单选题It seems to me that his suggestion is _____ though it sounds excellent in theory.AimpracticableBimpassableCinsolubleDinaccessible

It seems to me that his suggestion is _____ though it sounds excellent in theory.











53. It seems very probable that my neighbor wanted to _______.A. please his mother B. cheat his motherC. cheat the manager D. please his mother’s friends

He is a poorly learnt man. But he acts as though he (). A.isB.wereC.should beD.seems like

All his energies are ____________ upon the job and he seems to have little time for his family. (A) aimed(B) guided(C) focused(D) directed

It makes good_to bring an umbrella; it seems to be raining today.A. sense B.reasonC. suggestion D. advice

- I believed Ted only from his resume. In fact he is not qualified for his job. -() A、Oh, it’s such a pity!B、Oh, it sounds interesting!C、I’m glad to hear that.

His plan _____ good. A has soundedB is soundingC is soundedD sounds

His answer sounds ___. A.correctlyB.correctnessC.correctD.correctiong

Your quotation ()but the listed payment conditions are not customary in our trade.A、sounds interestingB、sound interestinglyC、seems interestinglyD、seem well

Molly: Charles, would you like to go to a party this Saturday?Charles: ___________.What kind of party?Molly: It ’s a birthday party.A: Looks niceB: Feels excellentC: Seems all rightD: Sounds good

Betty’s suggestion that you () once more sounds reasonable. A、tryB、triesC、must tryD、can try

John seems nice person. ____________, 选择 Johnseemsniceperson.____________,Idon’ttrusthim.A)EventhoughB)EvensoC)ThereforeD)Though

I agree to his suggestion the condition that he drops all charges.A. by B. in C. on D. to

After finishing reading his paper,I came to the conclusion that the writer's analysis of the major issue in his dissertation seems quite superficial.A:shallow B:deep C:superior D:significant

Though the politician was quite eloquent,his diction spoiled the effectiveness of his speech.A:pronunciation B:intonation C:selection of words D:loss of explosion

--How did Bob do in the exams this time?--Well,his father seems__with his results.A.pleasingB.pleaseC.pleasedD.to please

The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me.A:reasonableB:sensibleC:crazyD:unbelievable

The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me.A:reasonable B:sensibleC:crazy D:unbelievable

His suggestion()more people to have jobs.AmadeBletChadDallowed

He looked quite healthy though he was()Ain seventyBin his seventiesCat seventiesDage of seventy

— What do you think of his suggestion? —().A、Sorry,Ican’t remember herB、I never think of himC、It’s hard to say,actuallyD、No,I don’t believe it

单选题What you’ve told me of your plan sounds most interesting; would you care to _____ on it?AelaborateBexplainCstressDinterrupt

单选题The injury to his head in the accident he had last week in the expressway seems to have _____ his thought of process.ApostponedBconcealedCretardedDcancelled

单选题He()the suggestion as a way of getting out of his financial difficulties.Atalked overBled toCseized onDstarted over

单选题His attitude toward us seems()AnicelyBwarmlyCkindlyDfriendly

单选题What do you think of his suggestion _____ we all attend the meeting?AwhichBwhetherCthatDwhat

单选题His suggestion()more people to have jobs.AmadeBletChadDallowed

单选题It seems to me that his suggestion is _____ though it sounds excellent in theory.AimpracticableBimpassableCinsolubleDinaccessible

单选题The background music in the little cafe sounds softly and sweet to me.AbackgroundBinCsoftlyDto