With this()mind,we are writing to inquire if we could now begin discussing the question of sole agency.A、inB、onC、atD、inside

With this()mind,we are writing to inquire if we could now begin discussing the question of sole agency.

  • A、in
  • B、on
  • C、at
  • D、inside



-- How do you like these chairs?-- Yes, they are actually nice but they are not much ______ demand now.A. inB. onC. atD. for

We would like to appoint a sole agent in China to act ( ) our behalf selling sweaters. A.withB.onC.inD.at

( ) the manager has arrived, we can begin.A、So thatB、Such thatC、Now thatD、As that

We are now writing to you to ________ long-term trade relations. A.publishB.establishC.protectD.lavish

We make purchases ()our own account.A、inB、onC、forD、with

Rejection ()said goods shall not be a waiver of any other claim we may have.A、toB、onC、atD、of

We have the pleasure () apprising you of the arrival day of shipment.A、inB、ofC、atD、for

Being specialized () the export of Chinese Arts and Crafts goods,we express our desire to trade with you in this line.A、ofB、onC、atD、in

Taking into consideration the transport condition ()your end, we have improed our packing so as to avoid damage to the goods. A、inB、onC、withD、at

()receipt of your L/C we shall make shipment immediately. A、InB、OnC、ByD、With

Having made a special purchase()electrical typewriters()very favorable terms, we could offer them to you()very competitive prices. A、of⋯with⋯inB、in⋯on⋯atC、of⋯on⋯atD、on⋯in⋯with

The question()now at the meeting is not the question()yesterday. A、discussed...discussedB、discussing... had discussedC、being discussed...discussedD、discussing...discussing

As we are()the market for Table Cloth,we should be glad if you would send us your best quotation. A、inB、onC、enteringD、at

I’m interested ______ finding out what she lost A、inB、onC、atD、for

We Chinese like to drink tea __________ milk. A.inB.onC.withD.without

We were lucky that we arrived at the station just _______ time. A、inB、forC、atD、with

32. We traveled all night to London and got there ________ Sunday morning.A. forB. onC. atD. to


I've lost my interest(  )physics.A.inB.onC.atD.for

He raised the question of ___ we could find the necessary money.A.whichB.thatC.whetherD.if

We are pleased to know that you have planned to come to the Autumn Guangzhou Fair.We wish to discuss with you some other important things if you could come()your earliest convenience.A、byB、onC、inD、at

There are a lot of news()today's newspaperA、inB、onC、atD、with

With this()mind, we are writing to inquire if we could now begin discussing the question of sole agency.A、inB、onC、atD、inside

As the goods are()great demand we regret being unable to cover your requirements.A、inB、onC、ofD、having

单选题With this()mind,we are writing to inquire if we could now begin discussing the question of sole agency.AinBonCatDinside

单选题The first question we now discuss is _____ we should go there so early tomorrow.AwhetherBwhereCwhatDwhom

单选题The water was so()that we could see the fish inside clearly.AtransparentBobviousCapparentDvisible