Extra-linguistic context refers to the physical situation or cultural background.( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Extra-linguistic context refers to the physical situation or cultural background.( )



请教教师资格考试关于问题情境,说法错误的是( 关于问题情境,说法错误的是A.问题情境要有开放性B.问题情境的创意要力求新颖C.“情境”(CONTEXT)与“情景”(SITUATION)是一个含义D.创设问题情境要考虑学生的先前经验

[A] relates [B] refers [C] responds [D] resorts

[ A] location[ B ] position[ C] situation[ D ] condition

Linguistic context is also known as ______ context. A、 socialB、 verbalC、 lexicalD、 physical

The ( )_ of invitation vary in different parts of the United States. A.consumeB.consultC.customsD.cultural

Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to ____ situation. A.similarB.alikeC.sameD.likely

The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulation of the _____ and _____ conditions. A.economy/politicalB.social/politicalC.economy/socialD.political/cultural

He is preparing for a lecture on stock ______.A、estateB、exchangeC、plagueD、situation

A) circumstanceB) occasionC) caseD) situation

The outcome of the election was still in doubt.A:income B:resultC:judgment D:situation