During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) (请作答此空) is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) () is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The () combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) () attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.A.Questionnaires问卷调查B.Joint application development联合应用开发C.Interviews访谈D.Prototyping原型设计
During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) (请作答此空) is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) () is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The () combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) () attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.
B.Joint application development
B.Joint application development
解析:在系统分析阶段,重要用户参与通常会导致更好的沟通,更快的开发时间和更满意的用户。有三种常见的基于团队的方法可以鼓励系统用户积极参与各种开发任务.1)(71 Joint application development JAD联合应用开发)作为积极的参与者将用户带入开发过程的流行实况调查技术。该方法的最终产品是一个需求模型.2)(72 Rapid application development RAD)是一种基于团队的技术,可加速信息系统开发并生成功能正常的信息系统。该方法由几个阶段组成。(73 项目范围定义阶段)由生命周期管理(SDLC)中的系统规划和系统分析两个活动组成。用户、管理人员和IT人员讨论并商定业务需求、项目范围、约束和系统要求。在(74 原型设计)期间,用户与系统分析员进行交互,并开发代表所有系统过程,输出和输入的模型和原型.3)(敏捷方法)通过构建一系列原型并不断调整以满足用户需求,试图逐步开发系统。
Make or buy decisions are usually made during the _____ phase of a project.A.ConceptualB.Development.C.ImplementationD.ExecutionE.Close-out
Network schedules are prepared during the _____ phase and updated during the _____ phase.A.Conceptual, execution.B.Development, implementation.C.Development, close-out.D.Implementation, close-out.E.Planning, finishing.
62 Make or buy decisions are usually made during the _____ phase of a project.A. ConceptualB. Development.C. ImplementationD. ExecutionE. Close-out
148 Network schedules are prepared during the _____ phase and updated during the _____ phase. A. Conceptual, execution.B. Development, implementation.C. Development, close-out.D. Implementation, close-out.E. Planning, finishing
● Make or buy decisions are usually made during the _____ phase of a project.A ConceptualB Development.C ImplementationD ExecutionE Close-out
Many of the activities performed during the preliminary investigation are still being conducted in(71) , but in much greater depth than before. During this phase, the analyst must become fully aware of the(72) and must develop enough knowledge about the(73) and the existing systems to enable an effective solution to be proposed and implemented. Besides the(74) for process and data of current system, the deliverable from this phase also includes the(75) for the proposed system.A.analysis phaseB.design phaseC.implementation phaseD.maintenance phase
UML-based tools are often used for J2EE/.NET application analysis and design,both because UML's object orientation is ideal for the J2EE/.NET implementation(66) and because of the expanding scope and complexity of today's enterprise endeavors.(67) the approaches diverge at the coding/implementation phase,a common Set of analysis and design techniques applies to both J2EEand.NET.The use of a virtual machine (VM) architecture is also common to J2EE and .NET. Application development tools(68) intermediate-level code instead of platform-specific binary code, which means the VM interprets that code in real time or performs Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation; the Microsoft VM always runs JIT-compiled code. This VM-based model results in(69)-independent applications and is conducive to the late-binding technique that's(70) to the OO approach.A.blockB.modelC.moduleD.group
The analysis phase answers the questions of who will use the system, what the system will do, and where and when it will be used. During this phase, the project team investigates ny current system,identifies (71) , and develops a concept for the new system. This phase as three steps: first, (72) is developed to guide the project teams efforts. It usually ncludes an analysis of the current system and its problems, and the ways to design a new ystem. The next step is (73) The analysis ofthis information - in conjunction withinput rom the project sponsor and many other people - leads to the development of a concept for a ew system. The system concept is then used as a basis to develop a set ofbusiness analysis odels that describes how the business will operate if the new system were developed. The set of models typically includes models that represent the (74) necessary to support the nderlying business process. Last, the analyses, system concepts, and models are combined nto a document called the (75), which is presented to the project sponsor and other key ecision makers that decide whether the project should continue to move forwardA.improvementopportunitiesB.logicalmodelC.systemrequirementsD.systemarchitecture@@@SXB@@@A.a user manualB.an analysis strategyC. an analysis use caseD.a design user case@@@SXB@@@A.project scope definitionB.prob,lems analysisC.decisionanalysisD.requirementsgathering@@@SXB@@@A.dataandprocessesB.systeminfrastructuresC.externalagentsD.systemsoftware@@@SXB@@@A.requirementsstatementB.designspecificationC.systemproposalD.project charter
●The traditional model for systems development was that an IT department used (71)which is a process-centered technique, and consulted users only when their input or approval was needed. Compared with traditional methods, many companies find that JAD allows key users to participate effectivelyin the (72). When properly used, JAD can result in a more accurate statement of system requirements, a better understanding of common goals and a stronger commitment to the success of the new system. RAD is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functiog.information system. Whilethe end productof jAD is a(an)(73),theendproduct of RAD is the (74) .The RAD model consists offour phases. During the(75),users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.(71) A. structured analysisB. object-oriented analysisC. prototype analysisD. process analysis(72) A. initial scope definitionB. requirements modeling processC. object modeling processD. architecture design process(73) A. data flow diagramB. entity relationstip modelC. requirements modelD. object model(74) A. system proposalB. system design modelC. new system architectureD. new information system(75) A. requirements planning phaseB. user design phaseC. construction phaseD. cutover phase
The stages within the development phase of the software life cycle are ( 71 ).A.design, analysis, implementation, and testingB.analysis, design, implementation, and testingC.analysis, design, testing, and implementationD.design, analysis, testing, and implementation
The purpose of systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new system. The first step is( ), where you investigate business processes and document what the new system must do to satisfy users. This step continues the investigation that began during the( ). You use the fact-finding results to build business models, data and process models, and object models. The deliverable for the systems analysis phase is the( ), which describes management and user requirements, costs and benefits, and outlines alternative development strategies. The purpose of the systems design phase is to create a physical model that will satisfy all documented requirements for the system. During the systems design phase, you need to determine the( ), which programmers will use to transform the logical design into program modules and code. The deliverable for this phase is the( ), which is presented to management and users for review and approval.A.System logical modelingB.use case modelingC.requirements modelingD.application modeling A.systems planning phaseB.systems modeling phaseC.systems analysis phaseD.systems design phase A.system charterB.system scope definitionC.system blueprintD.system requirement document A.application architectureB.system data modelC.system process modelD.implement environment A.system architecture descriptionB.system design specificationC.system technique architectureD.physical deployment architecture
Accelerated analysis approaches emphasize the construction of (71) to more rapidly identify business and user requirements for a new system. As an accelerated analysis technology,(72) reads the program code and automatically generates the equivalent system model, and the code can be obtained from (73) All system analysis approaches require some form. of (74) which includes those techniques to be used to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from user community.(75) is a classical set of techniques used to collect information about system problems, opportunities, solution requirements, and priorities.A.object modelsB.prototypesC.use casesD.components
试题(71)~(75)The analysis phase answers the questions of who will use the system, what the system will do, and where and when it will be used. During this phase, the project team investigates ny current system,identifies (71) , and develops a concept for the new system. This phase as three steps: first, (72) is developed to guide the project team's efforts. It usually ncludes an analysis of the current system and its problems, and the ways to design a new ystem. The next step is (73) The analysis ofthis information - in conjunction withinput rom the project sponsor and many other people - leads to the development of a concept for a ew system. The system concept is then used as a basis to develop a set ofbusiness analysis odels that describes how the business will operate if the new system were developed. The set of models typically includes models that represent the (74) necessary to support the nderlying business process. Last, the analyses, system concepts, and models are combined nto a document called the (75), which is presented to the project sponsor and other key ecision makers that decide whether the project should continue to move forward.(71) A. improvementopportunitiesB. logicalmodelC. systemrequirementsD. systemarchitecture(72) A. a user manualB. an analysis strategyC. an analysis use caseD. a design user case(73) A. project scope definitionB. prob,lems analysisC. decisionanalysisD. requirementsgathering(74) A. dataandprocessesB. systeminfrastructuresC. externalagentsD. systemsoftware(75) A. requirementsstatementB. designspecificationC. systemproposalD. project charter
During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) () is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) (请作答此空 ) is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The () combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) () attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.A.Object-oriente development面向对象开发B.Model-driven development模型驱动开发C.RapiD.application development快速应用开发D.Commercial Application package商业套件
Many of the activities performed during the preliminary investigation are still being conducted in ____, but in much greater depth than before.A.analysis phase B.design phase C.implementation phase D.maintenance phase
The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new system.The first step is(71),where you investigate business processes and document what the new system must do to satisfy users. This step continues the investigation that began during the(72). You use the fact-finding results to build business models,data and process models,and object models. The deliverable for the systems analysis phase is the(73),which describes management and user requirements,costs and benefits,and outlines alternative development strategies.The purpose of the systems design phase is to create a physical model that will satisfy all documented requirements for the system. During the systems design phase,you need to determine the(74),which programmers will use to transform the logical design into program modules and code. The deliverable for this phase is the(75),which is presented to management and users for review and approval.A.system charterB.system scope definitionC.system blueprintD.system requirements document
The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new system.The first step is(71),where you investigate business processes and document what the new system must do to satisfy users. This step continues the investigation that began during the(72). You use the fact-finding results to build business models,data and process models,and object models. The deliverable for the systems analysis phase is the(73),which describes management and user requirements,costs and benefits,and outlines alternative development strategies.The purpose of the systems design phase is to create a physical model that will satisfy all documented requirements for the system. During the systems design phase,you need to determine the(74),which programmers will use to transform the logical design into program modules and code. The deliverable for this phase is the(75),which is presented to management and users for review and approval.A.systems planning phaseB.systems modeling phaseC.systems analysis phaseD.systems design phase
The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new system.The first step is(71),where you investigate business processes and document what the new system must do to satisfy users. This step continues the investigation that began during the(72). You use the fact-finding results to build business models,data and process models,and object models. The deliverable for the systems analysis phase is the(73),which describes management and user requirements,costs and benefits,and outlines alternative development strategies.The purpose of the systems design phase is to create a physical model that will satisfy all documented requirements for the system. During the systems design phase,you need to determine the(74),which programmers will use to transform the logical design into program modules and code. The deliverable for this phase is the(75),which is presented to management and users for review and approval.A.system architecture descriptionB.system design specificationC.system technique architectureD.physical deployment architecture
During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) () is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) () is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The () combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) (请作答此空 ) attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.A.Agile methods敏捷方法B.The FAST framework快速框架C.Reverse Engineering逆向工程D.Reengineering重构
During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) () is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) () is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The (请作答此空) combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) () attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.A.requirements planning phase需求计划阶段B.business process modeling业务流程建模C.business process improvement业务流程优化D.scope definition phase范围定义阶段
During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) () is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) () is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The () combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (请作答此空), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) () attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.A.physical architecure design物理架构设计B.object design对象设计C.prototypes design原型设计D.user design phase用户设计阶段
Many of the activities performed during the preliminary investigation are still being conducted in ( ), but in much greater depth than before. A.analysis phase B.design phase C.implementation phase D.maintenance phase
Accelerated analysis approaches emphasize the construction of( )to more rapidly identify business and user requirements for a new system. As an accelerated analysis technology,(请作答此空)reads the program code and automatically generates the equivalent system model, and the code can be obtained from ( ). All system analysis approaches require some form of( )which includes those techniques to be used to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from user community. ( )is a classical set of techniques used to collect information about system problems, opportunities, solution requirements, and priorities. A. eXtreme programmingB. model drivenC. reverse engineeringD. agile Method
Accelerated analysis approaches emphasize the construction of( )to more rapidly identify business and user requirements for a new system. As an accelerated analysis technology,( )reads the program code and automatically generates the equivalent system model, and the code can be obtained from (请作答此空). All system analysis approaches require some form of( )which includes those techniques to be used to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from user community. ( )is a classical set of techniques used to collect information about system problems, opportunities, solution requirements, and priorities. A. existing database and application programB. application program and user interfaceC. existing database and user interfaceD. existing database,application program and user interface
Many of the activities performed during the preliminary investigation are still being conducted in(1),but in much greater depth than before. During this phase, the analyst must become fully aware of the (2) and must develop enough knowledge about the (3)and the existing systems to enable an effective solution to be proposed and implemented. Besides the(4)for process and data of current system, the deliverable from this phase also includes the(5)for the proposed system.空白(1)处填()A、analysis phaseB、designphaseC、implementationphaseD、maintenancephase
As a Cisco Network Engineer, you have to master the knowledge of the Cisco validated Design (CVD) program. Which three of the following descriptions are appropriate about the CVD program?() (Choose three.)A、It incorporates a narrow range of technologies and products.B、It facilitates faster and more reliable customer deployments.C、It extends the value of designs through a sustained development plan.D、It incorporates products and technologies into enterprise, service provider, and commercial systems.
多选题As a Cisco Network Engineer, you have to master the knowledge of the Cisco validated Design (CVD) program. Which three of the following descriptions are appropriate about the CVD program?() (Choose three.)AIt incorporates a narrow range of technologies and products.BIt facilitates faster and more reliable customer deployments.CIt extends the value of designs through a sustained development plan.DIt incorporates products and technologies into enterprise, service provider, and commercial systems.