If we leave now,we should miss the the traffic.A:avoidB:mixC:stopD:direct

If we leave now,we should miss the the traffic.



解析:这句话的意思是:如果现在出发,我们应该可以避开来往的车辆和行人。句中“miss”意 为“避开”。四个选项中A项意为“躲避,逃开”;B项意为“混合”;C项意为“停止”;D项意为 “指引,指导”。因此只有A项最为合适。


This place is so crowded What shall we do about it?A.I suggest we should evacuate the theatre as quickly as possible to avoid a trampleB.I advise you not to enter the theatre in order to avoid a trampleC.I’d like to give a tip that you may leave here quickly to avoid a trampleD.I made a suggestion that we cancel the performance immediately to avoid a trample

Since she is angry, we (). A.had better leaving her aloneB.should leave her aloneC.might as well leave her aloneD.had rather leave her alone

We had () good time that we hated to leave the party. A.such aB.suchC.soD.pretty

We()achequeforRMB 200. A.encloseB.putC.putinD.leave

- Must we clean the room before we leave?- No , you_____ A.mustn'tB.can'tC.needn't

________ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. A.From nowB.Since thatC.Now thatD.By now

We’ll leave the harbor right now. ________ for unmooringA.Stand-byB.get readyC.PrepairingD.stand still

As for food, experts suggest that______.A. we should eat lessB. we should never eat meatC. we should have meals with less salt and sugarD. we should have meals without salt or sugar

We can learn from the fourth paragraph that[A] a substantial cut in annual revenue is called for.[ B] defense and social welfare programs should undergo cuts.[ C] we should leave intact programs for bettering people's living.[D] we should exercise less control over monetary policy.

Must we clearn the room before we leave?No, you _______ A.mustn'tB.can'tC.needn't

- We’ll have the sales meeting at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, won’t we -() A、Yes. After the meeting, we’ll leave for Shanghai.B、It’s said the meeting is important.C、No. After the meeting, we’ll leave for Shanghai.

We()it very much that you've come to give us a timely ride. Otherwise we would miss the train.A. appreciateB. expectC. promise

It is time we ___. A.leftB.leaveC.should leaveD.ought to leave

If we had a sample in hand, we () to negotiate business with our end-users now.A、would be ableB、should haveC、had been ableD、should have been able

We would suggest that we ()aside the problem of agency until circumstances necessitate doing so.A、should have leftB、leftC、will leaveD、leave

Neither ______ entirely on the agent when we buy insurance.A: we should dependB: should we dependC: we dependD: depend we

Third Mate, we’ll enter the harbour, you should ring “________”now.A.Stand byB.Ring off engineC.Finished with engineD.Finish it

I think we should let Mary to go camping with her boyfriend. ______ she is a big girl now.A、Above allB、First of allC、For allD、After all

Decide on the correct stress pattern of the answer to the question: When shall we go to school?A.I think we should leave at seven o'clock.B.I think we should leave at seven o'clock.C.I think we should leave at seven o'clock.D.I think we should leave at seven o'clock.

If we leave now,we should miss the traffic.A:directB:mixC:stopD:avoid

__we have finished the text,we shall start doing more revision exercises.A.For nowB.Since thatC.Now thatD.By now

______ we have finished the course,we shall take a new one.A.Ever sinceB.Now thatC.As soon asD.By now

舷梯有点儿高,我们应该降低舷梯。()A、The gangway is a little higher,we should lower it.B、The gangway is a little higher, we should low it.C、The pilot ladder is a little higher,we should lower it.D、The pilot ladder is a little higher, we should low it.

在船上应当日落时降下国旗.()A、We should lower national flag when the sun sets.B、We should lower national flag when the ship is in port.C、We should lower national flag when loading and unloading.D、We should lower national flag when the sun rises.

单选题—Can we please get a new air conditioner for our bedroom?  — ______  —Can’t you see that it’s not working right?ADo you have to repair it?BIt is not very hot in this season.CI also think we should buy a new one.DWhat’s wrong with the one we have now?

单选题Nora: You're late. Now we'll miss the movie.  Alex: ______ I was stuck in traffic.AWhy are you so impatient?BOh, you should go to the movie by yourself.CThere's nothing serious, I think.DI'm sorry, honey. I apologize.

单选题Third Mate, we’ll enter the harbour, you should ring “()”now.AStand byBRing off engineCFinished with engineDFinish it

单选题The first question we now discuss is _____ we should go there so early tomorrow.AwhetherBwhereCwhatDwhom