单选题The order “Bow thrust stop” means “()”.ABow thrust full to pertBBow thrust full to starboardCNo bow thrust revolutionsDNo stern thrust revolutions

The order “Bow thrust stop” means “()”.

Bow thrust full to pert


Bow thrust full to starboard


No bow thrust revolutions


No stern thrust revolutions


解析: 暂无解析


___ (首推) stop.A.Bow thrustB.Bow thrusterC.Stern thrustD.Stern thruster

___ (尾推) stop。A.Bow thrustB.Bow thrusterC.Stern thrustD.Stern thruster

尾推停车。A.Stern thrust stop.B.Stern stop.C.Stern stop.D.Bow thrust stop.

首推停车。A.Stern thrust stop.B.Stern stop.C.Stern stop.D.Bow thrust stop.

首推全速向右!A.Bow stern full to port!B.Bow stern half to port!C.Bow thrust full to starboard !D.Bow thrust full to port!

首推全速向左!A.Bow stern full to port!B.Bow thrust half to port!C.Bow thrust full to starboard !D.Bow thrust full to port!

Both leaders of two sides agreed to settle the dispute by peaceful means.A:solve B:finishC:unite D:stop

The new order means()overtime.AworksBworkedCtoworkDworking

首推半速向右!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow stern half to port!C、Bow thrust half to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

尾推全速向左!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow stern half to port!C、Stern thrust half to starboard !D、Stern thrust full to port!

首推全速向右!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow stern half to port!C、Bow thrust full to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

Bow thrust full to port!()A、尾推半速向左B、首推全速向右C、首推全速向左D、尾推半速向右

止损委托(stop order)

尾推停车。()A、Stern thrust stop.B、Stern stop.C、Bow thrust stop.

尾推半速向右!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow stern half to port!C、Stern thrust half to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

首推停车。()A、Stern thrust stop.B、Stern stop.C、Port ten.D、Bow thrust stop.

()(尾推)stop。A、Bow thrustB、Bow thrusterC、Stern thrustD、Stern thruster

Bow thrust half to starboard!()A、尾推半速向左B、首推全速向右C、首推全速向左D、首推半速向右

首推全速向左!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow thrust half to port!C、Bow thrust full to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

单选题尾推停车。()AStern thrust stop.BStern stop.CBow thrust stop.

名词解释题止损委托(stop order)

单选题The new order means()overtime.AworksBworkedCtoworkDworking

单选题It is sometimes necessary to moor bow and stern to two mooring buoys in order to().Aavoid any swing in a restricted spaceBprevent to touch with other vesselsCmake a convenience of cargo discharging

单选题Bow thrust half to starboard!()A尾推半速向左B首推全速向右C首推全速向左D首推半速向右

单选题Bow thrust full to port!()A尾推半速向左B首推全速向右C首推全速向左D尾推半速向右

单选题首推停车。()AStern thrust stop.BStern stop.CPort ten.DBow thrust stop.

单选题The order “Bow thrust stop” means “()”.ABow thrust full to pertBBow thrust full to starboardCNo bow thrust revolutionsDNo stern thrust revolutions

单选题“Stand by engine” means ().Aprepare to stop the engineBassemble an engine on its bedplateCmake an engine ready for startingDmake an engine run steadily