The meeting wìll take(two hours).(用how long对括号部分提问)

The meeting wìll take(two hours).(用how long对括号部分提问)


下列语句中错误的是A.String s[]={"how","are"};B.byte b=255;C.String s="one"+"two"; i=2+2000;

邮政客服代表对客户进行提问的过程中,要注意运用5W1H原则,即Which、why、What、Where、When、How。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

She usually goes home(at about 5 0'clock).(用when对括号部分提问)

They eat in the canteen at lunchtime.(用where对划线部分提问)

下列语句中错误的是A.String S[]={"how","are"};B.byte b=255;C.String s="one"+"two"; i=2+2000;

37. Please follow me and I’ll ________you the way to Mr Zhang's office.A.getB.showC.giveD.take

A ______ talk is too long for those children.A. two hoursB. two hour'sC. two-hourD. two-hours

C语言中函数首部后面用一对()括起来的部分作为函数体A.小括号()B.大括号{ }C.中括号[ ]D.尖括号< >

5W2H分析法是以5个W开头的英语单词和两个H开头的英语单词进行提问,从回答中发现解决问题的线索。这2H是指How和()。A.How manyB.How muchC.How doD.How are