


解析: 暂无解析


Scarcely _____ above 35℃ in summer in this city.A. the temperature goesB. does the temperature goC. the temperature wentD. did the temperature go

The main propulsion diesel engine jacket water temperature rises above normal, with the raw sea suction and the expansion tank water level being normal. Which of the following problems is most likely the cause?A.Faulty thermostatic bypass valveB.Eroded zinc pencils in the heat exchangerC.Steam formation in the expansion tankD.Excessive leakage from jacket water pump seals

Sweat damage will occur in a cargo hold containing machinery parts when ______.A.the outside air is colder than the cargo.B.the air temperature of the hold is higher than the outside air temperature.C.the dew point of the hold is higher than the temperature of the cargo.D.the dew point of the outside air is lower than the temperature of the cargo

Air temperature varies with ______.A.the altitude above sea levelB.the season of the yearC.the latitude or distance from the equatorD.All of the above

Should the steel be loaded in conditions where the ambient temperature is lower than might be encountered later on in the voyage,______.A.the hold should be ventilatedB.the hold should not be ventilatedC.the hold should be half-ventilatedD.hot air should be introduced into the hold


Cargo in hold No.2 is on() .A、waterB、oilC、fireD、A+B

There are too much garbage in the hold.()A、舱内货物太多。B、驾驶台上垃圾太多。C、舱内垃圾太多。D、舱内老鼠太多。


英文“Would you hold the line,please?”译成中文是()

单选题There are too much garbage in the hold.()A舱内货物太多。B驾驶台上垃圾太多。C舱内垃圾太多。D舱内老鼠太多。

单选题Air temperature varies with().Athe altitude above sea levelBthe season of the yearCthe latitude or distance from the equatorDAll of the above

填空题英文“Would you hold the line,please?”译成中文是()

单选题Your vessel has lifeboats on both sides. Lifeboat No.2 is located().Aforward of lifeboat No.4 on the starboard sideBforward of lifeboat No.4. on the port sideCaft of lifeboat No. 1 on the starboard sideDAll of the above

单选题The dew point of air is reached when the wet bulb temperature is ().ATwice the dry bulb temperatureB10℃ above the dry bulb temperatureC5℃ above the dry bulb temperatureDEqual to the dry bulb temperature

单选题Fire detecting systems on merchant vessels may be arranged to sense ().AsmokeBrate of temperature riseCionized particlesDall of the above

单选题The temperature in No.2 hold is below ().AnormalBnormCnormallyDAll above.

单选题Sweat damage will occur in a cargo hold containing machinery parts when().Athe outside air is colder than the cargoBthe air temperature of the hold is higher than the outside air temperatureCthe dew point of the hold is higher than the temperature of the cargoDthe dew point of the outside air is lower than the temperature of the cargo

单选题As its temperature rises, the volume of fuel oil in the tanks will ().Aremain the sameBincreaseCdecreaseDnone of the above

单选题The saturation temperature of the refrigerant must be () that required in the evaporator refrigerated space.AaboveBbelowCequal toDNone of the above

单选题Cargo in hold No.2 is on() .AwaterBoilCfireDA+B

单选题In reference to air conditioning, when air attains the maximum amount of moisture it can hold at a specific temperature, it is said to be ().AsuperheatedBsaturatedCcondensedDconvected

单选题If the capacity of the refrigeration compressor is too large, the saturation temperature will ().AriseBfallCbe maintained constantDNone of the above

单选题You will load and carry a bulk cargo of sulphur at ambient temperature. Which statement is true?().AWooden covers must be laid over the bilge wells to prevent the sulphur from entering the bilgesBBulk sulphur may be carried without a special permit providing the vessel complies with all applicable regulationsCThe majir charateristic of this cargo is that it forms sulfuric acid upon contact with waterDOther hazardous material may not be stowed in the same hold as the sulphur bue may carried on deck above the hold

单选题Moisture in a refrigeration system can cause ().Afreezing the expansion valve closedBcorrosion of system pipingCimproper temperature regulationDall of the above

单选题A cargo hold has been determined to have a relative humidity of 80% and a dry bulb temperature of 80 ℃ and a dry bulb temperature of 85℃.When the hold is sealed and the dry bulb temperature decreases, the relative humidity in the space will ()AdecreaseBincreaseCdecrease to zeroDremain unchanged

单选题在NBDP终端设备中,外围设备间传输信息采用(),国际用户电传网与用户交换信息使用的是()。AITA No.2码;4B/3Y码BASCⅡ码;ITA No.2码CITA No.2码;ASCⅡ码D4B/3Y码;ITA No.2码