The city center was wiped out by the bomb.A:coveredB:reducedC:destroyedD:moved

The city center was wiped out by the bomb.



解析:本句意思:市中心被炸弹彻底摧毁了。单词destroy意思为“摧毁,毁坏”,和wipe out(彻 底摧毁)意思接近。单词cover意思为“覆盖,遮掩”; reduce意思为“减少,下降”; move意思为 “移动”。


Many members of the council () the building of the luxury houses in the center of the city. A、arguedB、opposedC、discouragedD、quarreled

A: How much is the rent of the flat? B:(). A、The hotel room is expensiveB、It is 450 pounds a monthC、It is near the center of the city

Zhongshan Road has been moved out of the city, and sports 82. _________

—I wish I could. But I’m on my way out. I have to be in the city in an hour.—63

Sometimes we feel the need ____ out of the city and take things easy. A、to getB、to be gotC、gettingD、being got

It takes forty minutes to get from the airport to the city center by taxi.

The police do not allow him to go out of the city without ____.A.permitB.permissionC.admitD.admission

The whole army has been(). A、wiped upB、wiped offC、wiped ofD、wiped out

这个c++程序中char city[20]; 的作用是什么 ? #includefstream#includeiostreamusingnamespacestd;intmain(){fstreaminout;"city.txt",ios::out);inout"Dallas""""tonghua""""长春""";inout.close();"city.txt",ios::app|ios::out);inout"罗马""""巴黎""";inout.close();charcity[20];"city.txt",ios::in);while(!inout.eof()){inoutcity;coutcity"";}inout.close();system("PAUSE");return0;}

The city centre was wiped out by the bomb.A: coveredB: destroyedC: reducedD: moved

The city center was wiped out by the bomb.A:destroyedB:coveredC:reducedD:moved

The city has decided to do away with all the old buildings in its center.A:get rid of B:setup C:repair D:paint

The city has decided to do away with all the old buildings in its center.A:get rid of B:setup C:repair D:paint

In the early 19th century,New York City was()Athe capital of the United StatesBthe center of Harlem RenaissanceCthe center of knickerbockersDNone of the above

Today,the City of London is the business center of London where()are located.Abig supermarketsBtheatres and cinemasClarge financial organizationsDrestaurants and cafes

The rubbish should be collected on the poop deck and ()(处理) 25 miles off the shore.A、made up ofB、disposed ofC、worked outD、wiped out

填空题In 1901, Dawson City carried out its first census.____

单选题Today,the City of London is the business center of London where()are located.Abig supermarketsBtheatres and cinemasClarge financial organizationsDrestaurants and cafes

单选题Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?ATo build a structure like the City Hall will cost $2.5 million today.BThe clock tower stands parallel with the center of the City Hall.COld City Hall was once pulled down in the development of the city.DOld City Hall is now a historical site.

单选题According to the passage, what problem does Sao Paulo have?AA lot of people don’t have jobs.BToo many people live in the city centre.CA lot of people are moving out of the city.DToo many people travel into the city every day.

单选题In the early 19th century,New York City was()Athe capital of the United StatesBthe center of Harlem RenaissanceCthe center of knickerbockersDNone of the above

单选题To LetLovely one—bedroom fiat in a popular suburb of city.Supermarket, library and subway all in walking distance.Instant occupation.Which sentence describes the flat?Ayou can move in right now.BIt is in a city center.CThere is no underground near the fiat.

单选题Laying out a line in successive circles flat on deck with the bitter end in the center is known as().AcoilingBfakingCflemishingDlining

单选题Why does the woman compare human memory to a hard disc drive? ABecause both can be wiped out by accidents.BBecause both can be trained to work better.CBecause both can be expanded.

单选题The city is an important railroad _____ and industrial and convention center.AconjunctionBnetworkCjunctionDlink

单选题“The city grew outward instead of upward” (Para. 2) means _____.Athe city became more spread out instead of growing tallerBthere were fewer small houses than tall buildingsCrapid development took place in the city centerDmany tall buildings could be found in the city

单选题The city council opted _____ a bypass to carry heavy traffic away from the town center.AoutBforCinDto

单选题A disease known as chestnut blight wiped out large numbers of American chestnut trees.AalteredBpenetratedCdevaluedDdestroyed