英译中:Direct store delivery

英译中:Direct store delivery


We shall not be held responsible for any delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure.(英译中)

All these items are urgently required by our customers.We, therefore, hope you will make delivery at an early date.(英译中)

A (An) __ is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts.A.engine logbookB.delivery docketC.store bookletD.maintenance book

After receiving the stores, you should sign on the ____.A.engine logbookB.delivery docketC.store listD.maintenance book

Whichtwoaretrueregardingdirect-pathexports?() A.Direct-pathexportistypicallyfaster.B.Direct-pathexportcanbeinvokedinteractively.C.Direct-pathexportischaractersetindependent.D.Direct-pathexportbypassestheSQL-commandprocessinglayer.E.Direct-pathexportcanbeusedtoexportrowscontainingLOBsandBFILEs.

Direct delivery and discharge can ______ the handling operation.A.Speed downB.QuickC.Slow downD.Facilitate

三种主要存储技术中,直接存储技术DAS的英文全称为()。A、Direct Attached StorageB、Direct Attached StoreC、Direct Accessed StorageD、Direct Accessed Store

英译中:I would like to store my laptop in your safety box.

英译中:Direct distribution

英译中:Delivery EX ship(DES)

英译中:Delivery terminal

In a store based on the consumer direct model, which roles have the ability to change shipping preferences and tax settings?()A、SellerB、Operations ManagerC、Product ManagerD、Category ManagerE、Customer Service Supervisor

When creating a Consumer Direct store in WebSphere Commerce Professional Edition, which organization will be used as the store owner?()A、Default OrganizationB、Merchant OrganizationC、Root OrganizationD、Seller OrganizationE、Store Organization

Which WebSphere Commerce model demonstrates the RFQ process?()A、Consumer direct store modelB、Advanced B2B direct store modelC、Demand chain store modelD、Advanced Demand chain store modelE、Marketplace hub store model

Which Consumer Direct sample store archive contains both a seller organization and a consumer direct organization?()A、FashionFlow.sarB、ConsumerDirect.sarC、ConsumerDirectOrganizationStructure.sarD、ConsumerDirectStore.sarE、BasicStore.sar

名词解释题英译中:Direct distribution

单选题When creating a Consumer Direct store in WebSphere Commerce Professional Edition, which organization will be used as the store owner?()ADefault OrganizationBMerchant OrganizationCRoot OrganizationDSeller OrganizationEStore Organization

多选题In a store based on the consumer direct model, which roles have the ability to change shipping preferences and tax settings?()ASellerBOperations ManagerCProduct ManagerDCategory ManagerECustomer Service Supervisor

多选题Which WebSphere Commerce model demonstrates the RFQ process?()AConsumer direct store modelBAdvanced B2B direct store modelCDemand chain store modelDAdvanced Demand chain store modelEMarketplace hub store model

单选题Direct delivery and discharge can()the handling operation.Aspeed downBquickCslow downDfacilitate

单选题A store was published based upon the consumer direct model.  After it was published, the store flow was changed and the APPLY PERMANENTLY option was chosen.  The store flow can no longer be changed through the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator because when the APPLY PERMANENTLYoption was chosen:()AThe flow:ifEnabled and flow:ifDisabled tags were commented out of the JSP files. BThe portion of the JSP files that is enclosed within the flow:ifDisabled tags is removed and both the flow:ifEnabled and flow:ifDisabled tags are then removed. CThe portion of the JSP files that is enclosed within the flow:ifDisabled tags is commented out. DThe JSP files are renamed. EThe portion of the JSP files that is enclosed within the flow:ifDisabled tags is commented out and both the flow:ifEnabled and flow:ifDisabled tags are commented out.

名词解释题英译中:Delivery EX ship(DES)

单选题Which Consumer Direct sample store archive contains both a seller organization and a consumer direct organization?()AFashionFlow.sarBConsumerDirect.sarCConsumerDirectOrganizationStructure.sarDConsumerDirectStore.sarEBasicStore.sar

单选题You install the Web Server (IIS) role on and the SMTP Server feature on a server that runs Windows Server 2008.  You need to configure the new SMTP server to forward mail to the mail server of the Internet Service Provider (ISP). What should you do?()AConfigure the smart host setting to use the local host.BConfigure the smart host setting to use the mail server of the ISP.CRun the appcmd /delivery method:PickupDirectoryFromIis command.DConfigure the SMTP delivery setting to Attempt direct delivery before sending to smart host.

单选题The direct acting mechanical governor used with some small diesel engines, controls fuel flow to the engine by()Agovernor flyweight action on a pilot valve which controls fuel injectionBgovernor flyweight motion acting on fuel controls through suitable linkageCpositioning a butterfly valve in the fuel delivery system positioningDa servomotor piston attached to the fuel controls

名词解释题英译中:Direct store delivery

名词解释题英译中:Delivery terminal