2008年北京奥运会有一个口号“One World,One Dream”。15世纪末到16世纪初,将相互隔绝和孤立的欧、亚、非、美四大洲连成“One World”的事件是()。A、新航略的开辟B、文艺复兴运动C、启蒙运动D、第一次世界大战
2008年北京奥运会有一个口号“One World,One Dream”。15世纪末到16世纪初,将相互隔绝和孤立的欧、亚、非、美四大洲连成“One World”的事件是()。
- A、新航略的开辟
- B、文艺复兴运动
- C、启蒙运动
- D、第一次世界大战
China is one of ____________ countries in the world.A. old B. the older C. oldest D. the oldest
有以下程序#include stdio.h#include string.hmain(){ char str[ ][20]={"One*World","One*Dream!"},*p=str[1];printf("%d,",strlen(p));printf("%s\n",p);}程序运行后的输出结果是A)9,One*WorldB)9,One*Dream !C)10,One*Dream !D)10,One*World
阅读下列代码 public class Test{ String s="One World One Dream"; public static void main(String args[]){ System. out. println(s); } } 其运行结果是A.argsB.One World One DreamC.sD.编译时出错
As one of the world's highest paid models, ? Asoneoftheworldshighestpaidmodels,shehadherface.forfivemilliondollarsA)despoiledB)measuredC)insuredD)assured
The Great Wall in China is one of the ______ in the world.A、amazingsB、sceneriesC、wondersD、strange things
The United States grows nearly _____ of the world's grain and supplies a half of all the exports of grain in the world. A.one thirdB.one fourthC.one sixthD.one seventh
The Changjiang River is one of ______ in the world.A、the longest riverB、longest riversC、the longest riversD、longer rivers
阅读下面代码 public class Test { String s="One World One Dream"; public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(s); } } 其运行的结果是A.argsB.World One DreamC.sD.编译时出错
有以下程序#includestdio.h#includestring.hmain( ){char str[][20]={“Qne*World”,“one*Dream!”},*P=str[1 ].prinff(“%d,”,strlen(p));printf(“%s\n”,P); ’}程序运行后的输出结果是A.9,One*World S)9,One*Dream!B.10,One*Dream!C.10,One*World
有以下程序#includestdio.h#includestring.hmain( ){char str[][20]={“Qne*World”,“one*Dream!”},*P=str[1 ].prinff(“%d,”,strlen(p));printf(“%s\n”,P); ’}程序运行后的输出结果是A.9,One*World S)B.9,One*Dream!C.10,One*Dream!D.10,One*World
有以下程序: #includestdio.h #includestring.h main( ) {char str[][20][{"One*World","One*Dream!"},*p=str[1]; prinft("%d,",strlen(p));printf("%s\n",p); } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.9,0ne*WorldB.9,0ne*Dream!C.10,One*Dream!D.10,Ome*World
有以下程序:includestdio.hincludestring.hmain( ){char str[][20][{One*World,One*Dream!},*p=str[1];prinft(%d,,strlen(p));printf(%s\n,p);}程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.9,0ne*WorldB.9,0ne*Dream!C.10,One*Dream!D.10,Ome*World
To produce one pound of honey,a colony of bees must fly a distance_______to twice around the world.A.similarB.equalC.comparedD.corresponding
2008年北京奥运会,是当代北京人民包容精神的生动展示和集中体现,“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的口号和歌曲—(),都是对包容精神的生动诠释。A、《我和你》B、《北京欢迎你》C、《one world,one dream》D、《人类是一家》
问答题He tried one and experienced thewide-awakefeeling that one-third of the world's population now starts the day with.
单选题In exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason why one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is nearly found in all world civilizations.AIn exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason why one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is nearly found in all world civilizations.BIn exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is that this phenomenon of pattern repetition is found in nearly all world civilizationsCWhen you explore the rich variety of African artworks, the reason one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is found in nearly all world civilizations.DWhen one explores the rich variety of African artworks, the reason you will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is found in nearly all world civilizationsEIn exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because found in nearly all world civilizations is this phenomenon of pattern repetition.
单选题有以下程序:#include #include main(){ char str[][20]={One*World,One*Dream!}, *p=str[1]; printf(%d,,strlen(p)); printf(%s,p);}程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A9,One*WorldB9,One*Dream!C10,One*Dream!D10,One*World
单选题Please mark (out) one of the most important register of shipping in the world. ().AHK MARDEPBCOSCOCLloyd's SocietyDLiberia Shipping Registry
单选题2008年北京奥运会有一个口号“One World,One Dream”。15世纪末到16世纪初,将相互隔绝和孤立的欧、亚、非、美四大洲连成“One World”的事件是()。A新航略的开辟B文艺复兴运动C启蒙运动D第一次世界大战
填空题表达式’hello world,hello wevery one’.replace(’hello’,’hi’)的值为()。