North American______also have a strong reputation in the Indian educational and labor markets.A.majorsB.degreeC.creditsD.diplomas

North American______also have a strong reputation in the Indian educational and labor markets.



解析:题目意为“北美_____在印度的教育和劳动力市场上也享有很高的声誉。” 选项A意为“主修科目”;选项B意为“学位,程度”;选项C意为“学分,信任”;选项D意为“毕业文凭,学位证书”。结合题干,北美文凭在印度劳动力市场受青睐,故选项D更符合题意。


It is argumentative whether project managers actually control costs. Which of the following is the most common element over which the project manager may have some degree of control?A . Direct labor dollarsB . Direct labor hours.C . Overhead rates.D . Procurement costs.E . None of the above.

Charlotte and Wilbur have a strong tie of friendship.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Will there be a strong wind ____ the north ______ the Huanghe River ? ofD.on… off

It is stated in paragraph 1 that construction of a new educational systemA.challenges economists and politicians.B.takes efforts of generations.C.demands priority from the government.D.requires sufficient labor force.

Millions of pounds’ worth of damage ( ) by a storm which swept across the north of England last night. A. has been causedB.have been causedC.will be causedD.will have been caused

The advantage of the educational system in North America is that students learn to think for themselves.()

Our products have been enjoyed popularity in Latin American markets.()

L.A.Unified has made the rule about homework mainly because poor students_____.[A]tend to have moderate expectations for their education[B]have asked for a different educational standard[C]may have problems finishing their homework[D]have voiced their complaints about homework

The project requires more labor than ________.[A] has been put in[B] have been put in[C] being put in[D] to be put in

Why didn't the immigrants share the lands with the natives?A. They thought the Indians were not friendly to them.B. They wanted to seize the lands as their own.C. Because North America was first discovered by them.D. Because the Indian people liked making war to them.

The surface currents of the South Atlantic,South Pacific and South Indian Ocean follow,in general,a regular pattern of ______.A.counter-clockwise circulationB.clockwise circulationC.trend from east to westD.trend from north to south

______causing strong winds and rough sea north west Bay of Biscay.A.Strong low pressureB.Strong high pressureC.Steep pressure gradientD.Steep gradient pressure

Projects have the least attention in what form of organization? () 。A.Balanced matrixB.Strong matrixC.CoordinatorD.Functional

Corporations and labor unions have conferred great benefits( )their employees and members as well as upon the general public.on

共用题干第一篇Rising College SelectivityRising college selectivity doesn't mean that students are smarter and more serious than in the past.It's a function of excess demand for higher education,occurring at a time of increased financial privatization of the industry.The recession has only increased demand.The vast majority of students aren't going to college because of a thirst for knowledge.They're there because they need a job,and they need to get the credentials(证书)and one hopes, the knowledge and skills behind the credentials一that will get them into the labor market.As higher education has become a seller's market,the institutions in a position to do so are doing what comes naturally:raising their tuitions and their admissions requirements,but at the expense of contributing to the national goal to increase college attainment.The result is that the United States is losing ground in the international race for educational talent.The increasing stratification(阶层化)of higher education is happening on the spending side, as well.As the selective institutions have become more expensive and less attainable,the rest have had to struggle with the responsibility to enroll more students without being paid to do so.Gaps be-tween rich and poor have grown even more dramatically than gaps in entering test scores.While spending is a poor measure of educational quality,we can't seriously expect to increase educational attainment if we're not prepared to do something to address these growing inequities in funding.That said,the educational policy problem in our country is not that the elite institutions are becoming more selective.The problem is on the public policy side.The president and many governors have set a goal to return America to a position of international leadership in educational attainment.It's the right goal,we just need a financing strategy to get there.That doesn't mean just more money,although some more money will be needed.It also means better attention to effectiveness and to efficiency,and to making sure that spending goes to the places that will make a difference in educational attainment.We know how to do it,if we want to.According to most students,what is the most essential condition that enables them to get into the labor market?A:Diplomas. B:Being employed.C:Going to college. D:Knowledge and skills.

共用题干第一篇Rising College SelectivityRising college selectivity doesn't mean that students are smarter and more serious than in the past.It's a function of excess demand for higher education,occurring at a time of increased financial privatization of the industry.The recession has only increased demand.The vast majority of students aren't going to college because of a thirst for knowledge.They're there because they need a job,and they need to get the credentials(证书)and one hopes, the knowledge and skills behind the credentials一that will get them into the labor market.As higher education has become a seller's market,the institutions in a position to do so are doing what comes naturally:raising their tuitions and their admissions requirements,but at the expense of contributing to the national goal to increase college attainment.The result is that the United States is losing ground in the international race for educational talent.The increasing stratification(阶层化)of higher education is happening on the spending side, as well.As the selective institutions have become more expensive and less attainable,the rest have had to struggle with the responsibility to enroll more students without being paid to do so.Gaps be-tween rich and poor have grown even more dramatically than gaps in entering test scores.While spending is a poor measure of educational quality,we can't seriously expect to increase educational attainment if we're not prepared to do something to address these growing inequities in funding.That said,the educational policy problem in our country is not that the elite institutions are becoming more selective.The problem is on the public policy side.The president and many governors have set a goal to return America to a position of international leadership in educational attainment.It's the right goal,we just need a financing strategy to get there.That doesn't mean just more money,although some more money will be needed.It also means better attention to effectiveness and to efficiency,and to making sure that spending goes to the places that will make a difference in educational attainment.We know how to do it,if we want to.As it is mentioned in the 4th paragraph,gaps have grown dramatically between________.A:the talented students and the slow onesB:the advanced countries and the othersC:the selective institutions and the restD:the rich families and the poor ones

共用题干第一篇Rising College SelectivityRising college selectivity doesn't mean that students are smarter and more serious than in the past.It's a function of excess demand for higher education,occurring at a time of increased financial privatization of the industry.The recession has only increased demand.The vast majority of students aren't going to college because of a thirst for knowledge.They're there because they need a job,and they need to get the credentials(证书)and one hopes, the knowledge and skills behind the credentials一that will get them into the labor market.As higher education has become a seller's market,the institutions in a position to do so are doing what comes naturally:raising their tuitions and their admissions requirements,but at the expense of contributing to the national goal to increase college attainment.The result is that the United States is losing ground in the international race for educational talent.The increasing stratification(阶层化)of higher education is happening on the spending side, as well.As the selective institutions have become more expensive and less attainable,the rest have had to struggle with the responsibility to enroll more students without being paid to do so.Gaps be-tween rich and poor have grown even more dramatically than gaps in entering test scores.While spending is a poor measure of educational quality,we can't seriously expect to increase educational attainment if we're not prepared to do something to address these growing inequities in funding.That said,the educational policy problem in our country is not that the elite institutions are becoming more selective.The problem is on the public policy side.The president and many governors have set a goal to return America to a position of international leadership in educational attainment.It's the right goal,we just need a financing strategy to get there.That doesn't mean just more money,although some more money will be needed.It also means better attention to effectiveness and to efficiency,and to making sure that spending goes to the places that will make a difference in educational attainment.We know how to do it,if we want to.The demand for higher education has increased because________.A:the number of students keeps growingB:there is a boost in the labor marketC:of the rising college selectivityD:of the economic depression

The Craighead Caverns have been known________.A.through historyB.since the time of the Indian nationsC.since 1905D.since divers explored them

In 1891-1911(under the Liberal-Labor Party)and 1935-1947(under Labor) New Zealand won a world reputation of()Aits social experimentationBits high standard of livingCits economic achievementsDits independent foreign policy

In 1891-1911(under the Liberal-Labor Party)and 1935-1947(under Labor) New Zealand won a world reputation of()A、its social experimentationB、its high standard of livingC、its economic achievementsD、its independent foreign policy

问答题Passage 1  There was a time 1 parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set.  Now those 2 seem hopelessly old-fashioned: this Christmas, there were a lot of personal computers under the tree. Convinced that computers are their key 3 success, parents are also frantically insisting that children 4 taught to use them on school as early as possible.  The problem for schools is that when 5 comes to computers, parents don't always know best. Many schools are yielding to parental impatience and are purchasing hardware 6 sound educational planning so they can say, "OK, we've moved into the computer age." Teachers found themselves 7 in the middle of the problem--between parent pressure and wise educational decisions.  Educators do not even agree 8 how computers should be used. A lot of money is going for computerized educational materials that research has shown can be taught just as well 9 pencil and paper. Even those 10 believe that all children should have access to computers warn of potential dangers to the very young.  The temptation remains strong largely because young children adapt so well 11 computers. First graders have been seen willing to work for two hours on math skills. Some have an attention span of 20 minutes.  Not every school, 12 , can afford to go into computing, and that 13 yet another problem: a division between the haves and have-nots. Very few parents ask 14 computer instructions in poor school districts, in 15 there may be barely enough money to pay the teacher.

单选题()causing strong winds and rough sea north west Bay of Biscay.AStrong low pressureBStrong high pressureCSteep pressure gradientDSteep gradient pressure

单选题We are not yet near Hudson Bay. We have to go to the north far.Ato the farther north Bfar to the northern Cfarther northDfar northern

问答题Practice 1  The greenhouse effect causes trouble by raising the temperature of the planet. The 1 rise is not very much,but the Earth’s ecosystem is very weak,and small changes can have large effects.  It has been believed that this 2 of one degree will happen by the year 2025. This could probably 3 the North American corn belt, which produces much of the world’s grain, 4 to much higher food prices,and even less food for the Third World than they already have. However,it would also mean that some countries which are further north would be able to 5 crops they had never been able to before,although there is less land as you move north from the corn belt.  The other serious worry is that rising sea levels from the melting of the polar ice could 6 flood many countries. A rise in sea levels of one meter,which many expels are 7 by the year 2100 (and some as soon as 2030),would flood 15 percent of Egypt,and 12 percent of Bangladesh. The Maldives in the Indian Ocean would almost 8 disappear. Most of the countries which would suffer most from a rise in sea levels are the poor 9 states,so the islands in the Caribbean,South Pacific,Meditertgiiean and Indian Ocean have formed the Alliance of Small Island States,AOSIS,so they have a 10 voice in international politics and can make the richer developed world listen to their problems.[A] severely      [B] damage     [C] island[D] critical     [E] grow       [F] mainland[G] louder       [H] predicting    [I] rise[J] completely     [K] geometry     [L] actual[M] extending     [N] 1eading     [O] develop

单选题What does “old traditions” in the last sentence of the passage refer to?AMost of the north-eastern institutions were set up for both male and female students.BMost of the north-eastern institutions enrolled only men students or women students before the 1960s.CA lot of institutions in the north-east refused to enroll more students before the 1960s.DMany institutions in the north-east have the same reputation as Harvard or Yale.

单选题The US Department of Labor statistics shows that ______.Amany college graduates find it increasingly hard to get suitable jobsBthere is an oversupply of workers and this oversupply is increasing recentlyCteachers, engineers, physicists and other specialists are extremely neededDcolleges and graduate schools have become aware of the severe situation in the labor market

单选题The airplane______to have sunk to the bottom of the Indian Ocean.AsupposeBsupposesChas supposedDis supposed