单选题A vacuum is initially established in the first and second stages of a low pressure evaporator by the use of ()Avacuum drag from the auxiliary condensate systemBindividual vacuum pumpsCa single non-condensing air ejectorDa two stage air ejector

A vacuum is initially established in the first and second stages of a low pressure evaporator by the use of ()

vacuum drag from the auxiliary condensate system


individual vacuum pumps


a single non-condensing air ejector


a two stage air ejector


解析: 暂无解析


His first attempt failed,(). A、his second attenpt did eitherB、so did his second attenptC、# neither did his second attenptD、so his second attenpt did


阅读以下说明和Java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】下面的Java程序演示了程序竞争资源(Mutex的实例对象)而引起程序死锁的一种例子。【Java程序】import java.applet.*;import java.awt.*;//此处声明一个互斥类class Mutex { }class A extends (1){private Mutex first,second;public A(Mutex f,Mutex s){first = f;second = s;}public void run(){//锁定first变量(2) (first){try{ //本线程挂起,等待重新调度Thread.sleep(1); //注意此处(1)不是小题序号}catch(InterruptedException e){}System. out. println("threadA got first mutex");(2) (second) //锁定second变量{ //do somethingSystem. out. println("threadA got second mutex");} //释放second变量} //释放first变量}}class B extends (1){private Mutex first,second;public B(Mutex f,Mutex s){(3) ;second = s;}public void run(){(2) (second) //锁定second变量{//do somethingtry{Thread.sleep(((int)(3*Math.random()))*1000);//本线程挂起,等待重新调度}catch(InterruptedException e){}System.out.println("threadB got second mutex");(2) (first) //锁定first变量{//do somethingSystem.out.println("threadB got first mutex");} //释放first变量} //释放second变量}}public class DeadlockExample{public static void main(String arg[]){Mutex mutexX = new Mutex();Mutex mutexY = new Mutex();AthreadA = new A(mutexX,mutexY);B threadB = new B (4);threadA.(5);threadB.start();}}

Which bag has the __________ (much) rice,the first,the second or the third?

Monday is the first day, and_________ day. A. Tuesday is the fourthB. Thursday is the fourthC. The second is TuesdayD. The second is Thursday

The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the ___ Continental Congress on July 4, ___. A.First / 1774B.First / 1776C.Second / 1774D.Second / 1776

执行下列程序,显示的结果是______。first="china"second=""a=LEN(first)i=aDO WHILE i>=1second=second+SUBSTR(first,i,1)i=i-1ENDDO?second

下面程序的输出结果是______。 include using namespace std; int x; void funA(int,int);void funB(int,int);int main(){int first;int second=5;x=6;funA(first,second);funB(first,second);cout<<first<<””<<second<<””<<x<<endl;return 0;}void funA(int a,int b){int first;first=a+b;a=2*b;b=first+4;}void funB(int u, int v){int second;second=x;v=second+4;x=u+v;}

______, the second one will start automatically.A.If the first stand-by set failedB.If the first stand-by set failsC.If the first stand-by set will failD.If the first stand-by set doesn’t fail

Which of the following is true according to the passage?( ) A.The visit lasted only five months. B.The visit coincided with American industrialization. C.The first part was published in 1835; the second part in 1840. D.The second part was more optimistic than the first.

As a result of the First World War settlement the()was established in 1920.ALeague of NationsBBritish CommonwealthCBritish East India CompanyDUnited Nations

In order to acquire a second language, learners will subconsciously use their first language knowledge in learning a second language. This is know as language t().

public class Bootchy {  int bootch;  String snootch;  public Bootchy() {  this(”snootchy”);  System.out.print(”first “);  }  public Bootchy(String snootch) {  this(420, “snootchy”);  System.out.print(”second “);  }  public Bootchy(int bootch, String snootch) {  this.bootch = bootch;  this.snootch = snootch;  System.out.print(”third “);  }  public static void main(String[] args) {  Bootchy b = new Bootchy();  System.out.print(b.snootch +“ “ + b.bootch);  }  }  What is the result?() A、 snootchy 420 third second firstB、 snootchy 420 first second thirdC、 first second third snootchy 420D、 third second first siiootchy 420E、 third first second snootchy 420F、 first second first third snootchy 420

public class Holt extends Thread{    private String sThreadName;  public static void main(String argv[]){         Holt h = new Holt();           h.go();       }  Holt(){}  Holt(String s){  sThreadName = s;    }  public String getThreadName(){        return sThreadName;    }  public void go(){  Holt first = new Holt("first");       first.start();  Holt second = new Holt("second");        second.start();    }  public void start(){  for(int i = 0; i  2; i ++){  System.out.println(getThreadName() +i);            try{   Thread.sleep(100);                }   catch(InterruptedException e){  System.out.println(e.getMessage());              }            }         } }  当编译运行上面的Java代码时,将会出现()。 A、编译时错误B、输出first0, second0, first0, second1C、输出first0, first1, second0, second1D、运行时错误

单选题A first magnitude star is().A2.5 times as bright as a second magnitude starB3 times as bright as a second magnitude starC5 times as bright as a second magnitude starD10 times as bright as a second magnitude star

问答题Over the course of a year, a certain house appreciated in value by 10 percent while the house next door decreased in value by 10 percent as a result of foundation damage. At the end of the year, the reduced price of the second house was what percentage of the increased price of the first house?  (1) The amount by which the first house increased in value was half as much as the amount by which the second house decreased in value.  (2) At the end of the year, the second house was worth $70,000 more than the first house.

单选题The vacuum maintained in the salt water feed heater shell of a flash-type evaporator is generally accomplished by ().Aa separate air ejector unitBa direct unimpeded connection between second stage and salt water feed heaterCeither by vacuum drag or an external line from the first stage via a fixed orificeDthe fixed orifice provided in the steam supply line

单选题Which of the following best characterizes the individual perspectives presented in the two passages?AThe first suggests that we should put for faith in our intuition, while the second cautions us against irrational thinking.BThe first examines the nature and origins of intuition from a scientific perspective, while the second analyzes dubious notions in sports.CThe first is concerned with debunking a theory about intuition, while the second advocates intuitive thinking for improving sports performance.DThe first provides an objective account of research on human intuition, while the second presents a first-person account of intuition at work.EThe first focuses on the fallible nature of moral intuition, while the second argues that intuitive thinking is more reliable than many people think.

单选题The word “proper” in the first line of the second paragraph means ______.AsmallBbigCrightDwrong

单选题(), the second one will start automatically.AIf the first stand-by set failedBIf the first stand-by set failsCIf the first stand-by set will failDIf the first stand-by set doesn’t fail

单选题public class Bootchy {  int bootch;  String snootch;  public Bootchy() {  this(”snootchy”);  System.out.print(”first “);  }  public Bootchy(String snootch) {  this(420, “snootchy”);  System.out.print(”second “);  }  public Bootchy(int bootch, String snootch) {  this.bootch = bootch;  this.snootch = snootch;  System.out.print(”third “);  }  public static void main(String[] args) {  Bootchy b = new Bootchy();  System.out.print(b.snootch +“ “ + b.bootch);  }  }  What is the result?()A snootchy 420 third second firstB snootchy 420 first second thirdC first second third snootchy 420D third second first siiootchy 420E third first second snootchy 420F first second first third snootchy 420

单选题Which of the listed conditions will cause the feed water that has not flashed to vapor in the first-stage of a flash evaporator, to flow into the second-stage?()AGravity siphon effectBHigher vacuum in the second-stageCDifference in brine density between first and second stagesDlower pressure in first-stage

单选题The relationship between the first and second paragraphs is that _____.Aeach presents one side of the pictureBthe second is the logical result of the firstCthe first gives examples and the second generalizesDboth present the problems that customers encounter

填空题In order to acquire a second language, learners will subconsciously use their first language knowledge in learning a second language. This is know as language t().

单选题Margaret Mead’s reputation was established with the publication of her first book in 1982 and was _____ by her many subsequent contributions to anthropologyAhardenedBenhancedCseparatedDjudged

单选题A vacuum is initially created in a flash type distilling plant by().Athe flashing of the feed waterBthe condensation of the saltwater feedCair ejectors, eductors, or a separate vacuum pumpDcondensation of the distillate

单选题A vacuum is initially established in the first and second stages of a low pressure evaporator by the use of ()Avacuum drag from the auxiliary condensate systemBindividual vacuum pumpsCa single non-condensing air ejectorDa two stage air ejector

单选题The relationship between the first and second paragraphs is that______.Aeach presents one side of the picture.Bthe second is the logical result of the first.Cthe first gives examples and the second generalizes.Dboth present the problems that customers encounter.