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A rapid rise or fall of the barometer indicates ______.A.heavy rain within six hoursB.a decrease in wind velocityC.a change in the present weather conditionsD.that fog will soon set in

A slow,gradual fall of the barometer indicates approaching ______.A.gale force winds within 12 hoursB.blizzard conditionsC.deteriorating or unsettled weatherD.heavy,wind driven rain

The purpose of the "set" hand on an aneroid barometer is to ______.A.adjust the barometerB.indicate any change in the reading of the barometerC.provide a correction for height above sea levelD.provide a correction for temperature changes

A mercurial barometer at sea is subject to rapid variations in height ("pumping") due to the pitch and roll of the vessel. To avoid this error,measurements of atmospheric pressure at sea are usually measured with a(n) ______.A.syphon barometerB.cistern barometerC.aneroid barometerD.fortin barometer

A vessel entering the eye of a hurricane should expect ______.A.moderating winds and heavy confused seas to strike his vessel from all directionsB.the winds to increase to hurricane force and strike from a different direction as the eye passesC.the barometer to reach the lowest pointD.All of the above

You are located within a stationary high pressure area.Your aneroid barometer is falling very slowly.This indicates a(n)______.A.Wind shift of 180°B.Large increase in wind velocityC.Decrease in the intensity of the systemD.Increase in the intensity of the system

Barometer readings in weather reports are given in terms of pressure at ______.A.sea levelB.China SeaC.the weather stationD.the broadcasting station

For an accurate barometer check, you would ______.A.check it with a barometer on another vesselB.take readings from several barometers and average themC.check it with the barometer at the ship chandleryD.check it against radio or National Weather Service reports of the immediate vicinity

If a hurricane several hundred miles away is moving in your general direction your barometer would ______.A.start to rise rapidlyB.start to fall gradullyC.rise slowly, begin “pumping” and then start a slow, steady fallD.remain steady

共用题干Ants as a Barometer of Ecological ChangeAt picnics,ants are pests.But they have their uses.In industries such as mining,farming and forestry,they can help gauge the health of the environment by just crawling around and being antsy.It has been recognized for decades that ant—which are highly sensitive to ecological change—can provide a near-perfect barometer of the state of an ecosystem.Only certain species, for instance,will continue to thrive at a forest site that has been cleared of trees._______(46) And still others will move in and take up residence.By looking at which species populate a deforested area,scientists can determine how “stressed”the land is._______(47)Ants are used simply because they are so common and comprise so many species.Where mine sites are being restored,for example,some ant species will recolonize the stripped land more quickly than others._______(48)Australian mining company Capricorn Coal Management has been successfully using ant surveys for years to determine the rate of recov-ery of land that it is replanting near its German Creek mine in Queensland.Ant surveys also have been used with mine-site recovery projects in Africa and Brazil,where warm climates encourage dense and diverse ant populations.“We found it worked extremely well there,”says Jonathan Majer,a professor of environmental biology.Yet the surveys are perfectly suited to climates throughout Asia,he says,because ants are so common throughout the region. As Majer puts it:“That's the great thing about ants.”Ant surveys are so highly-regarded as ecological indicators that governments worldwide accept their results when assessing the environmental impact of mining and tree harvesting._______ (49)Why not?Because many companies can't afford the expense or the laboratory time needed to sift results for a comprehensive survey.The cost stems,also,from the scarcity of ant specialists. ______(50)_______(46)A: This allowed scientists to gauge the pace and progress of the ecological recovery.B: Yet in other businesses,such as farming and property development,ant surveys aren't used widely.C: Employing those people are expensive.D: They do this by sorting the ants,counting their numbers and comparing the results with those of earlier surveys.E: The evolution of ant species may have a strong impact on our ecosystem.F: Others will die out for lack of food.

共用题干Ants as a Barometer of Ecological ChangeAt picnics,ants are pests.But they have their uses.In industries such as mining,farming and forestry , they can help gauge(测定)the health of the environment by just crawling around and being antsy(坐立不安).It has been recognized for decades that ants—which are highly sensitive to ecological change—can provide a near-perfect barometer(气压计)of the state of an ecosystem. Only certain species,for instance,will continue to thrive at a forest site that has been cleared of trees. ______(46)And still others will move in and take up residence.By looking at which species populate a deforested area,scientists can determine how“stressed”the land is.______(47)Ants are used simply because they are so common and comprise(构成)so many species.Where mine sites are being restored,for example,some ant species will recolonize(重新移居到.……)the stripped land more quickly than others.______ (48 ) Australian mining compa- ny Capricorn Coal Management has been successfully using ant surveys for years to determine the rate of recovery of land that it is replanting near its German Creek mine in Queensland.Ant surveys also have been used with mine-site recovery projects in Africa and Brazil,where warm climates encourage dense and diverse ant populations.“We found it worked extremely well there,”says Jonathan Major,a professor of environmental biology.Yet the surveys are perfectly suited to climates throughout Asia,he says,because ants are so common throughout the region.As Major puts it:“That's the great thing about ants.”Ant surveys are so highly regarded as ecological indicators(指示器)that governments world-wide accept their results when assessing(评估)the environmental impact of mining and tree har- vesting.______(49).Why not?Because many companies can't afford the expense or the laboratory time needed to sift(详审)results for a comprehensive survey. The cost stems,also, from the scarcity(缺乏)of ant specialists.______(50)______(47)A:This allowed scientists to gauge the pace and progress of the ecological recovery.B:Yet in other businesses,such as farming and property development,ant surveys aren't used widely.C: Employing those people are expensive.D: They do this by sorting the ants,counting their numbers and comparing the results with those of earlier surveys.E: The evolution of ant species may have a strong impact on our ecosystem.F: Others will die out for lack of food.


单选题A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a().Ahigh pressure systemBlow pressure systemChigh dew pointDlow dew point

单选题An aneroid barometer reading should be corrected for differences in().AelevationBtemperatureCwind speedDlatitude

单选题Prior to reading an aneroid barometer,you should tap the face lightly with your finger to().Aexpose any loose connectionsBdemagnetize the metal elementsCbring the pointer to its true positionDcontract and expand the glass face

单选题The purpose of the “set” hand on an aneroid barometer is to().Aadjust the barometerBindicate any change in the reading of the barometerCprovide a correction for height above sea levelDprovide a correction for temperature changes

单选题If a hurricane several hundred miles away is moving in your general direction your barometer would().Astart to rise rapidlyBstart to fall graduallyCrise slowly,begin pumping and then start a slow,steady fallDremain steady

单选题An instrument useful in predicting fog is the().Asling psychrometerBmicrobarographCanemometerDaneroid barometer

单选题For an accurate barometer check,you would().Acheck it with a barometer on another vesselBtake readings from several barometers and average themCcheck it with the barometer at the ship chandleryDcheck it against radio or National Weather Service reports of the immediate vicinity

单选题What indicates that a tropical cyclone may be within 500 to 1,000 miles of your position?()AA pumping of the barometer up and down a few millibarsBA sudden wind shift from southwest to northwest followed by steadily increasing windsCThe normal swell pattern becoming confused,with the length of the swell increasingDAn overcast sky with steadily increasing rain from nimbostratus clouds

单选题As a high pressure system approaches,the barometer reading().Astays the sameBfallsCrisesDfalls rapidly

单选题The most important information to be obtained from a barometer is the().Adifference between the reading of the two pointers,which shows wind directionBlast two figures of the reading of the pointer,such as 87,76,or 92Cpresent reading of the pressure,combined with the changes in pressure observed in the recent pastDweather indications printed on the dial (such as cold,wet,etc.) under the pointer

单选题A rapid rise or fall of the barometer indicates().Aheavy rain within six hoursBa decrease in wind velocityCa change in the present weather conditionsDthat fog will soon set in

单选题A mercurial barometer at sea is subject to rapid variations in height (“pumping”) due to the pitch and roll of the vessel. To avoid this error,measurements of atmospheric pressure at sea are usually measured with a(n)().Asyphon barometerBcistern barometerCaneroid barometerDfortin barometer

单选题A slow,gradual fall of the barometer indicates approaching().Agale force winds within 12 hoursBblizzard conditionsCdeteriorating or unsettled weatherDheavy,wind driven rain