumstances[D] environments

以下不是由SGSN发给MS的消息为()。 A.Activate PDP Context AcceptB.Activate PDP Context RejectC.Create PDP Context ResponseD.Deactivae PDP Context Accept

In PPP method classes or sequences, the teacher presents the context and situation for the language, and both explains and demonstrates the meaning and form of the new language. The students then practice making sentences before going on to another stage in which they talk or write more freely. PPP stands for except__________.A.PresentationB.ProceduresC.ProductionD.Practice

There is a ( ) difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment.A.sensibleB.subtleC.feebleD.humble

According to the context,“the attraction of repulsion”(Para.6) means( ) A.fascination by the current situation B.connection to the depressing economy C.inspiration by the poverty-stricken years D.communication with the poor workers

The author suggests that a mathematician asked to solve a problem in an ill-defined situation would first attempt to do which of the following?( ) A.Identify an analogous situation B.Simplify and define the situation C.Vary the underlying assumptions of a description of the situation D.Determine what use would be made of the solution provided

Utterance is based on ();it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication,or simply in a context.

以下过程与GGSN无关的为()。A、AttachB、DetachC、PDP Context DeactivationD、PDP Context Activation


下面()信令是只有从SGSN发往GGSN的A、Creat PDP Context RequestB、Update PDP Context RequestC、Delete PDP Context RequestD、Error Indication


以下不是由SGSN发给MS的消息为()。A、Activate PDP Context AcceptB、Activate PDP Context RejectC、Create PDP Context ResponseD、Deactivae PDP Context Accept

单选题There was once a town in this country _______ all life seemed to live in ______ with its surroundings.Awhich; coincidenceBat which; uniformCwhere; harmony Dthat; alliance

单选题It's reported by some scientists that physical surroundings _____ people's emotional reactions.AaffectBinfectCeffectDdefect

单选题以下不是由SGSN发给MS的消息为()。AActivate PDP Context AcceptBActivate PDP Context RejectCCreate PDP Context ResponseDDeactivae PDP Context Accept

填空题Utterance is based on ();it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication,or simply in a context.


单选题These dogs become _______when they are restless as their surroundings suddenly change.AaggressiveBtediousCvigorousDpuzzled

单选题There was once a town in this country _____ all life seemed to live in _____ with its surroundings.Awhich; coincidenceBat which; uniformCwhere; harmonyDthat; alliance

单选题终端能否支持H业务,从哪条信令观察()ARRC Connection Setup CompleteBACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT REQUESTCACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT ACCEPTDRadio Bearer Setup Complete

单选题以下过程与GGSN无关的为()。AAttachBDetachCPDP Context DeactivationDPDP Context Activation

单选题A recent study of an insurance company’s underwriters indicated that those who worked in pleasant physical surroundings were 25 percent more productive than their peers in unpleasant physical surroundings. Objective criteria for evaluating job performance included caseload and complexity of cases. This shows that improving workers’ environments increases those workers’ productivity.  Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above?AOn average, less-productive employees spend no fewer hours per day at their workstations than do their more-productive peers.BUnpleasant surroundings give employees less motivation to work hard than more pleasant surroundings do.CThe more-productive employees are generally rewarded with pleasant office space.DMore-productive employees do not work any more hours than their less-productive peers.EPeer pressure discourages employees in crowded, unpleasant surroundings from making phone calls to their own family members during work time.