It seems somewhat( )to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting。A.eccentricB.impossibleC.absurdD.unique

It seems somewhat( )to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting。





People may choose further education for () A.meeting competitionB.reaching a higher targetC.just hobbiesD.perparign an exam

Just ________ your time and tell me clearly what happened at the meeting yesterday. A. saveB. getC. takeD. spare

Ted was so worn out that he just _____ down and slept for ten hours. A、liedB、laidC、layD、had lain

You should work for __________ if you become an editor of the magazine.A. just nine hours a dayB. no less than nine hours a day C. about ten hours a dayD. less than 25 hours a week

Paula: Seems colder today,_________ ?Peter: It is colder. It was on the weather forecast.Paula: Was it? I'm sure it's not normally this cold at this time of year.A. or is it just meB. or is it just for meC. or only I felt itD. or just I'm feeling it

4.1t's not _________ good idea to drive for four hours without _________break.A. a,aB. the,theC. a,theD. the,a

- How much of a problem meeting the budget? - _______. A The product should finance itself ;B Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs ;C You only need a budget increase for the first order

Do you think it is _________ to expect people to work more than 60 hours a week?A adequateB reasonableC attractiveD comfortable

You ( ) walk for miles and miles among the hills without meeting anyone. A、shouldB、needC、mustD、may

John as well as Mike()just been back from an important meeting.A. haveB. hasC. had

The meeting wìll take(two hours).(用how long对括号部分提问)

Just be patient. You ( ) expect the world to change so soon. A、will notB、may notC、can'tD、needn't

____________ me all the details of the meeting --- just tell me about what they decided. A.SpareB.AvoidC.ObtainD.Remind

29 Just be patient .You expect the world to change so soonA can’tB needn’tC may notD will not

After hours′ drive, they reached____________they thought was the place they′d been dreaming of.A.thatB.whereC.whatD.which

When I try to understand( )that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect,it seems to me that there are two causes.A.why it doesB.what it doesC.what it isD.why it is

Anyone who wishes to join the senior marketing team should be_________ that we work longer hours than most other members of the firm.A. known B. awareC. careful D. noticeable

Little help seems to_____ the disaster-hit area since the explosion took place 3 hours ago.A.offerB.have been offeredD.have offered

After hours′ drive, they reached ______theythought was the place they d been dreaming of.A.that B.whereC.what D.which

They()for hours.A、have been drivingB、have been drivenC、droveD、drive

单选题It’s not ______ good idea to drive for four hours without ______ break.Aa; aBa: theCthe; aDthe; the

单选题Several students were surprised to learn that instructors expect two to three hours of study for each hour _____ in class.AspendingBspentCto spendDto have spent

单选题Bob: What are you reading, Tom?  Tom:It’s this week’s New Scientist, why?  Bob:I was just wondering—______, but I’ve never actually read it myself. Is it aimed at real scientists or can ordinary people like me understand it?Ait’s for anyone really Bwhere I can buy itCit seems very expensiveDit looks interesting

单选题M: Mary, er... Last Friday. Do you remember how much time you spent working?  W: Well, I was spring-cleaning at home actually, and it just seems______. I suppose about six hours actually.Ato do happilyBto go quicklyCto do nothingDto go on and on

单选题I expect()you at 1000 hours.Ato reachBreachCreachingDto reaching

填空题Since five managers are going to give their reports, the meeting (last) ____ for at least two hours.

单选题“Just one penny.” Hayes said. “A penny doesn’t ______ anything to anyone.AbuyBmeanCshowDpass