



急性胰腺炎早期的炎症性质为( ) A、化脓性炎症B、无菌性炎症C、化学性炎症D、免疫性炎症E、变态反应性炎症

伤寒病属于A.变质性炎症B.浆液性炎症C.增生性炎症D.化脓性炎症SX 伤寒病属于A.变质性炎症B.浆液性炎症C.增生性炎症D.化脓性炎症E.出血性炎症


根据以下材料,回答Hair loss can be destructive for themillions of men and women who experience it. Now scientists are reporting thata substance from honeybee hives might contain clues for developing a potentialnew therapy. They found that the material, called propolis, encouraged hairgrowth in mice. The study appears in A CS′ Journal of Agricultural and FoodChemistry. Ken Kobayashi and colleagues note that propolis is a resin-likematerial that honeybees use to seal small gaps in their hives. Not only does itwork as a physical barrier, but it also contains active compounds that fightfungal and bacterial invasions. People from ancient times had noticed propolis′special properties and used it to treat tumors, inflammation and wounds. Morerecently, research has shown that the substance promotes the growth of certaincells involved in hair growth though no one had yet tested whether that in turnwould result in new locks. Kobayashi ′ s team wanted to find out.When the researchers tested propolis onmice that had been shaved or waxed, the mice that received the treatment regrewtheir fur faster than those that didn′t. The scientists also noticed that afterthe topical application, the number of special cells involved in the process ofgrowing hair increased. Although they tried the material on mice that couldgrow fur rather than balding mice, the researchers note that hair lossconditions often result from abnormal inflammation. Propolis contains anti-inflammatorycompounds, so they expert it could help treat balding conditions.They add that further testing is needed tosee if the beehive material affects human hair follicles.Which of the following is wrong aboutpropolis?A.It can battle fungal and bacterialinvasions.B.It promotes the growth of all cells.C.It can serve as a physical barrier.D.It can treat tumors, inflammation andwounds.

蜂窝织炎(phlegmonous inflammation)



细菌性痢疾通常属于哪类炎症( )A、纤维素性炎症B、化脓性炎症C、卡他性炎症D、浆液性炎症E、出血性炎症

化脓性炎(Purulent Inflammation)






判断题The speaker says that a total of 17 people in China’s Shanxi Province have died from encephalitis B which is an inflammation of the brain that occurs under the age of 18 and is usually infected with mosquitoes.A对B错

单选题Chorioretinitis is an inflammation of the eye that normally effects only small children, and it usually can be treated with antibiotics.Aeffects only small childrenBeffects small children ordinarilyCaffected small childrenDaffects small childrenEaffects only small children

单选题按炎症发生的快慢、持续时间的长短,可将炎症分为(  )。A超急性炎症B急性炎症C亚急性炎症D慢性炎症E以上都是

名词解释题蜂窝织炎(phlegmonous inflammation)




名词解释题伪膜性炎(pseudomenbranous inflammation)

名词解释题化脓性炎(suppurative or purulent inflammation)

