单选题The pistons are cooled by () oil from the forced lubrication.Abeing givenBgivingCsupplyingDbeing supplied

The pistons are cooled by () oil from the forced lubrication.

being given






being supplied


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following statements concerning the lubrication of diesel propulsionengines used in vessels over 300 gross tons is most accurate? ( )A.Lubrication systems using engine driven lube oil pumps do not require any additionalindependent arrangement when such arrangements have been proven reliable.B.The use of engine driven pre-lube pumps is permitted on vessels with propulsionsystems developing less than 500 shaft horsepower.C.When forced lubrication is used for propulsion engines , one independently drivenstandby pumps is to be provided in addition to the necessary pumps for normaloperation.D.Lubrication systems where two oil coolers are fitted require a minimum of twotemperature control devices which may be actuated by similar sensors.

Crankcase explosions in propulsion diesel engines result from ____.A.the splashing of lubrication oil by the crankshaftB.the dilution of crankcase oil with particles of combustionC.broken fuel lines spraying oil on the crankcaseD.the ignition of unburned fuel and air in the crankcase

第二组Under normal operation, some lubrication oil mist may be discharged from the air compressor to the air start system. This oil may be from excess compressor cylinder lubrication, from faulty oil scraper rings, or may even be suspended oil vapor contaminating the engine room atmosphere and drawn in at the compressor suction. Oil discharge is kept to a minimum by draining the after cooler, air receiver and starting system. If small quantities of lubrication oil do get passed into the starting air system, they will deposit as thin moist film over internal pipe surfaces but are not readily combustible. If a cylinder non-return valve leak while the engine is in operation, some hot gas, possibly with unburned fuel and cylinder lubrication oil, may be blown through the valve to the adjacent air manifold. With further heating from the leaky valve, this, together with the already deposited oil film, will carbonize and form. incandescent carbon. If starting air is applied to the system while still hot, the high pressure air coming into contact with the burning carbon may cause an explosion. Such an explosion will cause a flame to pass back through the air start pipe system, evaporating the deposited oil film and igniting it in the presence of air. Very high velocities and shockwaves are generated which may rupture pipes and fittings.Alternatively, if excessive oil has entered the air start system, a mixture of air and oil droplets may be discharged through the open cylinder non-return valve during starting. This spray may ignite due to high temperatures in the cylinder, causing a flame through the still open valve to the air manifold.To prevent an explosion, air start valves must be correctly maintained and lubricated to ensure correct timing and free movement with positive closing. Oil in the system must be kept to a minimum, pipe lines must be drained and cleaned internally when necessary and oil discharge from air compressors must be kept to a minimum by good maintenance.The passage is mainly aboutA.crankcase explosionB.scavenge box fireC.starting air pipeD.the danger of explosion in the starting air system

第二组Displacement pumps are those where the volume of the pump chamber is alternately increased to draw the liquid in from the suction pipe and then decreased to force the liquid out into the delivery pipe. Centrifugal pumps are those wherein an impeller rotating at high speed throws the liquid by centrifugal force from the center to the periphery of the impeller where the liquid is discharged through the delivery outlet.Gear pump consists of two or more meshing gears (spur, single or double helical teeth) enclosed m a close-fitted housing. These are used extensively for pumping fuel oil, lubricating oil and hydraulic oil. When gears are unmeshed on the inlet side, a pressure drop occurs that helps the atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the oil in the reservoir to force it up the pipe to fill the void, the oil is then transferred around the periphery of the pump housing. As the gear teeth mesh again on the outlet side, they form. a seal that prevents oil from backing up to the inlet, the oil in the void is then be forced out into the discharge line.All vane pumps have a rotor driven within a ring (cam ring) by a drive shaft coupled to a prime mover. A cylindrical rotor with sliding vanes, generally in radial slots, rotates within the ring. The center of the rotor is offset from the center of the ring. In a simple vane pump, as the rotor turns, the vanes are forced outward against the inner surface of the cam ring by centrifugal force. This outward radial movement of the vanes and turning of the rotor causes the chamber between the vanes to increase as the vanes pass further away from the inlet port. This increase in volume results in a lowering of pressure until the atmospheric pressure is sufficient to force oil from the reservoir into the inlet chamber. Oil from the inlet is swept away by the vanes toward the outlet port through a decreasing series of chambers until it is forced through the outlet port. A vane pump of balanced design has an elliptical cam ring so that two pumping chambers are formed. This pump is in hydraulically balance, since the two intake and two outlet ports are diametrically opposed to each other. Therefore the side loads exerted on the rotor cancel out, thereby increasing bearing lift and permitting high operating pressure.According to the last sentence of paragraph 1, from where the liquid is discharged through the delivery outlet?A.from the eye of the impellerB.from passage of impellerC.from the periphery of the impellerD.from the impeller

The common method of applying oil to the cylinder walls is by means of small pump assembled in units, known asA.mechanical lubricatorB.lubrication functionC.forced feed systemD.bearing lubrication

Crankcase explosions in propulsion diesel engines result fromA.the splashing of lubrication oil by the crankshaftB.the dilution of crankcase oil with particles of combustionC.broken fuel lines spraying oil on the crankcaseD.the ignition of unburned fuel and air in the crankcase

Lubrication for the main reduction gears used with diesel engines is usually supplied byA.oil from the main engine sumpB.an independent lube oil systemC.the stern bearing head tankD.the stem bearing sump tank

单选题To function properly, oil control rings used on a diesel engine piston must distribute sufficient oil to all parts of the cylinder wall and must also().Aprevent any lubricant from reachingBprevent excessive lubrication from reaching the combustion spaceCProvide metal-to-metal contact to seal the cylinder against blow-byDassure a positive means of scraping carbon accumulation from the cylinder

单选题The film of oil between the rings and the liner is not only essential for the lubrication but also plays an important part in achieving ().Aan oil sealBremoving heatCa gas sealDcooling the piston

单选题Large crosshead type engine generally has two lubrication systems, a function performed only by crankcase oil system is()AlubricatingBcoolingCcleaningDneutralizing

单选题For diesel engine piston cooling, lubricating oil can be supplied to the pistons by a/an ().Aoil sprayBoil bathCoil control ringsDdrilled passage through the camshaft

单选题In a bypass type lubrication system for a diesel engine, the dirty oil line to the centrifuge should be taken from the ().Alube oil pump suction lineBlube oil pump discharge lineCbottom of the lube oil sumpDoutlet from the lube oil header

单选题Which of the following will be the function of lubricating oil used in marine engines?()Ato remove heat from oil cooled pistonsBto wash away wear detritusCto neutralize acidic productsDall of the above

单选题In motor-ships, (), after passing through main and motion bearings and oil cooled pistons, etcis either retained in the bedplate.Athe fuel oilBthe lubricating oilCthe refrigerating oilDthe hydraulic oil

单选题Which of the following conditions indicates the dilution of diesel engine lube oil by fuel oil?()AWater discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierBFuel oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierCLube oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierDA change in the lube oil viscosity

单选题Trunk type diesel engine pistons are effectively cooled when heat is()Aradiated through the engine blockBtransferred to water cooled cylinder wallsCconducted through the piston crownDtransferred to escaping exhaust gases

单选题Injectors for use with heavy fuel oil must be cooled by either water or light oil to ()Aprevent heat corrosion to internal componentsBincrease fuel delivery rate and economyCprevent pre-ignitionDavoid carbonization of the nozzle tips

单选题Crankcase explosions in propulsion diesel result from()Athe splashing of lubrication oil by the crankshaftBthe dilution of crankcase oil with particles of combustionCbroken fuel lines spraying oil on the crankcaseDthe ignition of unburned fuel and air in the crankcase

单选题On engines having oil cooled pistons the lubricating oil pre-heater must be put into operation and the rate of heating so () that the temperature of the piston cooling oil returns are 32℃ to 35℃ over a period of at least two hours.AslowBquickCarrangedDhigh

单选题The oil quantity for bearing lubrication should be applied in such an amount as to be sufficient to carry away the () caused by the friction at the bearings.AacidsBadditivesCheatDgear

单选题Trunk-type diesel engine pistons are most effectively cooled by heat()Aconducted through the engine blockBconducted to water cooled cylinder wallsCconducted through the piston crownDloss to escaping exhaust gases

单选题()diesel engines generally have two systems of lubrication:()a total loss system feeding and a circulating system lubricating the running gear and cooling the pistons.ALarge crosshead type;crossheadsBHigh speed;the cylindersCLarge crosshead type;the cylindersDFour-stroke;pistons and cylinders

单选题Which of the following statements concerning the lubrication of diesel propulsion engines used in vessels over 300 gross tons is most accurate?()ALubrication systems using engine driven lube oil pumps do not require any additional independent arrangement when such arrangements have been proven reliableBThe use of engine driven pre-lube pumps is permitted on vessels with propulsion systems developing less than 500 shaft horsepowerCWhen forced lubrication is used for propulsion engines, one independently driven stand-by pumps is to be provided in addition to the necessary pumps for normal operationDLubrication systems where two oil coolers are fitted require a minimum of two temperature control devices which may be actuated by similar sensors

单选题() providing lubricating films, oil used in marine diesel engines have to remove heat from oil cooled piston.AExcept forBBesideCExceptDIn addition to

单选题The lubrication to the cylinders affected by the fire must be ()to prevent seizure and all scavenge drains must be ()to prevent the discharge of sparks and burning oil from the drains into the engine room.Adecreased;openedBdecreased;shutCincreased;openedDincreased;shut

单选题The pistons are cooled by oil supplied from the forced () system.Afresh waterBsea waterClubricationDfuel oil

单选题Two important considerations for the proper lubrication of a diesel engine include the delivery of the oil in sufficient amount and the ().Acetane numberBpour pointCviscosity temperatureDquality of the oil