He is in a rather difficult situation at present.A: locationB: positionC:preparationD: station

He is in a rather difficult situation at present.

A: location
B: position
D: station


解析:句意为:他现在的处境较为困难。location意为“位置、地点”, preparation意为“准备、预备”,其动词是prepare ; station意为“站、车站”; position意为“状态、状况、职位”,题目中画线部分的意思是“情形、境遇”,因此B选项符合题意。


I believe she can cope () the difficult situation. A、toB、byC、atD、with

Having faced with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

A difficult situation can _______ a person’s best qualities. A. call forthB. call atC. call onD. call off

The human can react to any situation, some of which he may never have imagined.()

“if he had not been hurt __________ much, he’d never resign from office.“ A. veryB. fairlyC. thatD. rather

He went to the museum _______ going to the cinema. A.instead toB.instead ofC.rather ofD.rather than

He felt ____ rather difficult to take a stand against the opinion of the majority. A.howB.thatC.itD.what

________ difficult the situation was, we managed to survive.A:HowB:HoweverC:WhatD:When

He is now in a difficult situation as all the public opinions are ______ him.A、withB、forC、towardD、against

He is in a difficult situation as all the public opinions are ________ him.A、withB、forC、towardD、against

He is preparing for a lecture on stock ______.A、estateB、exchangeC、plagueD、situation

It was ______ that he couldn't finish it alone.A、a so difficult workB、a so difficult jobC、such a difficult jobD、such a difficult work

Most insurance agents would rather you don t do anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

He found it increasingly difficult to read,_____ he wouldn't give up. A. andB. forC. butD. or

He was rather vague about the reasons why he never finished school.A:unclearB:badC:brightD:general

I mustcompliment you on your handling of a very difficult situation.A:silenceB:praiseC: assureD: compiain

These plants are rather difficult()Ato look afterBto be looked afterCbeing looked afterDlooking after

It is important for the teacher to show students how easy it is to understand something from authentic materials rather than how difficult it is to understand everything.()A对B错

These plants are rather difficult()A、to look afterB、to be looked afterC、being looked afterD、looking after

It is important for the teacher to show students how easy it is to understand something from authentic materials rather than how difficult it is to understand everything.()

He is not()to understand the market situation.A、so quickB、quick enoughC、enough quickD、as quick as

单选题The international situation has been growing _____ difficult for the last few years.AinvariablyBpresumablyCincreasinglyDdominantly

单选题AThey are rather difficult to please.BThey are rude to women drivers.CThey are talkative and generous with tips.DThey are different in personality.

单选题He told the doctor that he’d not rather having the operation unless it was absolutely necessary.Arather not have Brather not to have Cnot rather haveDrather not having

单选题He finds it difficult to _____ himself to the climate here.AaccountBaccustomCapplyDadopt

单选题These plants are rather difficult()Ato look afterBto be looked afterCbeing looked afterDlooking after

单选题Although these people knew that their boss was in a difficult situation, they were still()him.Asticking toBsticking withCsticking onDsticking by