单选题His Selected Poems _____ first published in 1965.AwereBwasChas beenDis

His Selected Poems _____ first published in 1965.





has been




以s结尾的书刊名、国名、组织名作主语时,谓语动词用单数。时间状语是in 1965,所以谓语动词用过去时,故为B。


() the first and largest ethnic group to work on the construction of the transcontinental railroad. A.Chinese wereB.The Chinese wasC.Chinese wasD.The Chinese were

His first book next month is based on a true story. ( )A. publishedB. to be publishedC. to publishD. being published

The teacher together with the students ________ discussing Reading Skills that ________ newly published in America.A. are ; wereB. is ; were C. are ; was D. is ; was

The government who ______ responsible for this event attempted to find a solution.A. wereB. wasC. areD. is

Last year he paid a visit to his hometown, which was no longer the sleepy little village(). A、it wasB、it has beenC、it had beenD、it was being

He was sixty-eight. In two years he _____ seventy.A. would beB. wasC. had beenD. was being

The surroundings of his house ( )far from clean. A、wasB、isC、has beenD、are

听力原文:If a customer informs his bank that a draft which has been issued to him has been lost, the drawee bank should be noticed immediately.(8)A.The customer should first notify the drawee bank of the loss of his draft.B.The customer should first notify the drawer bank of the loss of his draft.C.The customer should first notify the remitting bank of the loss of his draft.D.The customer should first notify the collecting bank of the loss of his draft.

If he ______ forced to make a living from the outset, he would not have been able to follow his passion. A、has beenB、would have beenC、had beenD、was

If he had received six more votes, he ________ he chairman now. A. isB. wasC. has beenD. would be

His first book ( ) next month is based on a true story. A、have been publishedB、publishedC、being publishedD、to be published

Mary‘s strong love for her country is ____________ in his recently published poems. A.relievedB.reflectedC.respondedD.recovered

A series of debates between lectures _____ scheduled for next weekend.A、wereB、wasC、areD、be

It ____ over two years since the old gentleman first came to sample the puddings.A. has beenB. wasC. will beD. would be

I wish he _______ here at the moment.A、wereB、wasC、would beD、is

If I ________ you, I would not do it.A、amB、wasC、have beenD、were

__________they who did the thorough cleaning to the classroom yesterday.A.These wereB.That wasC.It wasD.Those were

If it __________ for his bad cold, Rick would have enjoyed more on his birthday party.A.is notB.were notC.has not beenD.had not been

If he had worked harder at his lessons, he___________able to pass the college entrance examination now.A.will beB.would beC.has beenD.would have been

I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible,but( )fully occupied the whole of last week.A.wereB.had beenC.have beenD.was

At that time, she()on a journey with her friendA、isB、wasC、has beenD、is being

He is over fifty, but he looks as though he()only in his thirties.A、wereB、isC、will beD、has been

A committee of four men and five women () to be appointed in this week’s meeting.A、wereB、wasC、isD、are

Most of the poems written by Emily Dickinson were().A、lostB、published during her lifetimeC、buried with herD、published after her death

单选题Sean's strong love for his country is _____ in his recently published poems.ArelievedBreflectedCrespondedDrecovered

单选题The senator has a ______ personality: His confidence and demeanor impress at first glance.AprepossessingBvariedCconsummateDhaughtyEpallid

单选题His Selected Poems _____ first published in 1965.AwereBwasChas beenDis

单选题His Selected Poems ______ first published in l965.AwereBwasChas beenDis